require 'rails_helper' require "rspec/mocks/standalone" RSpec.describe ActiveAdmin::FormBuilder do # Setup an ActionView::Base object which can be used for # generating the form for. let(:helpers) do view = mock_action_view def view.posts_path "/posts" end def view.protect_against_forgery? false end def view.url_for(*args) if args.first == {action: "index"} posts_path else super end end def view.a_helper_method "A Helper Method" end def view.fa_icon(*args) args.inspect end def view.action_name 'edit' end view end def form_html(options = {}, form_object =, &block) options = {url: helpers.posts_path}.merge(options) form = render_component({form_object: form_object, form_options: options, form_block: block}, helpers) do active_admin_form_for(assigns[:form_object], assigns[:form_options], &assigns[:form_block]) end html = form.render_in end def build_form(options = {}, form_object =, &block) form = form_html(options, form_object, &block) Capybara.string(form) end context "in general" do context "it without custom settings" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end end end it "should generate a fieldset with a inputs class" do expect(body).to have_selector("fieldset.inputs") end end context "it with custom settings" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs class: "custom_class", name: 'custom_name', custom_attr: 'custom_attr' do f.input :title f.input :body end end end it "should generate a fieldset with a inputs and custom class" do expect(body).to have_selector("fieldset.custom_class") end it "should generate a fieldset with a custom legend" do expect(body).to have_css("legend", text: 'custom_name') end it "should generate a fieldset with a custom attributes" do expect(body).to have_selector("fieldset[custom_attr='custom_attr']") end end end context "in general with actions" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end f.actions do f.action :submit, label: "Submit Me" f.action :submit, label: "Another Button" end end end it "should generate a text input" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=text][name='post[title]']") end it "should generate a textarea" do expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='post[body]']") end it "should only generate the form once" do expect(body).to have_selector("form", count: 1) end it "should generate actions" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=submit][value='Submit Me']") expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=submit][value='Another Button']") end end context "when polymorphic relationship" do it "should raise error" do expect { comment = build_form({url: "admins/comments"}, comment) do |f| f.inputs :resource end }.to raise_error(Formtastic::PolymorphicInputWithoutCollectionError) end end describe "passing in options with actions" do let :body do build_form html: { multipart: true } do |f| f.inputs :title f.actions end end it "should pass the options on to the form" do expect(body).to have_selector("form[enctype='multipart/form-data']") end end context "file input present" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.input :body, as: :file end end it "adds multipart attribute automatically" do expect(body).to have_selector("form[enctype='multipart/form-data']") end end context "with actions" do it "should generate the form once" do body = build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title end f.actions end expect(body).to have_selector("[id=post_title]", count: 1) end context "create another checkbox" do subject do build_form do |f| f.actions end end %w(new create).each do |action_name| it "generates create another checkbox on #{action_name} page" do expect(helpers).to receive(:action_name) { action_name } allow(helpers).to receive(:active_admin_config) { instance_double(ActiveAdmin::Resource, create_another: true) } have_selector("[type=checkbox]", count: 1) .and have_selector("[name=create_another]", count: 1) end end %w(show edit update).each do |action_name| it "doesn't generate create another checkbox on #{action_name} page" do is_expected.not_to have_selector("[name=create_another]", count: 1) end end end it "should generate one button create another checkbox and a cancel link" do body = build_form do |f| f.actions end expect(body).to have_selector("[type=submit]", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("[class=cancel]", count: 1) end it "should generate multiple actions" do body = build_form do |f| f.actions do f.action :submit, label: "Create & Continue" f.action :submit, label: "Create & Edit" end end expect(body).to have_selector("[type=submit]", count: 2) expect(body).to have_selector("[class=cancel]", count: 0) end end context "with Arbre inside" do it "should render the Arbre in the expected place" do body = build_form do |f| div do h1 'Heading' end f.inputs do span 'Top note' f.input :title span 'Bottom note' end h3 'Footer' f.actions end expect(body).to have_selector("div > h1") expect(body).to have_selector("h1", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector(".inputs > ol > span") expect(body).to have_selector("span", count: 2) end it "should allow a simplified syntax" do body = build_form do |f| div do h1 'Heading' end inputs do span 'Top note' input :title span 'Bottom note' end h3 'Footer' actions end expect(body).to have_selector("div > h1") expect(body).to have_selector("h1", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector(".inputs > ol > span") expect(body).to have_selector("span", count: 2) end end context "without passing a block to inputs" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs :title, :body end end it "should have a title input" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=text][name='post[title]']") end it "should have a body textarea" do expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='post[body]']") end end context "with semantic fields for" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end f.form_builder.instance_eval do = end f.semantic_fields_for :author do |author| author.inputs :first_name, :last_name end end end it "should generate a nested text input once" do expect(body).to have_selector("[id=post_author_attributes_first_name_input]", count: 1) end end context "with collection inputs" do before do User.create first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe" User.create first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe" end describe "as select" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.input :author, include_blank: false end end it "should create 2 options" do expect(body).to have_selector("option", count: 2) end end describe "as radio buttons" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.input :author, as: :radio end end it "should create 2 radio buttons" do expect(body).to have_selector("[type=radio]", count: 2) end end end context "with inputs component inside has_many" do def user u = u.profile = 'bio') u end let :body do author = user() build_form do |f| f.form_builder.instance_eval do = author end f.inputs name: 'Author', for: :author do |author| author.has_many :profile, allow_destroy: true do |profile| profile.inputs "inputs for profile #{}" do profile.input :bio end end end end end it "should see the profile fields for an existing profile" do expect(body).to have_selector("[id='post_author_attributes_profile_attributes_bio']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='post[author_attributes][profile_attributes][bio]']") end end context "with a has_one relation on an author's profile" do let :body do author = user() build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end f.form_builder.instance_eval do = author end f.inputs name: 'Author', for: :author do |author| author.has_many :profile, allow_destroy: true do |profile| profile.input :bio end end end end it "should see the button to add profile" do def user end expect(body).to have_selector("a[contains(data-html,'post[author_attributes][profile_attributes][bio]')]") end it "should see the profile fields for an existing profile" do def user u = u.profile = u end expect(body).to have_selector("[id='post_author_attributes_profile_attributes_bio']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='post[author_attributes][profile_attributes][bio]']") end end shared_examples :inputs_with_for_expectation do it "should generate a nested text input once" do expect(body).to have_selector("[id=post_author_attributes_first_name_input]", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("[id=post_author_attributes_last_name_input]", count: 1) end it "should add author first and last name fields" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='post[author_attributes][first_name]']") expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='post[author_attributes][last_name]']") end end context "with inputs 'for'" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end f.form_builder.instance_eval do = end f.inputs name: 'Author', for: :author do |author| author.inputs :first_name, :last_name end end end include_examples :inputs_with_for_expectation end context "with two input fields 'for' at the end of block" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end f.form_builder.instance_eval do = end f.inputs name: 'Author', for: :author do |author| author.input :first_name author.input :last_name end end end include_examples :inputs_with_for_expectation end context "with two input fields 'for' at the beginning of block" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.form_builder.instance_eval do = end f.inputs name: 'Author', for: :author do |author| author.input :first_name author.input :last_name end f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end end end include_examples :inputs_with_for_expectation end context "with wrapper html" do it "should set a class" do body = build_form do |f| f.input :title, wrapper_html: { class: "important" } end expect(body).to have_selector("li[class='important string input optional stringish']") end end context "with inputs twice" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :title f.input :body end f.inputs do f.input :author f.input :created_at end end end it "should render four inputs" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='post[title]']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='post[body]']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='post[author_id]']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='post[created_at(1i)]']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='post[created_at(2i)]']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='post[created_at(3i)]']", count: 1) expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='post[created_at(4i)]']", count: 1) end end context "with has many inputs" do describe "with simple block" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts do |p| p.input :title p.input :body end f.inputs end end let(:valid_html_id) { /^[A-Za-z]+[\w\-\:\.]