module Brief class Briefcase include Brief::DSL attr_reader :options, :model_definitions def initialize(options = {}) @options = options.to_mash load_configuration load_model_definitions if = self end Brief.cases[root] ||= self end def present(style="default", params={}) if respond_to?("as_#{style}") send("as_#{style}", params) elsif Brief.views.key?(style.to_sym) block = Brief.views[style.to_sym], params) end end def settings @settings ||= settings! end def settings! if root.join("settings.yml").exist? y = YAML.load(root.join("settings.yml").read) rescue nil (y || {}).to_mash end end def as_default(params={}) params.symbolize_keys! model_settings = { docs_path: docs_path } model_settings[:rendered] = !!(params.key?(:rendered)) model_settings[:content] = !!(params.key?(:content)) all = all_models.compact schema = .map(&:to_schema) .reduce({}) {|m, k| m[k[:type_alias]] = k; m } models = {|m| m.as_json(model_settings) } { views: Brief.views.keys, key: briefcase.folder_name.to_s.parameterize, name: briefcase.folder_name.to_s.titlecase, schema: schema, models: models, settings: settings } end def as_full_export as_default(content: true, rendered: true) end def use(module_type=:app, module_id) if module_type == :app && apps_path.join(module_id).exist? config = module_type.join("config.rb") models = module_type.join("models") instance_eval( if config.exist? Brief.load_modules_from(models) if models.exist? end end def config Brief::Configuration.instance end def server(options={}) @server ||=, options) end def folder_name root.basename end # Loads the configuration for this briefcase, either from the current working directory # or the configured path for the configuration file. def load_configuration config_path = options.fetch(:config_path) do root.join('brief.rb') end if config_path.is_a?(String) config_path = root.join(config_path) end if uses_app? instance_eval(app_path.join("config.rb").read) end if config_path.exist? instance_eval( rescue nil end end def uses_app? options.key?(:app) && Brief.apps_path.join(options[:app]).exist? end def app_path uses_app? && Brief.apps_path.join(options[:app]) end def load_model_definitions if uses_app? Brief.load_modules_from(app_path.join("models")) end Brief.load_modules_from(models_path) if models_path.exist? Brief::Model.finalize end # Returns a model name by its human readable description or its type alias def model(name_or_type) table = Brief::Model.table table.fetch(name_or_type) do table.values.find do |k| == name_or_type end end end def root Pathname(options.fetch(:root) { Dir.pwd }) end def docs_path root.join options.fetch(:docs_path) { config.docs_path } end def models_path value = options.fetch(:models_path) { config.models_path } if value.to_s.match(/\./) Pathname(Dir.pwd).join(value) elsif value.to_s.match(/\//) Pathname(value) else root.join(value) end end def repository @repository ||=, options) end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if Brief.views.key?(meth.to_sym) block = Brief.views[meth.to_sym], args.extract_options!) elsif repository.respond_to?(meth) repository.send(meth, *args, &block) else super end end end end