U: FXMap[f0.5999999999999999833FC:FXMapperSettings{"Grid BoxesT"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Arrow Color" black"Paths as CurvesT"Box Number Color" grey"Edit on CreationF"Location TasksT"Font Objects" Times"Create on ConnectionT" Language"en"Box Border Color" black"Use Room CursorF"Location DescriptionF"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Map0"Automatic ConnectionT"Box BG Color" white"Box Darkness Color" grey"Location NumbersT" BG Color"dark grey"Font Text" Times"Condemned"0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom["CENTER OF THE GARAGE""[ U:FXConnection[ Fii[@-U;["NORTH WALL" key "[ U; [ Fii[U;["RStanding on the Corner of Charles Road and Residence Lane, With your Bicycles""[ U; [ Fii[U;["5Walking down the Mountain Road with your Bicycle""[ U; [ Fii[U;["+Scenic Point at the Edge of the Canyon" branch "[ U; [ Fii[@QU;["3Dangerously Narrow Trail Along the Canyon Wall""[ 00U; [ Fii[@ZU;["In Front of Rocky Hole""[ 000000@`0Fii "The trail, coming in from the northwest (and ending here), widens into a platform-like area in front of a small hole carved by weathering and erosion into the side of the mountain. Its floor filled with rocks and sandstone rubble, the small cave is only large enough to fit one person at a time. Looking behind you occasionally to see if you haven't stepped too far back, you see the steep ravine looming down under you, its death-ridden deepness serving as a perpetual warning to anybody who dares to take chances.0F[ii0@W0U; [ Fii[@Z0[ii0Fii "ÞYour legs a little tense and your hands holding desperately onto a jutting sagebrush from the wall, you balance yourself on the canyon-rimmed trail that comes in from a winding path east and ends a little ways to the west. Trying not to look down at the ravine, your head protectively faces southeast towards the wall of mountain, looking for supportive sagebrushes growing out of the rocks for your hands to hold on to. You may also climb back up towards the ledge to safety.0F[ii000@N00U; [ Fii[@6@Q[iiFii ">You are standing near the edge of a steep, stone ledge that overlooks a vast, dry canyon patched with thorny brush, dried weeds, and rocky earth. Small cedar trees stand to the sides of you, bordering the rocky gravel road a couple steps back to the south. To the north, the ledge drops into a dried-up river valley.0F@H[ii000@E000Fii "SFallen stones decorate the base of the rough mountain wall, the wall itself almost touching you to the south as it tightly borders the cut-out mountain road that you're currently walking on. This east-bound road beneath your feet slopes down slowly, the canyon dropping to the side getting shallower as you walk downwards. As a result, cedar trees, whose tops rise upward from the canyon floor, become more numerous in population. When the road smooths and levels (which it does a ways downward), that is when you know that you've reached your rural neighborhood bordered on the edge of town.0F@?[ii000@<000Fii "üWith the evening coming to a close and the sky darkening, the street lamps running up and down Charles Road are slowly lighting up, glaring yellow off of the trees surrounding them and down off the empty road below them. The road, which is apparently void of cars right now, extends east from here around some winding hills and into town; the other end extends west, where the smooth, gravel cement turns back into a rocky roadway treacherously reaching up into the mountains behind you. To the north and south of you runs Residence Lane, where the sides of the roadway turn from wooded forest, seen over here and back in the mountains, to open grassy pastures serving as floorspace to scattered homes and occasional farm-like buildings scattered here and there.0F@6[iiU; [ Fii[U;["At the Bend""[ 000U; [ Fii[@~0[iiU; [ Fii[U;["At the Bend""[ @ƒ00000U; [ Fii[U;[""Climbing up the Mountain Road""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["At the Bend""[ 000U; [ Fii[@˜U;["1Behind the Mountain, Driving Down Northwards""[ 00U; [ Fii[@¡U;["#In Front of School Parking Lot""[ 00U; [ Fii[@ª0[ii00U; [ Fii[@ª@-[ii@§0Fii"øTo the east the sandy parking lot of the school, currently filled with cars of high school students, lies in a cleared area among the forest of trees and is the first stop that lies just before the main campus of the school, which is wooded. You always preferred to have a school campus that was buried in the middle of a forest (given that the people in that school were generally accepting and friendly, of course). School, though, will never be THAT ideal; and unfortunately the pitfalls of this school are the facts that elementary and junior/senior high school is combined (with campuses on opposite sides of the road), and the tightly-knit, small and commune-like student structure seems to have a hard time adjusting to outsiders. Outsiders like you.0F[ii0000@žFii";The area that is part of the course you and your sister had to take on your bikerides to school, and the canyon that runs along side it to the east, are both completely blocked from view by the mountain that lies nearest your house. The road on this other side of the mountain, as you call it, extends from the climb up the mountain; but instead of rising upward, it descends downward towards the north, the canyon floor to the east of the road rising to the meet the road, canyon-filling trees becoming more and more densely populated as the road descends in elevation.0T[ii@•000Fi i".This is the peak of the road where it bends around the southern edge of the mountain and starts to change its eastern course up the mountain to a northern one down the opposite side of the mountain. To the southeast is a break, a clearing, among the trees in which lies a scenic ledge that looks out over the magnificently steep canyon that you and Jill discovered recently. Again, you feel vulnerable and prone to a slight chance of death as the car curves along the dangerously unbordered road, the curving edge of the road dropping off into deep canyon.0F[ii0@Œ0U; [ Fii[U;["$Driving South on Residence Lane""[ @¾000U; [ Fii[U;[")On the Driveway in Front of the Road""[ @Ç0000U; [ Fii[U;[")On the Driveway in Front of the Road""[ 0@ÐU; [ Fii[@Ó0[ii000U; [ Fii[@6@Ó[ii0Fi i "Leading in from the roadway to the west, and extending to the doorway of your house to the east (and alternately extending to the open shed to the northeast), this rocky driveway shadowed by your house and surrounded by green yard is the place where you are currently standing in the middle of, waiting for your friends to pick you up. With the lowly eastern sun slowly rising from behind your open-doorway house and up towards the center of the clear, blue sky, you feel another hot and madly sunny school day coming your way..0F@Ê[ii00Fi i "ðThe outside of the car is in almost the same condition as it was yesterday: black paint still nice and windows still polished; although the lack of sunlight does make it impossible for the car to live up to its full appearance of splendor.0F@Á[iiU; [ Fii[U;[")On the Driveway in Front of the Road""[ 0@åU; [ Fii[U;[")On the Driveway in Front of the Road"(top of the helmet and pull upwards "[ 00U; [ Fii[@6@ñ[ii000@î0Fii "QThe stretch of area leading in from Residence Lane (which is to the west) and ending east towards the closed doorway of your house reflects the rocky, grey gloom of its environment. The shed lies open in the grassy yard southeast. The sky is overcast and grey, which is rarely seen in this part of the country and at this time of year.0F@è[ii00000Fii "%With the exception of Jill not sitting next to you, and Pete's football gear a little less smelly this time, the car is in the exact same state as it was yesterday: random junk littered on the seats and carpet floor, Pete sitting behind the wheel, and Sig sitting in the front passenger seat.0F@Á[ii00Fi i "»Heading south towards the mountain road, the car that you are situated in drives past barn and cottage-ridden pastures bordered by wooden fences, rolling smoothly along the cemented road.0F@[ii000Fi i"ÔLooking out of the windows, you can see a solid mountain wall on the side to the right (the side closest to where you are sitting) and cedar trees on the left where Jill is, the tree population becoming less dense as the road climbs upward in elevation, the canyon floor dropping off the edge of the road and dangerously lowering in depth. Dust still kicking up around the car, Pete swerves it occasionally to avoid potholes and large, loose stones on the rocky road.0F@†[ii0Fi i"ÇOut the left window, you can see the side of the road run off over the edge and dip down into the deep amphitheatre canyon of doom, the whole canyon exhibiting a grey ugliness under the overcast sky.0F@~[i i@{00Fi i"´The borderless road ahead of you northwest curves around the mountain, its sides running off and plunging downwards into the ravine, the sharp rocks at the bottom like spikes at the pit of a dark dungeon. Fear and evil rise from the bowl of the canyon, enveloping you with guilt and remorse, its growing sensation getting more and more intense with every passing minute. The ledge (that cursed ledge) lies behind you to the southeast.0F@6[ii@ÝU; [ Fii[@6U;["WORKBENCH COMPLEX"nails knife "[ 0000000@Fi i "ŽThis work station is located near the northeast-corner of the garage, hidden behind the black and opaque body of the car. It and its chains are squishing your leaning body against the worktable and are almost forcing your head to make contact with the wall-implanted cabinet above it. The only way to get out of this area is by worming your way tightly back towards the cross, which is northwest.0F[ii@3@q@÷U; [ Fii[@6U;["$The Entry Hallway of Your House""[ 00U; [ Fii[@U;["Back Hallway""[ U; [ Fii[@0[ii0U; [ Fii[@0[ii0@000Fi i "ªThis hallway, that ends at a blank wall to the east, branches off to your parents' room off to south and your bedroom to the north, the bedroom that you share with your--0F[ii@0000Fi i "°This wooden-floored hallway serves as a bridge from the doorway entrance of the house to the living room that lies east of here. A closed closet filled with shoes and coats lines one side of the wall while a wooden umbrella stand is positioned near the front door on the other side. The walls here are made of plaster, like any other room in this house and are decorated with nostalgiac family photos hung up on the front of them.0F[iiFi i "FSince the ends of the garage are further away from the central overhead lamp, there is much more shadow and darkness over here. But that does not matter, because you already know what is here: other than the huge poster occupying the center, there is not much else on the wall, save for a metallic control box with a wheel on it lying next to the huge poster. Around the headlight corner of the chained-up car behind you, you can also make your way towards the workbench, which from here is to the southeast. The glowier, and much redder part of the garage is back to the south.0F[ii@´0000U; [ Fii[@-U;["WEST WALL""[ 00@200000Fii "bThe blank, naked plaster wall stares back at you shamefully; its outer coverings have been stripped off completely, exposing its full, bare surface. Long, fuzzy bicycle shadows and the pathetic shadow of yourself are the only images on the wall, the light from the lamp from up behind you diffusing onto the wall. The center of the garage is back east.0F[ii0Fi i "Eerie red light floods from the overhead lamp attached to the ceiling and pours downwards past the ceiling-attached ropes and hanging bicycles, casting a frightening array of shadows across the vast, concrete floor. Except for the black, chained-up car on the eastern side of the garage, scarcity of objects is the main feature in this room--the blank, empty wall to the west is the epitome of this fact. However, there are a couple of objects of importance that lie to the north, one of which you will be shamefully acquainted with soon.0F@6@Q@5@Z@c@H@?@ @Ó@Ê@Á@@˜@¡@ª@ñ@è@†@~@@[$@2@3@q@N@W@k@`@E@<@@Ý@Ù@Ð@Ç@¾@•@ž@§@°@´@÷@î@å@Œ@ƒ@@{@@@(@$"ii