# file: postgresql/tasks/databases.yml - name: PostgreSQL | Ensure PostgreSQL is running service: name: "{{ postgresql_service_name }}" state: started - name: PostgreSQL | Make sure the PostgreSQL databases are present postgresql_db: name: "{{item.name}}" owner: "{{ item.owner | default(postgresql_database_owner) }}" encoding: "{{ item.encoding | default(postgresql_encoding) }}" lc_collate: "{{ item.lc_collate | default(postgresql_locale) }}" lc_ctype: "{{ item.lc_ctype | default(postgresql_ctype) }}" port: "{{postgresql_port}}" template: "template0" state: present login_user: "{{postgresql_admin_user}}" become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_admin_user}}" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" when: postgresql_databases|length > 0 - name: PostgreSQL | Add extensions to the databases shell: "psql {{item.0.db}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS {{ item.1 }};'" become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" with_subelements: - "{{postgresql_database_extensions}}" - extensions register: result changed_when: "'NOTICE' not in result.stderr" - name: PostgreSQL | Add hstore to the databases with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore;'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" register: hstore_ext_result failed_when: hstore_ext_result.rc != 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in hstore_ext_result.stderr) changed_when: hstore_ext_result.rc == 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in hstore_ext_result.stderr) when: item.hstore is defined and item.hstore - name: PostgreSQL | Add uuid-ossp to the database with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS \"uuid-ossp\";'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" register: uuid_ext_result failed_when: uuid_ext_result.rc != 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in uuid_ext_result.stderr) changed_when: uuid_ext_result.rc == 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in uuid_ext_result.stderr) when: item.uuid_ossp is defined and item.uuid_ossp - name: PostgreSQL | Add postgis to the databases with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis;'&&psql {{item.name}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis_topology;'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" when: item.gis is defined and item.gis - name: PostgreSQL | add cube to the database with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{ postgresql_admin_user }} -c 'create extension if not exists cube;'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" when: item.cube is defined and item.cube - name: PostgreSQL | Add plpgsql to the database with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{ postgresql_admin_user }} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql;'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" when: item.plpgsql is defined and item.plpgsql - name: PostgreSQL | add earthdistance to the database with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{ postgresql_admin_user }} -c 'create extension if not exists earthdistance;'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" when: item.earthdistance is defined and item.earthdistance - name: PostgreSQL | Add citext to the database with the requirement become: yes become_user: "{{postgresql_service_user}}" shell: "{{ postgresql_bin_directory}}/psql {{item.name}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext;'" with_items: "{{postgresql_databases}}" register: citext_ext_result failed_when: citext_ext_result.rc != 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in citext_ext_result.stderr) changed_when: citext_ext_result.rc == 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in citext_ext_result.stderr) when: item.citext is defined and item.citext