require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe Sequel::Model, "PgTypecastOnLoad plugin" do before do @db = Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres', :fetch=>{:id=>1, :b=>"t", :y=>"0"}, :columns=>[:id, :b, :y], :numrows=>1) def @db.schema(*args) [[:id, {}], [:b, {:type=>:boolean, :oid=>16}], [:y, {:type=>:integer, :oid=>20}]] end @c =[:items])) @c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :b, :y end specify "should call the database conversion proc for all given columns" do @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>0} end specify "should call the database conversion proc with value when reloading the object, for all given columns" do @c.first.refresh.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>0} end specify "should not fail if schema oid does not have a related conversion proc" do @c.db_schema[:b][:oid] = 0 @c.first.refresh.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>"t", :y=>0} end specify "should call the database conversion proc with value when automatically reloading the object on creation via insert_select" do @c.dataset.meta_def(:insert_select){|h| insert(h); first} @c.create.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>0} end specify "should allowing setting columns separately via add_pg_typecast_on_load_columns" do @c =[:items])) @c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>"t", :y=>"0"} @c.add_pg_typecast_on_load_columns :b @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>"0"} @c.add_pg_typecast_on_load_columns :y @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>0} end specify "should work with subclasses" do @c =[:items])) @c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>"t", :y=>"0"} c1 = @c.add_pg_typecast_on_load_columns :b @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>"0"} c1.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>"t", :y=>"0"} c2 = @c.add_pg_typecast_on_load_columns :y @c.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>0} c2.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>true, :y=>"0"} c1.add_pg_typecast_on_load_columns :y c1.first.values.should == {:id=>1, :b=>"t", :y=>0} end specify "should not mark the object as modified" do @c.first.modified?.should == false end end