require 'helper' module SSHKit module Backend class ToSIoFormatter < StringIO extend Forwardable attr_reader :original_output def_delegators :@original_output, :read, :rewind def initialize(oio) @original_output = oio end def write(obj) original_output.write "> Executing #{obj}\n" end end class TestPrinter < UnitTest def block_to_run lambda do |host| within '/opt/sites/' do execute 'date' execute :ls, '-l', '/some/directory' with rails_env: :production do within :tmp do as :root do execute :touch, 'restart.txt' end end end end end end def printer''), &block_to_run) end def test_simple_printing sio = SSHKit.capture_output(sio) do end sio.rewind result = assert_equal <<-EOEXPECTED.unindent, result > Executing if test ! -d /opt/sites/; then echo "Directory does not exist '/opt/sites/'" 1>&2; false; fi > Executing cd /opt/sites/ && /usr/bin/env date > Executing cd /opt/sites/ && /usr/bin/env ls -l /some/directory > Executing if test ! -d /opt/sites/; then echo "Directory does not exist '/opt/sites/'" 1>&2; false; fi > Executing if ! sudo su root -c whoami > /dev/null; then echo "You cannot switch to user 'root' using sudo, please check the sudoers file" 1>&2; false; fi > Executing cd /opt/sites/ && ( RAILS_ENV=production sudo su root -c /usr/bin/env touch restart.txt ) EOEXPECTED end end end end