# Feedzirra [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis] [![Code Climate][code-climate-badge]][code-climate] [travis-badge]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/pauldix/feedzirra.png [travis]: http://travis-ci.org/pauldix/feedzirra [code-climate-badge]: https://codeclimate.com/github/pauldix/feedzirra.png [code-climate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/pauldix/feedzirra I'd like feedback on the api and any bugs encountered on feeds in the wild. I've set up a [google group][]. [google group]: http://groups.google.com/group/feedzirra ## Description Feedzirra is a feed library that is designed to get and update many feeds as quickly as possible. This includes using libcurl-multi through the [curb][] gem for faster http gets, and libxml through [nokogiri][] and [sax-machine][] for faster parsing. Feedzirra requires at least Ruby 1.9.2. [curb]: https://github.com/taf2/curb [nokogiri]: https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri [sax-machine]: https://github.com/pauldix/sax-machine Once you have fetched feeds using Feedzirra, they can be updated using the feed objects. Feedzirra automatically inserts etag and last-modified information from the http response headers to lower bandwidth usage, eliminate unnecessary parsing, and make things speedier in general. Another feature present in Feedzirra is the ability to create callback functions that get called "on success" and "on failure" when getting a feed. This makes it easy to do things like log errors or update data stores. The fetching and parsing logic have been decoupled so that either of them can be used in isolation if you'd prefer not to use everything that Feedzirra offers. However, the code examples below use helper methods in the Feed class that put everything together to make things as simple as possible. The final feature of Feedzirra is the ability to define custom parsing classes. In truth, Feedzirra could be used to parse much more than feeds. Microformats, page scraping, and almost anything else are fair game. ## Speedup date parsing In MRI before 1.9.3 the date parsing code was written in Ruby and was optimized for readability over speed, to speed up this part you can install the [home_run][] gem to replace it with an optimized C version. In most cases, if you are using Ruby 1.9.3+, you will not need to use home\_run. [home_run]: https://github.com/jeremyevans/home_run ## Usage [A gist of the following code](http://gist.github.com/57285) ```ruby require 'feedzirra' # fetching a single feed feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing") # feed and entries accessors feed.title # => "Paul Dix Explains Nothing" feed.url # => "http://www.pauldix.net" feed.feed_url # => "http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing" feed.etag # => "GunxqnEP4NeYhrqq9TyVKTuDnh0" feed.last_modified # => Sat Jan 31 17:58:16 -0500 2009 # it's a Time object entry = feed.entries.first entry.title # => "Ruby Http Client Library Performance" entry.url # => "http://www.pauldix.net/2009/01/ruby-http-client-library-performance.html" entry.author # => "Paul Dix" entry.summary # => "..." entry.content # => "..." entry.published # => Thu Jan 29 17:00:19 UTC 2009 # it's a Time object entry.categories # => ["...", "..."] # sanitizing an entry's content entry.title.sanitize # => returns the title with harmful stuff escaped entry.author.sanitize # => returns the author with harmful stuff escaped entry.content.sanitize # => returns the content with harmful stuff escaped entry.content.sanitize! # => returns content with harmful stuff escaped and replaces original (also exists for author and title) entry.sanitize! # => sanitizes the entry's title, author, and content in place (as in, it changes the value to clean versions) feed.sanitize_entries! # => sanitizes all entries in place # updating a single feed updated_feed = Feedzirra::Feed.update(feed) # an updated feed has the following extra accessors updated_feed.updated? # returns true if any of the feed attributes have been modified. will return false if no new entries updated_feed.new_entries # a collection of the entry objects that are newer than the latest in the feed before update # fetching multiple feeds feed_urls = ["http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing", "http://feeds.feedburner.com/trottercashion"] feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(feed_urls) # feeds is now a hash with the feed_urls as keys and the parsed feed objects as values. If an error was thrown # there will be a Fixnum of the http response code