# encoding: utf-8 module SportDb class CsvMatchParser ############# # helpers def self.find_seasons( path, col: 'Season', sep: nil, headers: nil ) ## check if headers incl. season if yes,has priority over col mapping ## e.g. no need to specify twice (if using headers) col = headers[:season] if headers && headers[:season] seasons = Hash.new( 0 ) ## default value is 0 ## todo/fix: yes, use CsvHash.foreach - why? why not? ## use read_csv with block to switch to foreach!!!! rows = read_csv( path, sep: sep ) rows.each_with_index do |row,i| puts "[#{i}] " + row.inspect if i < 2 season = row[ col ] ## column name defaults to 'Season' seasons[ season ] += 1 end pp seasons ## note: only return season keys/names (not hash with usage counter) seasons.keys end ########## # main machinery ## todo/fix: use a generic "global" parse_csv method - why? why not? ## def self.parse_csv( text, sep: ',' ) ## helper -lets you change the csv library in one place if needed/desired ## ## note: do NOT symbolize keys - keep them as is!!!!!! ## ## todo/fix: move "upstream" and remove symbolize keys too!!! - why? why not? ## CsvHash.parse( text, sep: sep ) ## end def self.read( path, headers: nil, filters: nil, converters: nil, sep: nil ) txt = File.open( path, 'r:utf-8' ) {|f| f.read } ## note: make sure to use (assume) utf-8 parse( txt, headers: headers, filters: filters, converters: converters, sep: sep ) end def self.parse( txt, headers: nil, filters: nil, converters: nil, sep: nil ) new( txt ).parse( headers: headers, filters: filters, converters: converters, sep: sep ) end def initialize( txt ) @txt = txt end def parse( headers: nil, filters: nil, converters: nil, sep: nil ) headers_mapping = {} rows = parse_csv( @txt, sep: sep ) return [] if rows.empty? ## no rows / empty? ## fix/todo: use logger!!!! ## pp csv if headers ## use user supplied headers if present headers_mapping = headers_mapping.merge( headers ) else ## note: returns an array of strings (header names) - assume all rows have the same columns/fields!!! headers = rows[0].keys pp headers # note: greece 2001-02 etc. use HT - check CVS reader row['HomeTeam'] may not be nil but an empty string? # e.g. row['HomeTeam'] || row['HT'] will NOT work for now if find_header( headers, ['Team 1']) && find_header( headers, ['Team 2']) ## assume our own football.csv format, see github.com/footballcsv headers_mapping[:team1] = find_header( headers, ['Team 1'] ) headers_mapping[:team2] = find_header( headers, ['Team 2'] ) headers_mapping[:date] = find_header( headers, ['Date'] ) ## check for all-in-one full time (ft) and half time (ht9 scores? headers_mapping[:score] = find_header( headers, ['FT'] ) headers_mapping[:scorei] = find_header( headers, ['HT'] ) headers_mapping[:round] = find_header( headers, ['Round', 'Matchday'] ) ## optional headers - note: find_header returns nil if header NOT found header_stage = find_header( headers, ['Stage'] ) headers_mapping[:stage] = header_stage if header_stage header_league = find_header( headers, ['League'] ) headers_mapping[:league] = header_league if header_league else ## else try footballdata.uk and others headers_mapping[:team1] = find_header( headers, ['HomeTeam', 'HT', 'Home'] ) headers_mapping[:team2] = find_header( headers, ['AwayTeam', 'AT', 'Away'] ) headers_mapping[:date] = find_header( headers, ['Date'] ) ## note: FT = Full Time, HG = Home Goal, AG = Away Goal headers_mapping[:score1] = find_header( headers, ['FTHG', 'HG'] ) headers_mapping[:score2] = find_header( headers, ['FTAG', 'AG'] ) ## check for half time scores ? ## note: HT = Half Time headers_mapping[:score1i] = find_header( headers, ['HTHG'] ) headers_mapping[:score2i] = find_header( headers, ['HTAG'] ) end end pp headers_mapping ### todo/fix: check headers - how? ## if present HomeTeam or HT required etc. ## issue error/warn is not present ## ## puts "*** !!! wrong (unknown) headers format; cannot continue; fix it; sorry" ## exit 1 ## matches = [] rows.each_with_index do |row,i| ## fix/todo: use logger!!!! ## puts "[#{i}] " + row.inspect if i < 2 ## todo/fix: move to its own (helper) method - filter or such!!!! if filters ## filter MUST match if present e.g. row['Season'] == '2017/2018' skip = false filters.each do |header, value| if row[ header ] != value ## e.g. row['Season'] skip = true break end end next if skip ## if header values NOT matching end ## note: ## add converters after filters for now (why not before filters?) if converters ## any converters defined? ## convert single proc shortcut to array with single converter converters = [converters] if converters.is_a?