module Flexirest class BaseWithoutValidation include Mapping include Configuration include Callbacks include Caching include Recording include AttributeParsing include Associations attr_accessor :_status attr_accessor :_etag attr_accessor :_headers instance_methods.each do |m| next unless %w{display presence load require untrust trust freeze method enable_warnings with_warnings suppress capture silence quietly debugger breakpoint}.map(&:to_sym).include? m undef_method m end def initialize(attrs={}) @attributes = {} @dirty_attributes = raise"Cannot instantiate Base class") if self.class == Flexirest::BaseWithoutValidation attrs.each do |attribute_name, attribute_value| attribute_name = attribute_name.to_sym @attributes[attribute_name] = parse_date?(attribute_name) ? parse_attribute_value(attribute_value) : attribute_value @dirty_attributes[attribute_name] = [nil, attribute_value] end end def _clean! @dirty_attributes = end def _attributes @attributes end def _copy_from(result) @attributes = result._attributes @_status = result._status end def dirty? @dirty_attributes.size > 0 end def changed? dirty? end # Returns an array of changed fields def changed @dirty_attributes.keys end # Returns hash of old and new vaules for each changed field def changes @dirty_attributes end def self._request(request, method = :get, params = nil, options = {}) prepare_direct_request(request, method, options).call(params) end def self._plain_request(request, method = :get, params = nil, options = {}) prepare_direct_request(request, method, options.merge(plain:true)).call(params) end def self._lazy_request(request, method = :get, params = nil, options = {}), method, options), params) end def self.prepare_direct_request(request, method = :get, options={}) unless request.is_a? Flexirest::Request options[:plain] ||= false options[:direct] ||= true request ={ url: request, method: method, options: options }, self) end request end def self._request_for(method_name, *args) if mapped = self._mapped_method(method_name) params = (args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.first : nil) request =, self, params) request else nil end end def [](key) @attributes[key.to_sym] end def []=(key, value) _set_attribute(key, value) end def each @attributes.each do |key, value| yield key, value end end def inspect inspection = if @attributes.any? @attributes.collect { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value_for_inspect(value)}" }.compact.join(", ") else "[uninitialized]" end inspection += "#{"," if @attributes.any?} ETag: #{@_etag}" unless @_etag.nil? inspection += "#{"," if @attributes.any?} Status: #{@_status}" unless @_status.nil? inspection += " (unsaved: #{", ")})" if @dirty_attributes.any? "#<#{self.class} #{inspection}>" end def method_missing(name, *args) if name.to_s[-1,1] == "=" name = name.to_s.chop.to_sym _set_attribute(name, args.first) else name_sym = name.to_sym name = name.to_s if @attributes.has_key? name_sym @attributes[name_sym] else if name[/^lazy_/] && mapped = self.class._mapped_method(name_sym) if mapped[:method] != :delete raise if respond_to?(:valid?) && !valid? end request =, self, args.first) elsif mapped = self.class._mapped_method(name_sym) if mapped[:method] != :delete raise if respond_to?(:valid?) && !valid? end request =, self, args.first) elsif name[/_was$/] and @attributes.has_key? (name.sub(/_was$/,'').to_sym) k = (name.sub(/_was$/,'').to_sym) @dirty_attributes[k][0] elsif name[/^reset_.*!$/] and @attributes.has_key? (name.sub(/^reset_/,'').sub(/!$/,'').to_sym) k = (name.sub(/^reset_/,'').sub(/!$/,'').to_sym) _reset_attribute(k) elsif self.class.whiny_missing raise"Missing attribute #{name_sym}") else nil end end end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) @attributes.has_key? method_name.to_sym end def to_hash output = {} @attributes.each do |key, value| if value.is_a? Flexirest::Base output[key.to_s] = value.to_hash elsif value.is_a? Array output[key.to_s] = else output[key.to_s] = value end end output end def to_json output = to_hash output.to_json end private def _set_attribute(key, value) old_value = @dirty_attributes[key.to_sym] old_value = @attributes[key.to_sym] unless old_value old_value = old_value[0] if old_value and old_value.is_a? Array @dirty_attributes[key.to_sym] = [old_value, value] @attributes[key.to_sym] = value end def _reset_attribute(key) old_value = @dirty_attributes[key.to_sym] @attributes[key.to_sym] = old_value[0] if old_value and old_value.is_a? Array @dirty_attributes.delete(key.to_sym) end def value_for_inspect(value) if value.is_a?(String) && value.length > 50 "#{value[0..50]}...".inspect elsif value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) %("#{value.to_s(:db)}") else value.inspect end end def parse_date?(name) return true if self.class._date_fields.include?(name) return true if !Flexirest::Base.disable_automatic_date_parsing && self.class._date_fields.empty? false end end end