instead of a feed object # updating multiple feeds. it expects a collection of feed objects updated_feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.update(feeds.values) # defining custom behavior on failure or success. note that a return status of 304 (not updated) will call the on_success handler feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing", :on_success => lambda [|url, feed| puts feed.title ], :on_failure => lambda [|url, response_code, response_header, response_body| puts response_body ]) # if a collection was passed into fetch_and_parse, the handlers will be called for each one # the behavior for the handlers when using Feedzirra::Feed.update is slightly different. The feed passed into on_success will be # the updated feed with the standard updated accessors. on failure it will be the original feed object passed into update # fetching a feed via a proxy (optional) feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing", {:proxy_url => '', :proxy_port => 3084}) ``` ## Extending ### Adding a feed parsing class When determining which parser to use for a given XML document, the following list of parser classes is used: * `Feedzirra::Parser::RSSFeedBurner` * `Feedzirra::Parser::GoogleDocsAtom` * `Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner` * `Feedzirra::Parser::Atom` * `Feedzirra::Parser::ITunesRSS` * `Feedzirra::Parser::RSS` You can insert your own parser at the front of this stack by calling `add_feed_class`, like this: ```ruby Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_class MyAwesomeParser ``` Now when you `fetch_and_parse`, `MyAwesomeParser` will be the first one to get a chance to parse the feed. If you have the XML and just want to provide a parser class for one parse, you can specify that using `parse_with`: ```ruby Feedzirra::Feed.parse_with MyAwesomeParser, xml ``` ### Adding attributes to all feeds types / all entries types ```ruby # Add the generator attribute to all feed types Feedzirra::Feed.add_common_feed_element('generator') Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("href="http://www.pauldix.net/atom.xml").generator # => 'TypePad' # Add some GeoRss information Feedzirra::Feed.add_common_feed_entry_element('geo:lat', :as => :lat) Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("http://www.earthpublisher.com/georss.php").entries.each do |e| p "lat: #[e.lat}, long: #{e.long]" end ``` ### Adding attributes to only one class If you want to add attributes for only one class you simply have to declare them in the class ```ruby # Add some GeoRss information require 'lib/feedzirra/parser/rss_entry' class Feedzirra::Parser::RSSEntry element 'geo:lat', :as => :lat element 'geo:long', :as => :long end # Fetch a feed containing GeoRss info and print them Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("http://www.earthpublisher.com/georss.php").entries.each do |e| p "lat: #{e.lat}, long: #{e.long}" end ``` ## Testing Feedzirra uses [curb][] to perform requests. `curb` provides bindings for [libcurl][] and supports numerous protocols, including FILE. To test Feedzirra with local file use `file://` protocol: [libcurl]: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ ```ruby feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse('file:///home/feedzirra/examples/feed.rss') ``` ## Benchmarks Since a major goal of Feedzirra is speed, benchmarks are provided--see the [Benchmark README][benchmark_readme] for more details. [benchmark_readme]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/blob/master/benchmarks/README.md ## TODO This thing needs to hammer on many different feeds in the wild. I'm sure there will be bugs. I want to find them and crush them. I didn't bother using the test suite for feedparser. i wanted to start fresh. Here are some more specific TODOs. * Make a feedzirra-rails gem to integrate feedzirra seamlessly with Rails and ActiveRecord. * Add support for authenticated feeds. * Create a super sweet DSL for defining new parsers. * I'm not keeping track of modified on entries. Should I add this? * Clean up the fetching code inside feed.rb so it doesn't suck so hard. * Make the feed_spec actually mock stuff out so it doesn't hit the net. * Readdress how feeds determine if they can parse a document. Maybe I should use namespaces instead? ## LICENSE (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2009-2013: - [Paul Dix](http://pauldix.net) - [Julien Kirch](http://archiloque.net/) - [Ezekiel Templin](http://zeke.templ.in/) - [Jon Allured](http://jonallured.com/) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.