( Proc ) ## assumes array of procs converters.each do |converter| row = converter.call( row ) end end team1 = row[ headers_mapping[ :team1 ]] team2 = row[ headers_mapping[ :team2 ]] ## check if data present - if not skip (might be empty row) ## note: (old classic) csv reader returns nil for empty fields ## new modern csv reader ALWAYS returns strings (and empty strings for data not available (n/a)) if (team1.nil? || team1.empty?) && (team2.nil? || team2.empty?) puts "*** WARN: skipping empty? row[#{i}] - no teams found:" pp row next end ## remove possible match played counters e.g. (4) (11) etc. team1 = team1.sub( /\(\d+\)/, '' ).strip team2 = team2.sub( /\(\d+\)/, '' ).strip col = row[ headers_mapping[ :date ]] col = col.strip # make sure not leading or trailing spaces left over if col.empty? || col =~ /^-{1,}$/ || # e.g. - or --- col =~ /^\?{1,}$/ # e.g. ? or ??? ## note: allow missing / unknown date for match date = nil else ## remove possible weekday or weeknumber e.g. (Fri) (4) etc. col = col.sub( /\(W?\d{1,2}\)/, '' ) ## e.g. (W11), (4), (21) etc. col = col.sub( /\(\w+\)/, '' ) ## e.g. (Fri), (Fr) etc. col = col.strip # make sure not leading or trailing spaces left over if col =~ /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ date_fmt = '%d/%m/%Y' # e.g. 17/08/2002 elsif col =~ /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ date_fmt = '%d/%m/%y' # e.g. 17/08/02 elsif col =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ## "standard" / default date format date_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' # e.g. 1995-08-04 elsif col =~ /^\d{1,2} \w{3} \d{4}$/ date_fmt = '%d %b %Y' # e.g. 8 Jul 2017 elsif col =~ /^\w{3} \w{3} \d{1,2} \d{4}$/ date_fmt = '%a %b %d %Y' # e.g. Sat Aug 7 1993 else puts "*** !!! wrong (unknown) date format >>#{col}<<; cannot continue; fix it; sorry" ## todo/fix: add to errors/warns list - why? why not? exit 1 end ## todo/check: use date object (keep string?) - why? why not? ## todo/fix: yes!! use date object!!!! do NOT use string date = Date.strptime( col, date_fmt ).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d' ) end ## ## todo/fix: round might not always be just a simple integer number!!! ## might be text such as Final | Leg 1 or such!!!! round = nil ## check for (optional) round / matchday if headers_mapping[ :round ] col = row[ headers_mapping[ :round ]] ## todo: issue warning if not ? or - (and just empty string) why? why not round = col.to_i if col =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ # check format - e.g. ignore ? or - or such non-numbers for now end score1 = nil score2 = nil score1i = nil score2i = nil ## check for full time scores ? if headers_mapping[ :score1 ] && headers_mapping[ :score2 ] ft = [ row[ headers_mapping[ :score1 ]], row[ headers_mapping[ :score2 ]] ] ## todo/fix: issue warning if not ? or - (and just empty string) why? why not score1 = ft[0].to_i if ft[0] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ score2 = ft[1].to_i if ft[1] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ end ## check for half time scores ? if headers_mapping[ :score1i ] && headers_mapping[ :score2i ] ht = [ row[ headers_mapping[ :score1i ]], row[ headers_mapping[ :score2i ]] ] ## todo/fix: issue warning if not ? or - (and just empty string) why? why not score1i = ht[0].to_i if ht[0] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ score2i = ht[1].to_i if ht[1] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ end ## check for all-in-one full time scores? if headers_mapping[ :score ] ft = row[ headers_mapping[ :score ] ] if ft =~ /^\d{1,2}[\-:]\d{1,2}$/ ## sanity check scores format scores = ft.split( /[\-:]/ ) score1 = scores[0].to_i score2 = scores[1].to_i end ## todo/fix: issue warning if non-empty!!! and not matching format!!!! end if headers_mapping[ :scorei ] ht = row[ headers_mapping[ :scorei ] ] if ht =~ /^\d{1,2}[\-:]\d{1,2}$/ ## sanity check scores format scores = ht.split( /[\-:]/) ## allow 1-1 and 1:1 score1i = scores[0].to_i score2i = scores[1].to_i end ## todo/fix: issue warning if non-empty!!! and not matching format!!!! end ## try some optional headings / columns stage = nil if headers_mapping[ :stage ] col = row[ headers_mapping[ :stage ]] ## todo/fix: check can col be nil e.g. col.nil? possible? stage = if col.nil? || col.empty? || col == '-' || col == 'n/a' ## note: allow missing stage for match / defaults to "regular" nil elsif col == '?' ## note: default explicit unknown to unknown for now AND not regular - why? why not? '?' ## todo/check: use unkown and NOT ? - why? why not? else col end end league = nil league = row[ headers_mapping[ :league ]] if headers_mapping[ :league ] match = Import::Match.new( date: date, team1: team1, team2: team2, score1: score1, score2: score2, score1i: score1i, score2i: score2i, round: round, stage: stage, league: league ) matches << match end ## pp matches matches end private def find_header( headers, candidates ) ## todo/fix: use find_first from enumare of similar ?! - why? more idiomatic code? candidates.each do |candidate| return candidate if headers.include?( candidate ) ## bingo!!! end nil ## no matching header found!!! end end # class CsvMatchParser end # module SportDb