define("dojox/mobile/common", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/config", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/ready", "dijit/registry", "./sniff", "./uacss" // (no direct references) ], function(array, config, connect, lang, win, domClass, domConstruct, ready, registry, has){ // module: // dojox/mobile/common var dm = lang.getObject("", true); dm.getScreenSize = function(){ // summary: // Returns the dimensions of the browser window. return { h: || win.doc.documentElement.clientHeight, w: || win.doc.documentElement.clientWidth }; }; dm.updateOrient = function(){ // summary: // Updates the orientation specific CSS classes, 'dj_portrait' and // 'dj_landscape'. var dim = dm.getScreenSize(); domClass.replace(win.doc.documentElement, dim.h > dim.w ? "dj_portrait" : "dj_landscape", dim.h > dim.w ? "dj_landscape" : "dj_portrait"); }; dm.updateOrient(); dm.tabletSize = 500; dm.detectScreenSize = function(/*Boolean?*/force){ // summary: // Detects the screen size and determines if the screen is like // phone or like tablet. If the result is changed, // it sets either of the following css class to ``: // // - 'dj_phone' // - 'dj_tablet' // // and it publishes either of the following events: // // - '/dojox/mobile/screenSize/phone' // - '/dojox/mobile/screenSize/tablet' var dim = dm.getScreenSize(); var sz = Math.min(dim.w, dim.h); var from, to; if(sz >= dm.tabletSize && (force || (!this._sz || this._sz < dm.tabletSize))){ from = "phone"; to = "tablet"; }else if(sz < dm.tabletSize && (force || (!this._sz || this._sz >= dm.tabletSize))){ from = "tablet"; to = "phone"; } if(to){ domClass.replace(win.doc.documentElement, "dj_"+to, "dj_"+from); connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/screenSize/"+to, [dim]); } this._sz = sz; }; dm.detectScreenSize(); // dojox/mobile.hideAddressBarWait: Number // The time in milliseconds to wait before the fail-safe hiding address // bar runs. The value must be larger than 800. dm.hideAddressBarWait = typeof(config["mblHideAddressBarWait"]) === "number" ? config["mblHideAddressBarWait"] : 1500; dm.hide_1 = function(){ // summary: // Internal function to hide the address bar. // tags: // private scrollTo(0, 1); dm._hidingTimer = (dm._hidingTimer == 0) ? 200 : dm._hidingTimer * 2; setTimeout(function(){ // wait for a while for "scrollTo" to finish if(dm.isAddressBarHidden() || dm._hidingTimer > dm.hideAddressBarWait){ // Succeeded to hide address bar, or failed but timed out dm.resizeAll(); dm._hiding = false; }else{ // Failed to hide address bar, so retry after a while setTimeout(dm.hide_1, dm._hidingTimer); } }, 50); //50ms is an experiential value }; dm.hideAddressBar = function(/*Event?*/evt){ // summary: // Hides the address bar. // description: // Tries to hide the address bar a couple of times. The purpose is to do // it as quick as possible while ensuring the resize is done after the hiding // finishes. if(dm.disableHideAddressBar || dm._hiding){ return; } dm._hiding = true; dm._hidingTimer = has('iphone') ? 200 : 0; // Need to wait longer in case of iPhone var minH = screen.availHeight; if(has('android')){ minH = outerHeight / devicePixelRatio; // On some Android devices such as Galaxy SII, minH might be 0 at this time. // In that case, retry again after a while. (200ms is an experiential value) if(minH == 0){ dm._hiding = false; setTimeout(function(){ dm.hideAddressBar(); }, 200); } // On some Android devices such as HTC EVO, "outerHeight/devicePixelRatio" // is too short to hide address bar, so make it high enough if(minH <= innerHeight){ minH = outerHeight; } // On Android 2.2/2.3, hiding address bar fails when "overflow:hidden" style is // applied to html/body element, so force "overflow:visible" style if(has('android') < 3){ = win.body().style.overflow = "visible"; } } if(win.body().offsetHeight < minH){ // to ensure enough height for scrollTo to work win.body().style.minHeight = minH + "px"; dm._resetMinHeight = true; } setTimeout(dm.hide_1, dm._hidingTimer); }; dm.isAddressBarHidden = function(){ return pageYOffset === 1; }; dm.resizeAll = function(/*Event?*/evt, /*Widget?