# Stigg::Client This library provides a Ruby wrapper to [Stigg's GraphQL API](https://docs.stigg.io/docs/graphql-api) based on the operations the [Stigg's Node.js SDK](https://docs.stigg.io/docs/nodejs-sdk) is using under the hood. It leverages the [graphlient](https://github.com/ashkan18/graphlient) library, and utilizes the `Graphlient::Client` class to send the API requests. ## Documentation See https://docs.stigg.io/docs/ruby-sdk ## Installation Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing: $ bundle add stigg-api-client If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing: $ gem install stigg-api-client ## Usage Initialize the client: ```ruby require("stigg") api_key = ENV["STIGG_SERVER_API_KEY"] client = Stigg.create_client(api_key) ``` Provision a customer ```ruby require("stigg") api_key = ENV["STIGG_SERVER_API_KEY"] client = Stigg.create_client(api_key) resp = client.request(Stigg::Mutation::ProvisionCustomer, { "input": { "refId": "customer-id", "name": "Acme", "email": "hello@acme.com", "couponRefId": "coupon-id", "billingInformation": { "language": "en", "timezone": "America/New_York", "billingAddress": { "country": "US", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Street", "addressLine2": "Apt. 1", "phoneNumber": "+1 212-499-5321", "postalCode": "10164" }, "shippingAddress": { "country": "US", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "addressLine1": "123 Main Street", "addressLine2": "Apt. 1", "phoneNumber": "+1 212-499-5321", "postalCode": "10164" } }, "additionalMetaData": { "key": "value" }, "subscriptionParams": { "planId": "plan-revvenu-basic" } } }) p resp.data.provision_customer.customer.name ``` Get a customer by ID ```ruby require("stigg") api_key = ENV["STIGG_SERVER_API_KEY"] client = Stigg.create_client(api_key) resp = client.request(Stigg::Query::GetCustomerById, { 'customerId': 'customer-id' }) customer_edge = resp.data.customers.edges[0] if customer_edge customer = customer_edge.node p customer.name else p 'Customer not found' end ```