# vkontakte_api `vkontakte_api` is a Ruby wrapper for VKontakte API. It allows you to call all API methods in the simplest possible way. Below is the English version of the readme. Russian version is located [here](https://github.com/7even/vkontakte_api/blob/master/README.ru.md). ## Installation ``` bash gem install vkontakte_api ``` ## Usage Default HTTP request library is `Net::HTTP`. You can set any other adapter supported by `faraday` in the configure block like so: ``` ruby VkontakteApi.configure do |config| config.adapter = :net_http end ``` All requests are sent via `VkontakteApi::Client` instance. To create one you just pass an access token. ``` ruby @app = VkontakteApi::Client.new('my_access_token') ``` Probably the easiest way to get an access token in a web-app is using [OmniAuth](https://github.com/intridea/omniauth), but you can roll your own authentication if for some reason `OmniAuth` isn't acceptable. Currently `vkontakte_api` doesn't offer authentication functionality. Now you can call the API methods. All method names are underscore_cased as opposed to the [official documentation](http://vk.com/developers.php?oid=-17680044&p=API_Method_Description) where they are camelCased, so `getGroups` becomes `get_groups`. You can still call them in a camelCased manner, but that is not a Ruby-way practice. ``` ruby @app.get_user_settings # => 327710 @app.groups.get # => [1, 31022447] ``` Predicate methods (those which begin with `is`, like `is_app_user`) are expected to return the result of some condition, so the '?' is appended to the end of the method name, and they return `true` or `false`: ``` ruby @app.is_app_user? # => true ``` You can still call these without a '?' and get `'1'` or `'0'` in result if you want to handle that yourself. Now for parameters. All method parameters are named, and you can pass them in a hash where parameter names are keys and parameter values are values: ``` ruby @app.friends.get(fields: 'uid,first_name,last_name') # => [ { :uid => "1", :first_name => "Павел", :last_name => "Дуров" }, { :uid => "6492", :first_name => "Andrew", :last_name => "Rogozov" } ] ``` It's also worth noting that all returned hashes have symbolized keys. If the response is an Enumerable, you can pass a block that will yield each successive element and put the result in the returned array (like `Enumerable#map` does): ``` ruby @app.friends.get(fields: 'first_name,last_name') do |friend| "#{friend[:first_name]} #{friend[:last_name]}" end # => ["Павел Дуров", "Andrew Rogozov"] ``` `vkontakte_api` doesn't keep any method names list inside (except method namespaces like `friends` or `groups`) - when you call a method, it's name is camelcased before sending a request to VKontakte. So when a new method is added to the API, you don't need to wait for the new version of `vkontakte_api` gem - you can use that new method immediately. If you mistype the method name or use a method you don't have rights to call, you will get an exception with a relevant message (more about the exceptions below). ### Error handling If VKontakte returns an error in response, you get a `VkontakteApi::Error` exception with all meaningful information that can be retrieved: ``` ruby @app.audio.get_by_id # => VkontakteApi::Error: VKontakte returned an error 1: 'Unknown error occured' after calling method 'audio.getById' with parameters {}. ``` ## Roadmap * Authentication (getting the access_token from VK) * RDoc coverage ## Contributing If you want to contribute to the project, fork the repository, push your changes to a topic branch and send me a pull request. `vkontakte_api` is tested under MRI `1.8.7`, `1.9.2` and `1.9.3`. If something is working incorrectly or not working at all in one of these environments, this should be considered a bug. Any bug reports are welcome at Github issues.