BibTeX-Ruby =========== The BibTeX-Ruby package contains a parser for BibTeX bibliography files and a class structure to manage BibTeX objects in Ruby. It is designed to support all BibTeX objects (including @comment, string-replacements via @string, as well as string concatenation using '#') and handles all content outside of BibTeX objects as 'meta comments' which may be included in post-processing. Quickstart ---------- $ irb > require 'bibtex' => true > bib ='./ruby.bib') => book{pickaxe, address {Raleigh, North Carolina}, author {Thomas, Dave, and Fowler, Chad, and Hunt, Andy}, date-added {2010-08-05 09:54:07 0200}, date-modified {2010-08-05 10:07:01 0200}, keywords {ruby}, publisher {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, series {The Facets of Ruby}, title {Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmers Guide}, year {2009} } > bib[:pickaxe][:author] => ["Thomas, Dave, and Fowler, Chad, and Hunt, Andy"] Installation ------------ If you just want to use it: $ [sudo] gem install bibtex-ruby If you want to work with the sources: $ [sudo] gem install racc $ git clone $ cd bibtex-ruby $ rake racc $ rake rdoc $ rake test Or, alternatively, fork the [project on github]( Requirements ------------ * The parser generator [racc]( is required to generate parser. * The minitest gem is required to run the tests in older Ruby versions (prior to 1.9). * The json gem is required on older ruby versions for JSON export. Usage ----- It is very easy to use BibTeX-Ruby. You can use the class method `` to open a '.bib' file. Normally, BibTeX-Ruby will discard all content outside of regular BibTeX elements; however, if you wish to include everything, simply add `:include => [:meta_comments]` to your invocation of ``. Once BibTeX-Ruby has parsed your '.bib' file, you can easily access individual entries. For example, if your bibliography object `bib` contained the following entry: @book{pickaxe, address = {Raleigh, North Carolina}, author = {Thomas, Dave, and Fowler, Chad, and Hunt, Andy}, date-added = {2010-08-05 09:54:07 +0200}, date-modified = {2010-08-05 10:07:01 +0200}, keywords = {ruby}, publisher = {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, series = {The Facets of Ruby}, title = {Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide}, year = {2009} } You could easily access it, using the entry's key, 'pickaxe', like so: `bib[:pickaxe]`; you also have easy access to individual fields, for example: `bib[:pickaxe](:author)`. If your bibliography contains BibTeX @string objects, you can let BibTeX-Ruby replace the strings for you. You have access to a bibliography's strings via `BibTeX::Bibliography#strings` and you can replace the strings of an entry using the `BibTeX::Entry#replace!` method. Thus, to replace all strings defined in your bibliography object `bib` your could use this code: bib.entries.each do |entry| entry.replace!(bib.strings) end Furthermore, BibTeX-Ruby allows you to export your bibliography for processing by other tools. Currently supported formats include YAML, JSON, and XML. Of course, you can also export your bibliography back to BibTeX; if you include `:meta_comments', your export should be identical to the original '.bib' file, except for whitespace, blank lines and letter case (BibTeX-Ruby will downcase all keys). In order to export your bibliography use `#to_s`, `#to_yaml`, `#to_json`, or `#to_xml`, respectively. Look at the 'examples' directory for a simple BibTeX to YAML and BibTeX to HTML converter. The Parser ---------- The BibTeX-Ruby parser is generated using the wonderful [racc]( parser generator. The BibTeX Format _________________ At first glance, the BibTeX file format seems very clear and simple; however, there are a number of peculiarities which warrant some explanation. The best place to start reading is probably at [your closest ctan server]( where the original `bibtex` from 1988 still lives. Additionally, Xavier Decoret has written [a great summary]( of the format; another invaluable source of information is [Nicolas Markey's website]( Unfortunately, even after consulting these documents, a number of issues remain. Therefore, it is the purpose of this section to deliver the rationale that went into some of the design decision in BibTeX-Ruby. A BibTeX bibliography is typically stored in a file with the file extension '.bib'. This file may contain any number of BibTeX objects; everything that is not a BibTeX object is assumed to be a comment and ignored. The individual objects are discussed in further detail below. First, however, a number of general remarks: * BibTeX-Ruby begins in comment-mode, treating all text it encounters as comments. Normally these comments are ignored; however, if you wish the parser to include them, you can do so by adding the symbol `:meta_comments`` to the `:include`` array in the parser's options. * Note that string literals in BibTeX are either contained in quotes or braces; nested quotes in a quoted literal are not escaped with a usual backslash but must be placed inside braces. Nested braces must be balanced in literals, regardless of whether they are surrounded by quotes or braces. * Quoted strings and string constants (which are defined by @string objects) can be concatted by the '#' symbol. String literals in braces can not be concatted in this way. * The '@' symbol may only occur in quoted string literals (not in braced out literals) in the original BibTeX; note, however, that this is not true for BibTeX-Ruby (i.e., it will parse any string containing an '@'). ### @comment The purpose of the @comment object is not entirely clear, because everything outside of an object is treated as a comment anyway. Nicolas Markay argues that a @comment makes it possible to quickly comment out a number of consecutive objects; however, as Xavier Decoret points out that this does not work with the original `bibtex' program (following a @comment, it simply ignores everything until the end of the line). Indeed, on page 13 of [the original documentation](, Oren Patashnik explains that @comment objects are not really necessary; they exist only for _Scribe_ system compatibility. Because they would be useless otherwise, BibTeX-Ruby treats @comment objects as Nicolas Markay describes them: thus, everything inside a @comment is treated as a comment and is ignored -- everything, that is, until the object is closed. For this reason, BibTeX-Ruby assumes that braces inside a @comment are balanced! Obviously, BibTeX-Ruby differs from `bibtex` in that respect; though, the gain is, that it is now possible to comment out a sequence of entries, without removing their respective '@' symbols. ### @string The @string object defines a single string constant (for multiple constant assignments, it is necessary to define separate @string objects). These constants can be used within string assignments in other @string or @preamble objects, as well as in regular BibTeX entries. For example, this is a valid constant definition and usage: @string{ generator = "BibTeX-Ruby"} @preamble{ "This bibliography was generated by " # generator } ### @preamble Typically, the purpose of @preamble objects is to define LaTeX statements, which will be put into the '.bbl' file by `bibtex`. A @preamble object may contain a single string literal, a single string constant (defined by a @string object), or a concatenation of literals and constants. ### Entries These represent proper BibTeX objects (e.g., @book, @collection, etc.). Credits ------- The BibTeX-Ruby package was written by [Sylvester Keil]( License ------- BibTeX-Ruby Copyright (C) 2010-2011 [Sylvester Keil]( This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .