#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' ssh_authorized_key = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key) describe ssh_authorized_key, :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do include PuppetSpec::Files before do @class = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key) @provider_class = stub 'provider_class', :name => "fake", :suitable? => true, :supports_parameter? => true @class.stubs(:defaultprovider).returns(@provider_class) @class.stubs(:provider).returns(@provider_class) @provider = stub 'provider', :class => @provider_class, :file_path => make_absolute("/tmp/whatever"), :clear => nil @provider_class.stubs(:new).returns(@provider) @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new end it "should have :name be its namevar" do @class.key_attributes.should == [:name] end describe "when validating attributes" do [:name, :provider].each do |param| it "should have a #{param} parameter" do @class.attrtype(param).should == :param end end [:type, :key, :user, :target, :options, :ensure].each do |property| it "should have a #{property} property" do @class.attrtype(property).should == :property end end end describe "when validating values" do describe "for name" do it "should support valid names" do proc { @class.new(:name => "username", :ensure => :present, :user => "nobody") }.should_not raise_error proc { @class.new(:name => "username@hostname", :ensure => :present, :user => "nobody") }.should_not raise_error end it "should support whitespace" do proc { @class.new(:name => "my test", :ensure => :present, :user => "nobody") }.should_not raise_error end end describe "for ensure" do it "should support :present" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :ensure => :present, :user => "nobody") }.should_not raise_error end it "should support :absent" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :ensure => :absent, :user => "nobody") }.should_not raise_error end it "should not support other values" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :ensure => :foo, :user => "nobody") }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Invalid value/) end end describe "for type" do [:'ssh-dss', :'ssh-rsa', :rsa, :dsa, :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', :'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'].each do |keytype| it "should support #{keytype}" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => keytype, :user => "nobody") }.should_not raise_error end end it "should alias :rsa to :ssh-rsa" do key = @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody") key.should(:type).should == :'ssh-rsa' end it "should alias :dsa to :ssh-dss" do key = @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :dsa, :user => "nobody") key.should(:type).should == :'ssh-dss' end it "should not support values other than ssh-dss, ssh-rsa, dsa, rsa" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :something) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error,/Invalid value/) end end describe "for key" do it "should support a valid key like a 1024 bit rsa key" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :key => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDCPfzW2ry7XvMc6E5Kj2e5fF/YofhKEvsNMUogR3PGL/HCIcBlsEjKisrY0aYgD8Ikp7ZidpXLbz5dBsmPy8hJiBWs5px9ZQrB/EOQAwXljvj69EyhEoGawmxQMtYw+OAIKHLJYRuk1QiHAMHLp5piqem8ZCV2mLb9AsJ6f7zUVw==')}.should_not raise_error end it "should support a valid key like a 4096 bit rsa key" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :key => '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')}.should_not raise_error end it "should support a valid key like a 1024 bit dsa key" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :dsa, :user => "nobody", :key => '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')}.should_not raise_error end it "should not support whitespaces" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :key => 'AAA FA==')}.should raise_error(Puppet::Error,/Key must not contain whitespace/) end end describe "for options" do it "should support flags as options" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => 'cert-authority')}.should_not raise_error proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => 'no-port-forwarding')}.should_not raise_error end it "should support key-value pairs as options" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => 'command="command"')}.should_not raise_error end it "should support key-value pairs where value consist of multiple items" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => 'from="*.domain1,host1.domain2"')}.should_not raise_error end it "should support environments as options" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => 'environment="NAME=value"')}.should_not raise_error end it "should support multiple options as an array" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => ['cert-authority','environment="NAME=value"'])}.should_not raise_error end it "should not support a comma separated list" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => 'cert-authority,no-port-forwarding')}.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /must be provided as an array/) end it "should use :absent as a default value" do @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody").should(:options).should == [:absent] end it "property should return well formed string of arrays from is_to_s" do resource = @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => ["a","b","c"]) resource.property(:options).is_to_s(["a","b","c"]).should == "a,b,c" end it "property should return well formed string of arrays from should_to_s" do resource = @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "nobody", :options => ["a","b","c"]) resource.property(:options).should_to_s(["a","b","c"]).should == "a,b,c" end end describe "for user" do it "should support present users" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "root") }.should_not raise_error end it "should support absent users" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :user => "ihopeimabsent") }.should_not raise_error end end describe "for target" do it "should support absolute paths" do proc { @class.new(:name => "whev", :type => :rsa, :target => "/tmp/here") }.should_not raise_error end it "should use the user's path if not explicitly specified" do @class.new(:name => "whev", :user => 'root').should(:target).should == File.expand_path("~root/.ssh/authorized_keys") end it "should not consider the user's path if explicitly specified" do @class.new(:name => "whev", :user => 'root', :target => '/tmp/here').should(:target).should == '/tmp/here' end it "should inform about an absent user" do Puppet::Log.level = :debug @class.new(:name => "whev", :user => 'idontexist').should(:target) @logs.map(&:message).should include("The required user is not yet present on the system") end end end describe "when neither user nor target is specified" do it "should raise an error" do proc do @class.new( :name => "Test", :key => "AAA", :type => "ssh-rsa", :ensure => :present) end.should raise_error(Puppet::Error,/user.*or.*target.*mandatory/) end end describe "when both target and user are specified" do it "should use target" do resource = @class.new( :name => "Test", :user => "root", :target => "/tmp/blah" ) resource.should(:target).should == "/tmp/blah" end end describe "when user is specified" do it "should determine target" do resource = @class.new( :name => "Test", :user => "root" ) target = File.expand_path("~root/.ssh/authorized_keys") resource.should(:target).should == target end # Bug #2124 - ssh_authorized_key always changes target if target is not defined it "should not raise spurious change events" do resource = @class.new(:name => "Test", :user => "root") target = File.expand_path("~root/.ssh/authorized_keys") resource.property(:target).safe_insync?(target).should == true end end describe "when calling validate" do it "should not crash on a non-existant user" do resource = @class.new( :name => "Test", :user => "ihopesuchuserdoesnotexist" ) proc { resource.validate }.should_not raise_error end end end