require 'taketo/constructs' shared_examples "a construct with nodes" do |name_plural, name_singular| specify "#append_#{name_singular} adds a #{name_singular} to " + # specify "#append_server adds a server to " + "the #{name_plural} collection" do # "the servers collection" do node = mock(:name => :foo).as_null_object # server = mock(:name => :foo).as_null_object subject.send("append_#{name_singular}", node) # environment.append_server(server) expect(subject.send(name_plural)).to include(node) # expect(environment.servers).to include(server) end # end specify "#find_#{name_singular} finds #{name_singular} by name" do # specify "#find_server finds server by name" do subject.send(name_plural).should_receive(:find_by_name). # environment.servers.should_receive(:find_by_name). with(:foo).and_return(:bar) # with(:foo).and_return(:bar) expect(subject.send("find_#{name_singular}", :foo)).to eq(:bar) # expect(environment.find_server(:foo)).to eq(:bar) end # end end shared_examples "a node with servers" do it_behaves_like "a construct with nodes", :servers, :server specify "#has_servers? should perform deep search on child nodes" do subject.should_receive(:has_deeply_nested_nodes?).with(:servers) subject.has_servers? end end module ConstructsFixtures include Taketo::Constructs [Project, Environment, Server].each do |node_type| define_method\w*::/, '') do |name, *args| n = add_nodes(n, args.first || {}) n end end def create_config(nodes_by_types = {}) c = add_nodes(c, nodes_by_types) c end def add_nodes(node, nodes_by_types) nodes_by_types.each do |child_type, children_of_type| Array(children_of_type).each do |c| node.nodes(child_type) << c c.parent = node end end end end