*$/ } it "should translate the association name in header" do with_translation activerecord: {models: {post: {one: 'Blog Post', other: 'Blog Posts'}}} do expect(body).to have_selector("h3", text: "Blog Posts") end end it "should use model name when there is no translation for given model in header" do expect(body).to have_selector("h3", text: "Post") end it "should translate the association name in has many new button" do with_translation activerecord: {models: {post: {one: 'Blog Post', other: 'Blog Posts'}}} do expect(body).to have_selector("a", text: "Add New Blog Post") end end it "should translate the attribute name" do with_translation activerecord: {attributes: {post: {title: 'A very nice title'}}} do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "A very nice title") end end it "should use model name when there is no translation for given model in has many new button" do expect(body).to have_selector("a", text: "Add New Post") end it "should render the nested form" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][0][title]']") expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='category[posts_attributes][0][body]']") end it "should add a link to remove new nested records" do expect(body).to have_selector(".has_many_container > fieldset > ol > li > a.button.has_many_remove[href='#']", text: "Remove") end it "should add a link to add new nested records" do expect(body).to have_selector(".has_many_container > a.button.has_many_add[href='#']", text: "Add New Post") end it "should set an HTML-id valid placeholder" do link = body.find('.has_many_container > a.button.has_many_add') expect(link[:'data-placeholder']).to match valid_html_id end describe "with namespaced model" do it "should set an HTML-id valid placeholder" do allow(Post).to receive(:name).and_return "ActiveAdmin::Post" link = body.find('.has_many_container > a.button.has_many_add') expect(link[:'data-placeholder']).to match valid_html_id end end end describe "with complex block" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts do |p, i| p.input :title, label: "Title #{i}" end end end it "should accept a block with a second argument" do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Title 1") end it "should add a custom header" do expect(body).to have_selector("h3", text: "Post") end end describe "without heading and new record link" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, heading: false, new_record: false do |p| p.input :title end end end it "should not add a header" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("h3", text: "Post") end it "should not add link to new nested records" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("a", text: "Add New Post") end it "should render the nested form" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][0][title]']") end end describe "with custom heading" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, heading: "Test heading" do |p| p.input :title end end end it "should add a custom header" do expect(body).to have_selector("h3", text: "Test heading") end end describe "with custom new record link" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, new_record: 'My Custom New Post' do |p| p.input :title end end end it "should add a custom new record link" do expect(body).to have_selector("a", text: "My Custom New Post") end end describe "with allow destroy" do shared_examples_for "has many with allow_destroy = true" do |child_num| it "should render the nested form" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][#{child_num}][title]']") end it "should include a boolean field for _destroy" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][#{child_num}][_destroy]']") end it "should have a check box with 'Remove' as its label" do expect(body).to have_selector("label[for=category_posts_attributes_#{child_num}__destroy]", text: "Delete") end it "should wrap the destroy field in an li with class 'has_many_delete'" do expect(body).to have_selector(".has_many_container > fieldset > ol > li.has_many_delete > input", count: 1, visible: false) end end shared_examples_for "has many with allow_destroy = false" do |child_num| it "should render the nested form" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][#{child_num}][title]']") end it "should not have a boolean field for _destroy" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][#{child_num}][_destroy]']", visible: :all) end it "should not have a check box with 'Remove' as its label" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("label[for=category_posts_attributes_#{child_num}__destroy]", text: "Remove") end end shared_examples_for "has many with allow_destroy as String, Symbol or Proc" do |allow_destroy_option| let :body do s = self build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| s.instance_exec do allow( receive(:foo?).and_return(true) allow( receive(:foo?).and_return(false) f.object.posts.each do |post| allow(post).to receive(:new_record?).and_return(false) end end f.has_many :posts, allow_destroy: allow_destroy_option do |p| p.input :title end end end context 'for the child that responds with true' do it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = true", 0 end context 'for the child that responds with false' do it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = false", 1 end end context "with an existing post" do context "with allow_destroy = true" do let :body do s = self build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| s.instance_exec do allow( receive(:new_record?).and_return(false) end f.has_many :posts, allow_destroy: true do |p| p.input :title end end end it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = true", 0 end context "with allow_destroy = false" do let :body do s = self build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| s.instance_exec do allow( receive(:new_record?).and_return(false) end f.has_many :posts, allow_destroy: false do |p| p.input :title end end end it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = false", 0 end context "with allow_destroy = nil" do let :body do s = self build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| s.instance_exec do allow( receive(:new_record?).and_return(false) end f.has_many :posts, allow_destroy: nil do |p| p.input :title end end end it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = false", 0 end context "with allow_destroy as Symbol" do it_behaves_like("has many with allow_destroy as String, Symbol or Proc", :foo?) end context "with allow_destroy as String" do it_behaves_like("has many with allow_destroy as String, Symbol or Proc", "foo?") end context "with allow_destroy as proc" do it_behaves_like("has many with allow_destroy as