require 'puppet/face' require 'puppet/application/face_base' require 'puppet/util/constant_inflector' require 'pathname' require 'erb' Puppet::Face.define(:help, '0.0.1') do copyright "Puppet Inc.", 2011 license _("Apache 2 license; see COPYING") summary _("Display Puppet help.") action(:help) do summary _("Display help about Puppet subcommands and their actions.") arguments _("[] []") returns _("Short help text for the specified subcommand or action.") examples _(<<-'EOT') Get help for an action: $ puppet help EOT option "--version " + _("VERSION") do summary _("The version of the subcommand for which to show help.") end default when_invoked do |*args| options = args.pop if default_case?(args) || help_for_help?(args) return erb('global.erb').result(binding) end if args.length > 2 #TRANSLATORS 'puppet help' is a command line and should not be translated raise ArgumentError, _("The 'puppet help' command takes two (optional) arguments: a subcommand and an action") end version = :current if options.has_key? :version if options[:version].to_s !~ /^current$/i version = options[:version] else if args.length == 0 #TRANSLATORS '--version' is a command line option and should not be translated raise ArgumentError, _("Supplying a '--version' only makes sense when a Faces subcommand is given") end end end facename, actionname = args if legacy_applications.include? facename if actionname raise ArgumentError, _("The legacy subcommand '%{sub_command}' does not support supplying an action") % { sub_command: facename } end return render_application_help(facename) else return render_face_help(facename, actionname, version) end end end def default_case?(args) args.empty? end def help_for_help?(args) args.length == 1 && args.first == 'help' end def render_application_help(applicationname) return Puppet::Application[applicationname].help rescue StandardError, LoadError => detail message = [] message << _('Could not load help for the application %{application_name}.') % { application_name: applicationname } message << _('Please check the error logs for more information.') message << '' message << _('Detail: "%{detail}"') % { detail: detail.message } fail ArgumentError, message.join("\n"), detail.backtrace end def render_face_help(facename, actionname, version) face, action = load_face_help(facename, actionname, version) return template_for(face, action).result(binding) rescue StandardError, LoadError => detail message = [] message << _('Could not load help for the face %{face_name}.') % { face_name: facename } message << _('Please check the error logs for more information.') message << '' message << _('Detail: "%{detail}"') % { detail: detail.message } fail ArgumentError, message.join("\n"), detail.backtrace end def load_face_help(facename, actionname, version) face = Puppet::Face[facename.to_sym, version] if actionname action = face.get_action(actionname.to_sym) if ! action fail ArgumentError, _("Unable to load action %{actionname} from %{face}") % { actionname: actionname, face: face } end end [face, action] end def template_for(face, action) if action.nil? erb('face.erb') else erb('action.erb') end end def erb(name) template = (Pathname(__FILE__).dirname + "help" + name) erb =, nil, '-') erb.filename = template.to_s return erb end # Return a list of applications that are not simply just stubs for Faces. def legacy_applications Puppet::Application.available_application_names.reject do |appname| (is_face_app?(appname)) or (exclude_from_docs?(appname)) end.sort end # Return a list of all applications (both legacy and Face applications), along with a summary # of their functionality. # @return [Array] An Array of Arrays. The outer array contains one entry per application; each # element in the outer array is a pair whose first element is a String containing the application # name, and whose second element is a String containing the summary for that application. def all_application_summaries() available_application_names_special_sort().inject([]) do |result, appname| next result if exclude_from_docs?(appname) if (appname == COMMON || appname == SPECIALIZED || appname == BLANK) result << appname elsif (is_face_app?(appname)) begin face = Puppet::Face[appname, :current] # Add deprecation message to summary if the face is deprecated summary = face.deprecated? ? face.summary + ' ' + _("(Deprecated)") : face.summary result << [appname, summary, ' '] rescue StandardError, LoadError error_message = _("!%{sub_command}! Subcommand unavailable due to error.") % { sub_command: appname } error_message += ' ' + _("Check error logs.") result << [ error_message, '', ' ' ] end else begin summary = Puppet::Application[appname].summary if summary.empty? summary = horribly_extract_summary_from(appname) end result << [appname, summary, ' '] rescue StandardError, LoadError error_message = _("!%{sub_command}! Subcommand unavailable due to error.") % { sub_command: appname } error_message += ' ' + _("Check error logs.") result << [ error_message, '', ' ' ] end end end end COMMON = 'Common:'.freeze SPECIALIZED = 'Specialized:'.freeze BLANK = "\n".freeze def available_application_names_special_sort() full_list = Puppet::Application.available_application_names a_list = full_list & %w{apply agent config help lookup module resource} a_list = a_list.sort also_ran = full_list - a_list also_ran = also_ran.sort [[COMMON], a_list, [BLANK], [SPECIALIZED], also_ran].flatten(1) end def horribly_extract_summary_from(appname) help = Puppet::Application[appname].help.split("\n") # Now we find the line with our summary, extract it, and return it. This # depends on the implementation coincidence of how our pages are # formatted. If we can't match the pattern we expect we return the empty # string to ensure we don't blow up in the summary. --daniel 2011-04-11 while line = help.shift do #rubocop:disable Lint/AssignmentInCondition md = /^puppet-#{appname}\([^\)]+\) -- (.*)$/.match(line) if md return md[1] end end return '' end # This should absolutely be a private method, but for some reason it appears # that you can't use the 'private' keyword inside of a Face definition. # See #14205. #private :horribly_extract_summary_from def exclude_from_docs?(appname) %w{face_base indirection_base cert key man report status}.include? appname end # This should absolutely be a private method, but for some reason it appears # that you can't use the 'private' keyword inside of a Face definition. # See #14205. #private :exclude_from_docs? def is_face_app?(appname) clazz = Puppet::Application.find(appname) clazz.ancestors.include?(Puppet::Application::FaceBase) end # This should probably be a private method, but for some reason it appears # that you can't use the 'private' keyword inside of a Face definition. # See #14205. #private :is_face_app? end