# frozen_string_literal: true module PaperTrail # Configures an ActiveRecord model, mostly at application boot time, but also # sometimes mid-request, with methods like enable/disable. class ModelConfig DPR_DISABLE = <<-STR.squish.freeze MyModel.paper_trail.disable is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.disable_model(MyModel). This new API makes it clear that only the current request is affected, not all threads. Also, all other request-variables now go through the same `request` method, so this new API is more consistent. STR DPR_ENABLE = <<-STR.squish.freeze MyModel.paper_trail.enable is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.enable_model(MyModel). This new API makes it clear that only the current request is affected, not all threads. Also, all other request-variables now go through the same `request` method, so this new API is more consistent. STR DPR_ENABLED = <<-STR.squish.freeze MyModel.paper_trail.enabled? is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.enabled_for_model?(MyModel). This new API makes it clear that this is a setting specific to the current request, not all threads. Also, all other request-variables now go through the same `request` method, so this new API is more consistent. STR E_CANNOT_RECORD_AFTER_DESTROY = <<-STR.strip_heredoc.freeze paper_trail.on_destroy(:after) is incompatible with ActiveRecord's belongs_to_required_by_default. Use on_destroy(:before) or disable belongs_to_required_by_default. STR E_HPT_ABSTRACT_CLASS = <<~STR.squish.freeze An application model (%s) has been configured to use PaperTrail (via `has_paper_trail`), but the version model it has been told to use (%s) is an `abstract_class`. This could happen when an advanced feature called Custom Version Classes (http://bit.ly/2G4ch0G) is misconfigured. When all version classes are custom, PaperTrail::Version is configured to be an `abstract_class`. This is fine, but all application models must be configured to use concrete (not abstract) version models. STR def initialize(model_class) @model_class = model_class end # @deprecated def disable ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(DPR_DISABLE, caller(1)) ::PaperTrail.request.disable_model(@model_class) end # @deprecated def enable ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(DPR_ENABLE, caller(1)) ::PaperTrail.request.enable_model(@model_class) end # @deprecated def enabled? ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(DPR_ENABLED, caller(1)) ::PaperTrail.request.enabled_for_model?(@model_class) end # Adds a callback that records a version after a "create" event. # # @api public def on_create @model_class.after_create { |r| r.paper_trail.record_create if r.paper_trail.save_version? } return if @model_class.paper_trail_options[:on].include?(:create) @model_class.paper_trail_options[:on] << :create end # Adds a callback that records a version before or after a "destroy" event. # # @api public def on_destroy(recording_order = "before") unless %w[after before].include?(recording_order.to_s) raise ArgumentError, 'recording order can only be "after" or "before"' end if recording_order.to_s == "after" && cannot_record_after_destroy? raise E_CANNOT_RECORD_AFTER_DESTROY end @model_class.send( "#{recording_order}_destroy", lambda do |r| return unless r.paper_trail.save_version? r.paper_trail.record_destroy(recording_order) end ) return if @model_class.paper_trail_options[:on].include?(:destroy) @model_class.paper_trail_options[:on] << :destroy end # Adds a callback that records a version after an "update" event. # # @api public def on_update @model_class.before_save { |r| r.paper_trail.reset_timestamp_attrs_for_update_if_needed } @model_class.after_update { |r| if r.paper_trail.save_version? r.paper_trail.record_update( force: false, in_after_callback: true, is_touch: false ) end } @model_class.after_update { |r| r.paper_trail.clear_version_instance } return if @model_class.paper_trail_options[:on].include?