*/root){ // summary: // Calls the resize() method of all the top level resizable widgets. // description: // Finds all widgets that do not have a parent or the parent does not // have the resize() method, and calls resize() for them. // If a widget has a parent that has resize(), calling widget's // resize() is its parent's responsibility. // evt: // Native event object // root: // If specified, searches the specified widget recursively for top-level // resizable widgets. // root.resize() is always called regardless of whether root is a // top level widget or not. // If omitted, searches the entire page. if(dm.disableResizeAll){ return; } connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/resizeAll", [evt, root]); // back compat connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/beforeResizeAll", [evt, root]); if(dm._resetMinHeight){ win.body().style.minHeight = dm.getScreenSize().h + "px"; } dm.updateOrient(); dm.detectScreenSize(); var isTopLevel = function(w){ var parent = w.getParent && w.getParent(); return !!((!parent || !parent.resize) && w.resize); }; var resizeRecursively = function(w){ array.forEach(w.getChildren(), function(child){ if(isTopLevel(child)){ child.resize(); } resizeRecursively(child); }); }; if(root){ if(root.resize){ root.resize(); } resizeRecursively(root); }else{ array.forEach(array.filter(registry.toArray(), isTopLevel), function(w){ w.resize(); }); } connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/afterResizeAll", [evt, root]); }; dm.openWindow = function(url, target){ // summary: // Opens a new browser window with the given URL., target || "_blank"); }; if(config["mblApplyPageStyles"] !== false){ domClass.add(win.doc.documentElement, "mobile"); } if(has('chrome')){ // dojox/mobile does not load uacss (only _compat does), but we need dj_chrome. domClass.add(win.doc.documentElement, "dj_chrome"); } if({ // deviceTheme seems to be loaded from a script tag (= non-dojo usage) var _dm =; for(var i in _dm){ dm[i] = _dm[i]; } dm.deviceTheme.setDm(dm); } // flag for Android transition animation flicker workaround has.add('mblAndroidWorkaround', config["mblAndroidWorkaround"] !== false && has('android') < 3, undefined, true); has.add('mblAndroid3Workaround', config["mblAndroid3Workaround"] !== false && has('android') >= 3, undefined, true); ready(function(){ dm.detectScreenSize(true); if(config["mblAndroidWorkaroundButtonStyle"] !== false && has('android')){ // workaround for the form button disappearing issue on Android 2.2-4.0 domConstruct.create("style", {innerHTML:"BUTTON,INPUT[type='button'],INPUT[type='submit'],INPUT[type='reset'],INPUT[type='file']::-webkit-file-upload-button{-webkit-appearance:none;}"}, win.doc.head, "first"); } if(has('mblAndroidWorkaround')){ // add a css class to show view offscreen for android flicker workaround domConstruct.create("style", {innerHTML:".mblView.mblAndroidWorkaround{position:absolute;top:-9999px !important;left:-9999px !important;}"}, win.doc.head, "last"); } // You can disable hiding the address bar with the following dojoConfig. // var dojoConfig = { mblHideAddressBar: false }; var f = dm.resizeAll; if(config["mblHideAddressBar"] !== false && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mobile") != -1 || config["mblForceHideAddressBar"] === true){ dm.hideAddressBar(); if(config["mblAlwaysHideAddressBar"] === true){ f = dm.hideAddressBar; } } if(has('android') && !== undefined){ var _f = f; f = function(evt){ var _conn = connect.connect(null, "onresize", null, function(e){ connect.disconnect(_conn); _f(e); }); }; var curSize = dm.getScreenSize(); // Watch for resize events when the virtual keyboard is shown/hidden, // the heuristic to detect this is that the screen width does not change // and the height changes by more than 100 pixels. connect.connect(null, "onresize", null, function(e){ var newSize = dm.getScreenSize(); if(newSize.w == curSize.w && Math.abs(newSize.h - curSize.h) >= 100){ // keyboard has been shown/hidden _f(e); } curSize = newSize; }); } connect.connect(null, !== undefined ? "onorientationchange" : "onresize", null, f); win.body().style.visibility = "visible"; }); // TODO: return functions declared above in this hash, rather than // /*===== return { // summary: // A common module for dojox/mobile. // description: // This module includes common utility functions that are used by // dojox/mobile widgets. Also, it provides functions that are commonly // necessary for mobile web applications, such as the hide address bar // function. }; =====*/ return dm; });