String, Symbol or Proc", { |child| }) end context "with allow_destroy as lambda" do it_behaves_like("has many with allow_destroy as String, Symbol or Proc", lambda { |child| }) end context "with allow_destroy as any other expression that evaluates to true" do let :body do s = self build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| s.instance_exec do allow( receive(:new_record?).and_return(false) end f.has_many :posts, allow_destroy: do |p| p.input :title end end end it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = true", 0 end end context "with a new post" do context "with allow_destroy = true" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, allow_destroy: true do |p| p.input :title end end end it_behaves_like "has many with allow_destroy = false", 0 end end end describe "sortable" do # TODO: it doesn't make any sense to use your foreign key as something that's sortable (and therefore editable) context "with a new post" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, sortable: :position do |p| p.input :title end end end it "shows the nested fields for unsaved records" do expect(body).to have_selector("fieldset.inputs.has_many_fields") end end context "with post returning nil for the sortable attribute" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| position: 3 f.has_many :posts, sortable: :position do |p| p.input :title end end end it "shows the nested fields for unsaved records" do expect(body).to have_selector("fieldset.inputs.has_many_fields") end end context "with existing and new posts" do let! :category do Category.create name: 'Name' end let! :post do category.posts.create end let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, category) do |f| f.has_many :posts, sortable: :position do |p| p.input :title end end end it "shows the nested fields for saved and unsaved records" do expect(body).to have_selector("fieldset.inputs.has_many_fields") end end context "without sortable_start set" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, sortable: :position do |p| p.input :title end end end it "defaults to 0" do expect(body).to have_selector("div.has_many_container[data-sortable-start='0']") end end context "with sortable_start set" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts, sortable: :position, sortable_start: 15 do |p| p.input :title end end end it "sets the data attribute" do expect(body).to have_selector("div.has_many_container[data-sortable-start='15']") end end end describe "with nesting" do context "in an inputs block" do let :body do build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.inputs "Field Wrapper" do f.has_many :posts do |p| p.input :title end end end end it "should wrap the has_many fieldset in an li" do expect(body).to have_selector("ol > li.has_many_container") end it "should have a direct fieldset child" do expect(body).to have_selector("li.has_many_container > fieldset") end it "should not contain invalid li children" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("div.has_many_container > li") end end context "in another has_many block" do let :body_html do form_html({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts do |p| p.input :title p.has_many :taggings do |t| t.input :tag t.input :position end end end end let(:body) { Capybara.string body_html } it "displays the input between the outer and inner has_many" do expect(body).to have_selector(".has_many_container ol > li:first-child input#category_posts_attributes_0_title") expect(body).to have_selector(".has_many_container ol > li:nth-child(2).has_many_container > fieldset") end it "should not contain invalid li children" do expect(body).not_to have_selector(".has_many_container div.has_many_container > li") end end end it "should render the block if it returns nil" do body = build_form({url: '/categories'}, do |f| f.has_many :posts do |p| p.input :title nil end end expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='category[posts_attributes][0][title]']") end end { # Testing that the same input can be used multiple times "f.input :title, as: :string" => "post_title", "f.input :title, as: :text" => "post_title", "f.input :created_at, as: :time_select" => "post_created_at_2i", "f.input :created_at, as: :datetime_select" => "post_created_at_2i", "f.input :created_at, as: :date_select" => "post_created_at_2i", # Testing that return values don't screw up the form "f.input :title; nil" => "post_title", "f.input :title; []" => "post_title", "[:title].each{ |r| f.input r }" => "post_title", "[:title].map { |r| f.input r }" => "post_title", }.each do |source, selector| it "should properly buffer `#{source}`" do body = build_form do |f| f.inputs do eval source eval source end end expect(body).to have_selector("[id=#{selector}]", count: 2, visible: :all) end end describe "datepicker input" do context 'with default options' do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :created_at, as: :datepicker end end end it "should generate a text input with the class of datepicker" do expect(body).to have_selector("input.datepicker[type=text][name='post[created_at]']") end end context 'with date range options' do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :created_at, as: :datepicker, datepicker_options: { min_date:, 10, 18), max_date: "2013-12-31" } end end end it 'should generate a datepicker text input with data min and max dates' do selector = "input.datepicker[type=text][name='post[created_at]']" expect(body).to have_selector(selector) expect(body.find(selector)["data-datepicker-options"]).to eq({ minDate: '2013-10-18', maxDate: '2013-12-31' }.to_json) end end describe "with label as proc" do let :body do build_form do |f| f.inputs do f.input :created_at, as: :datepicker, label: proc { 'Title from proc' } end end end it "should render proper label" do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Title from proc") end end end end