(:update) @model_class.paper_trail_options[:on] << :update end # Adds a callback that records a version after a "touch" event. # @api public def on_touch @model_class.after_touch { |r| r.paper_trail.record_update( force: true, in_after_callback: true, is_touch: true ) } end # Set up `@model_class` for PaperTrail. Installs callbacks, associations, # "class attributes", instance methods, and more. # @api private def setup(options = {}) options[:on] ||= %i[create update destroy touch] options[:on] = Array(options[:on]) # Support single symbol @model_class.send :include, ::PaperTrail::Model::InstanceMethods setup_options(options) setup_associations(options) setup_transaction_callbacks setup_callbacks_from_options options[:on] setup_callbacks_for_habtm options[:join_tables] end def version_class @_version_class ||= @model_class.version_class_name.constantize end private def active_record_gem_version Gem::Version.new(ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING) end # Raises an error if the provided class is an `abstract_class`. # @api private def assert_concrete_activerecord_class(class_name) if class_name.constantize.abstract_class? raise format(E_HPT_ABSTRACT_CLASS, @model_class, class_name) end end def cannot_record_after_destroy? Gem::Version.new(ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING).release >= Gem::Version.new("5") && ::ActiveRecord::Base.belongs_to_required_by_default end def habtm_assocs_not_skipped @model_class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_and_belongs_to_many). reject { |a| @model_class.paper_trail_options[:skip].include?(a.name.to_s) } end def setup_associations(options) @model_class.class_attribute :version_association_name @model_class.version_association_name = options[:version] || :version # The version this instance was reified from. @model_class.send :attr_accessor, @model_class.version_association_name @model_class.class_attribute :version_class_name @model_class.version_class_name = options[:class_name] || "PaperTrail::Version" @model_class.class_attribute :versions_association_name @model_class.versions_association_name = options[:versions] || :versions @model_class.send :attr_accessor, :paper_trail_event assert_concrete_activerecord_class(@model_class.version_class_name) @model_class.has_many( @model_class.versions_association_name, -> { order(model.timestamp_sort_order) }, class_name: @model_class.version_class_name, as: :item ) end # Adds callbacks to record changes to habtm associations such that on save # the previous version of the association (if changed) can be reconstructed. def setup_callbacks_for_habtm(join_tables) @model_class.send :attr_accessor, :paper_trail_habtm @model_class.class_attribute :paper_trail_save_join_tables @model_class.paper_trail_save_join_tables = Array.wrap(join_tables) habtm_assocs_not_skipped.each(&method(:setup_habtm_change_callbacks)) end def setup_callbacks_from_options(options_on = []) options_on.each do |event| public_send("on_#{event}") end end def setup_habtm_change_callbacks(assoc) assoc_name = assoc.name %w[add remove].each do |verb| @model_class.send(:"before_#{verb}_for_#{assoc_name}").send( :<<, lambda do |*args| update_habtm_state(assoc_name, :"before_#{verb}", args[-2], args.last) end ) end end def setup_options(options) @model_class.class_attribute :paper_trail_options @model_class.paper_trail_options = options.dup %i[ignore skip only].each do |k| @model_class.paper_trail_options[k] = [@model_class.paper_trail_options[k]]. flatten. compact. map { |attr| attr.is_a?(Hash) ? attr.stringify_keys : attr.to_s } end @model_class.paper_trail_options[:meta] ||= {} if @model_class.paper_trail_options[:save_changes].nil? @model_class.paper_trail_options[:save_changes] = true end end # Reset the transaction id when the transaction is closed. def setup_transaction_callbacks @model_class.after_commit { PaperTrail.request.clear_transaction_id } @model_class.after_rollback { PaperTrail.request.clear_transaction_id } @model_class.after_rollback { paper_trail.clear_rolled_back_versions } end def update_habtm_state(name, callback, model, assoc) model.paper_trail_habtm ||= {} model.paper_trail_habtm[name] ||= { removed: [], added: [] } state = model.paper_trail_habtm[name] assoc_id = assoc.id case callback when :before_add state[:added] |= [assoc_id] state[:removed] -= [assoc_id] when :before_remove state[:removed] |= [assoc_id] state[:added] -= [assoc_id] else raise "Invalid callback: #{callback}" end end end end