{: versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-1eebf90c2597ee654c20922c0fe3886286a13c08;F: contents"wo:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"/* Horizontal list layout module. * * Easy mode using simple descendant li selectors: * * ul.nav * +horizontal-list * * Advanced mode: * If you need to target the list items using a different selector then use * +horizontal-list-container on your ul/ol and +horizontal-list-item on your li. * This may help when working on layouts involving nested lists. For example: * * ul.nav * +horizontal-list-container * > li * +horizontal-list-item */:ET: @type: silent;[: @linei: @options{o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI" bullets; T;[:@template0; i; @ :@imported_file0o; ;I"'compass/utilities/general/clearfix; T;[;0; i; @ ;0o; ;I"$compass/utilities/general/reset; T;[;0; i; @ ;0o; ;I"$compass/utilities/general/float; T;[;0; i; @ ;0o; ;[I"/* Can be mixed into any selector that target a ul or ol that is meant * to have a horizontal layout. Used to implement +horizontal-list. */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode : @nameI"horizontal-list-container; T: @args[: @splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I"reset-box-model; T;[:@keywords{;0;[; i; @ o; ;I" clearfix; T;[;{;0;[; i ; @ ; i:@has_childrenT; @ o; ;[I"/* Can be mixed into any li selector that is meant to participate in a horizontal layout. * Used to implement +horizontal-list. * * :last-child is not fully supported * see http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t29 for the support matrix * * IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child * see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details * * Setting `$padding` to `false` disables the padding between list elements */; T; ; ;[; i"; @ o; ;I"horizontal-list-item; T;[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" padding; T:@underscored_nameI" padding; T; @ o:Sass::Script::Number ;i :@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i,:@originalI"4px; F; @ [o;;I"direction; T;I"direction; T; @ o:Sass::Script::String ;I" left; T; :identifier; i,; @ ;0;[ o; ;I"no-bullet; T;[;{;0;[; i-; @ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I"white-space; T;o;;I" nowrap; T; ; ; @ : @tabsi:@prop_syntax:new;[; i.; @ o; ;I" float; T;[o; ;I"direction; T;I"direction; T; i/; @ ;{;0;[; i/; @ u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI" padding:ET:@underscored_nameI" padding;T: @linei0: @options{0[ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I" padding;T: @valueo:Sass::Script::String; I";T: @type:identifier; @ : @tabsi:@prop_syntax:new:@children[o; ;[I" left;T; o; ;I" padding;T;I" padding;T; i2; @ ;i;;;[; i2; @ o; ;[I" right;T; o; ;I" padding;T;I" padding;T; i3; @ ;i;;;[; i3; @ ; i1; @ :@has_childrenTo:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I"&:first-child, &.first;T;i:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Parent; i5:@filenameI";To:Sass::Selector::Pseudo :@syntactic_type: class;[I"first-child;T: @arg0; i5;@): @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; i5;@)o;;[o; ;[o;; i5;@)o:Sass::Selector::Class;[I" first;T; i5;@);"0;#o;$;%{; i5;@); i5;@);[o; ;[I" padding-;To; ;I"direction;T;I"direction;T; i5; @ ; o; ; I"0;T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i5; @ ; i5;T; @ o; ;[I"&:last-child;T;i;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;; i6;I";To; ;; ;[I"last-child;T;!0; i6;@M;"0;#o;$;%{; i6;@M; i6;@M;[o; ;[I" padding-;To:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"opposite-position;T: @args[o; ;I"direction;T;I"direction;T; i6; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; i6; @ ; o; ; I"0;T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i6; @ ; i6;T; @ o; ;[I" &.last;T;i;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;; i7;I";To;&;[I" last;T; i7;@k;"0;#o;$;%{; i7;@k; i7;@k;[o; ;[I" padding-;To;' ;I"opposite-position;T;([o; ;I"direction;T;I"direction;T; i7; @ ;){;*0; i7; @ ; o; ; I"0;T;;; @ ;i;;;[; i7; @ ; i7;T; @ ; i,;T; @ o; ;[I"/* A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are floated left and won't wrap. * This is not an inline list. * * Setting `$padding` to `false` disables the padding between list elements */; T; ; ;[; i;; @ o; ;I"horizontal-list; T;[[o;;I" padding; T;I" padding; T; @ o; ;i ;[I"px; T;[; i?;I"4px; F; @ [o;;I"direction; T;I"direction; T; @ o; ;I" left; T; ; ; i?; @ ;0;[o; ;I"horizontal-list-container; T;[;{;0;[; i@; @ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I"li; T;"i:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;*[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;*[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;[I"li; T:@namespace0; iA:@filenameI"; T: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; iA;/@}; iA;/@};[o; ;I"horizontal-list-item; T;[o; ;I" padding; T;I" padding; T; iB; @ o; ;I"direction; T;I"direction; T; iB; @ ;{;0;[; iB; @ ; iA;T; @ ; i?;T; @ ;I"C// Horizontal list layout module. // // Easy mode using simple descendant li selectors: // // ul.nav // +horizontal-list // // Advanced mode: // If you need to target the list items using a different selector then use // +horizontal-list-container on your ul/ol and +horizontal-list-item on your li. // This may help when working on layouts involving nested lists. For example: // // ul.nav // +horizontal-list-container // > li // +horizontal-list-item @import "bullets"; @import "compass/utilities/general/clearfix"; @import "compass/utilities/general/reset"; @import "compass/utilities/general/float"; // Can be mixed into any selector that target a ul or ol that is meant // to have a horizontal layout. Used to implement +horizontal-list. @mixin horizontal-list-container { @include reset-box-model; @include clearfix; } // Can be mixed into any li selector that is meant to participate in a horizontal layout. // Used to implement +horizontal-list. // // :last-child is not fully supported // see http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t29 for the support matrix // // IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child // see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details // // Setting `$padding` to `false` disables the padding between list elements @mixin horizontal-list-item($padding: 4px, $direction: left) { @include no-bullet; white-space: nowrap; @include float($direction); @if $padding { padding: { left: $padding; right: $padding; } &:first-child, &.first { padding-#{$direction}: 0; } &:last-child { padding-#{opposite-position($direction)}: 0; } &.last { padding-#{opposite-position($direction)}: 0; } } } // A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are floated left and won't wrap. // This is not an inline list. // // Setting `$padding` to `false` disables the padding between list elements @mixin horizontal-list($padding: 4px, $direction: left) { @include horizontal-list-container; li { @include horizontal-list-item($padding, $direction); } } ; T; i;T; @