def setup_sync(options={}) model_class = options.fetch(:model) { raise KeyError, ":model must be set to the model class" } frequency = options.fetch(:every) { raise KeyError, ":every must be set to the database sync frequency" } events_run = options.fetch(:events_run) { raise KeyError, ":events_run must be provided"} Clockwork::DatabaseEvents::SyncPerformer.setup model: model_class, every: frequency do |model| events_run << end end def assert_will_run(t) assert_equal 1, @manager.tick(normalize_time(t)).size end def assert_wont_run(t) assert_equal 0, @manager.tick(normalize_time(t)).size end def tick_at(now =, options = {}) seconds_to_tick_for = options[:and_every_second_for] || 0 number_of_ticks = 1 + seconds_to_tick_for number_of_ticks.times{|i| @manager.tick(now + i) } end def next_minute(now = / 60 + 1) * 60) end def normalize_time t t.is_a?(String) ? Time.parse(t) : t end class ActiveRecordFake attr_accessor :id, :name, :at, :frequency, :tz class << self def create *args new *args end def add instance @events << instance end def remove instance @events.delete(instance) end def next_id id = @next_id @next_id += 1 id end def reset_id @next_id = 1 end def delete_all @events.clear reset_id end def all @events.dup end end def initialize options={} @id = options.fetch(:id) { self.class.next_id } @name = options.fetch(:name) { nil } @at = options.fetch(:at) { nil } @frequency = options.fetch(:frequency) { raise KeyError, ":every must be supplied" } @tz = options.fetch(:tz) { nil } self.class.add self end def name @name || "#{self.class}:#{id}" end def delete! self.class.remove(self) end def update options={} options.each{|attr, value| self.send("#{attr}=".to_sym, value) } end end class DatabaseEventModelClass < ActiveRecordFake @events = [] @next_id = 1 end class DatabaseEventModelClass2 < ActiveRecordFake @events = [] @next_id = 1 end