# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Ably::Rest::Presence do include Ably::Modules::Conversions vary_by_protocol do let(:default_options) { { api_key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol } } let(:client_options) { default_options } let(:client) do Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options) end let(:fixtures) do TestApp::APP_SPEC['channels'].first['presence'].map do |fixture| IdiomaticRubyWrapper(fixture, stop_at: [:data]) end end context 'tested against presence fixture data set up in test app' do describe '#get' do before(:context) do # When this test is run as a part of a test suite, the presence data injected in the test app may have expired WebMock.disable! TestApp.reload end let(:channel) { client.channel('persisted:presence_fixtures') } let(:presence) { channel.presence.get } it 'returns current members on the channel with their action set to :present' do expect(presence.size).to eql(4) fixtures.each do |fixture| presence_message = presence.find { |client| client.client_id == fixture[:client_id] } expect(presence_message.data).to eq(fixture[:data]) expect(presence_message.action).to eq(:present) end end context 'with :limit option' do let(:page_size) { 2 } let(:presence) { channel.presence.get(limit: page_size) } it 'returns a paged response limiting number of members per page' do expect(presence.size).to eql(2) next_page = presence.next_page expect(next_page.size).to eql(2) expect(next_page).to be_last_page end end end describe '#history' do before(:context) do # When this test is run as a part of a test suite, the presence data injected in the test app may have expired WebMock.disable! TestApp.reload end let(:channel) { client.channel('persisted:presence_fixtures') } let(:presence_history) { channel.presence.history } it 'returns recent presence activity' do expect(presence_history.size).to eql(4) fixtures.each do |fixture| presence_message = presence_history.find { |client| client.client_id == fixture['clientId'] } expect(presence_message.data).to eq(fixture[:data]) end end context 'with options' do let(:page_size) { 2 } context 'direction: :forwards' do let(:presence_history) { channel.presence.history(direction: :forwards) } let(:paged_history_forward) { channel.presence.history(limit: page_size, direction: :forwards) } it 'returns recent presence activity forwards with most recent history last' do expect(paged_history_forward).to be_a(Ably::Models::PaginatedResource) expect(paged_history_forward.size).to eql(2) next_page = paged_history_forward.next_page expect(paged_history_forward.first.id).to eql(presence_history.first.id) expect(next_page.first.id).to eql(presence_history[page_size].id) end end context 'direction: :backwards' do let(:presence_history) { channel.presence.history(direction: :backwards) } let(:paged_history_backward) { channel.presence.history(limit: page_size, direction: :backwards) } it 'returns recent presence activity backwards with most recent history first' do expect(paged_history_backward).to be_a(Ably::Models::PaginatedResource) expect(paged_history_backward.size).to eql(2) next_page = paged_history_backward.next_page expect(paged_history_backward.first.id).to eql(presence_history.first.id) expect(next_page.first.id).to eql(presence_history[page_size].id) end end end end end describe '#history' do context 'with time range options' do let(:channel_name) { "persisted:#{random_str(4)}" } let(:presence) { client.channel(channel_name).presence } let(:user) { 'appid.keyuid' } let(:secret) { random_str(8) } let(:endpoint) do client.endpoint.tap do |client_end_point| client_end_point.user = user client_end_point.password = secret end end let(:client) do Ably::Rest::Client.new(api_key: "#{user}:#{secret}") end [:start, :end].each do |option| describe ":#{option}", :webmock do let!(:history_stub) { stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence/history?#{option}=#{milliseconds}"). to_return(:body => '{}', :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) } before do presence.history(options) end context 'with milliseconds since epoch value' do let(:milliseconds) { as_since_epoch(Time.now) } let(:options) { { option => milliseconds } } it 'uses this value in the history request' do expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'with Time object value' do let(:time) { Time.now } let(:milliseconds) { as_since_epoch(time) } let(:options) { { option => time } } it 'converts the value to milliseconds since epoch in the hisotry request' do expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested end end end end end end describe 'decoding', :webmock do let(:user) { 'appid.keyuid' } let(:secret) { random_str(8) } let(:endpoint) do client.endpoint.tap do |client_end_point| client_end_point.user = user client_end_point.password = secret end end let(:client) do Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(api_key: "#{user}:#{secret}")) end let(:data) { random_str(32) } let(:channel_name) { "persisted:#{random_str(4)}" } let(:cipher_options) { { key: random_str(32), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 256 } } let(:presence) { client.channel(channel_name, encrypted: true, cipher_params: cipher_options).presence } let(:crypto) { Ably::Util::Crypto.new(cipher_options) } let(:content_type) do if protocol == :msgpack 'application/x-msgpack' else 'application/json' end end context 'valid decodeable content' do let(:serialized_encoded_message) do if protocol == :msgpack msg = Ably::Models::PresenceMessage.new({ action: :enter, data: crypto.encrypt(data), encoding: 'utf-8/cipher+aes-256-cbc' }) MessagePack.pack([msg.as_json]) else msg = Ably::Models::PresenceMessage.new({ action: :enter, data: Base64.encode64(crypto.encrypt(data)), encoding: 'utf-8/cipher+aes-256-cbc/base64' }) [msg].to_json end end context '#get' do let!(:get_stub) { stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence"). to_return(:body => serialized_encoded_message, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => content_type }) } after do expect(get_stub).to have_been_requested end it 'automaticaly decodes presence messages' do present = presence.get expect(present.first.encoding).to be_nil expect(present.first.data).to eql(data) end end context '#history' do let!(:history_stub) { stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence/history"). to_return(:body => serialized_encoded_message, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => content_type }) } after do expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested end it 'automaticaly decodes presence messages' do history = presence.history expect(history.first.encoding).to be_nil expect(history.first.data).to eql(data) end end end context 'invalid data' do let(:serialized_encoded_message_with_invalid_encoding) do if protocol == :msgpack msg = Ably::Models::PresenceMessage.new({ action: :enter, data: crypto.encrypt(data), encoding: 'utf-8/cipher+aes-128-cbc' }) MessagePack.pack([msg.as_json]) else msg = Ably::Models::PresenceMessage.new({ action: :enter, data: Base64.encode64(crypto.encrypt(data)), encoding: 'utf-8/cipher+aes-128-cbc/base64' }) [msg].to_json end end context '#get' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } let!(:get_stub) { stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence"). to_return(:body => serialized_encoded_message_with_invalid_encoding, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => content_type }) } let(:presence_message) { presence.get.first } after do expect(get_stub).to have_been_requested end it 'returns the messages still encoded' do expect(presence_message.encoding).to match(/cipher\+aes-128-cbc/) end it 'logs a cipher error' do expect(client.logger).to receive(:error) do |message| expect(message).to match(/Cipher algorithm [\w-]+ does not match/) end presence.get end end context '#history' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } let!(:history_stub) { stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence/history"). to_return(:body => serialized_encoded_message_with_invalid_encoding, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => content_type }) } let(:presence_message) { presence.history.first } after do expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested end it 'returns the messages still encoded' do expect(presence_message.encoding).to match(/cipher\+aes-128-cbc/) end it 'logs a cipher error' do expect(client.logger).to receive(:error) do |message| expect(message).to match(/Cipher algorithm [\w-]+ does not match/) end presence.history end end end end end end