o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry	:@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1372843469.732977:@value"
mtime;�FI"2013-07-03T11:02:49+02:00;�FI"length;�Fi  I"digest;�F"%b74204cc9c8a6de867efa79fa7ccf9f1I"source;�FI"  /*global define*/

    ], function(
        when) {
    "use strict";

     * A {@link TerrainProvider} that produces geometry by tessellating height maps
     * retrieved from a Cesium terrain server.  The format of the terrain tiles is described on the
     * {@link https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/wiki/Cesium-Terrain-Server|Cesium wiki}.
     * @alias CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} description.url The URL of the Cesium terrain server.
     * @param {Proxy} [description.proxy] A proxy to use for requests. This object is expected to have a getURL function which returns the proxied URL, if needed.
     * @param {String} [description.credit] A string crediting the data source, which is displayed on the canvas.
     * @see TerrainProvider
    var CesiumTerrainProvider = function CesiumTerrainProvider(description) {
        if (typeof description === 'undefined' || typeof description.url === 'undefined') {
            throw new DeveloperError('description.url is required.');

        this._url = description.url;
        this._proxy = description.proxy;

        this._tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme({
            numberOfLevelZeroTilesX : 2,
            numberOfLevelZeroTilesY : 1

        this._heightmapWidth = 65;
        this._levelZeroMaximumGeometricError = TerrainProvider.getEstimatedLevelZeroGeometricErrorForAHeightmap(this._tilingScheme.getEllipsoid(), this._heightmapWidth, this._tilingScheme.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(0));

        this._terrainDataStructure = {
            heightScale : 1.0 / 5.0,
            heightOffset : -1000.0,
            elementsPerHeight : 1,
            stride : 1,
            elementMultiplier : 256.0,
            isBigEndian : false

        this._errorEvent = new Event();

        this._logo = undefined;
        if (typeof description.credit !== 'undefined') {
            this._logo = writeTextToCanvas(description.credit, {
                font : '12px sans-serif'

     * Requests the geometry for a given tile.  This function should not be called before
     * {@link CesiumTerrainProvider#isReady} returns true.  The result must include terrain data and
     * may optionally include a water mask and an indication of which child tiles are available.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @param {Number} x The X coordinate of the tile for which to request geometry.
     * @param {Number} y The Y coordinate of the tile for which to request geometry.
     * @param {Number} level The level of the tile for which to request geometry.
     * @param {Boolean} [throttleRequests=true] True if the number of simultaneous requests should be limited,
     *                  or false if the request should be initiated regardless of the number of requests
     *                  already in progress.
     * @returns {Promise|TerrainData} A promise for the requested geometry.  If this method
     *          returns undefined instead of a promise, it is an indication that too many requests are already
     *          pending and the request will be retried later.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.requestTileGeometry = function(x, y, level, throttleRequests) {
        var yTiles = this._tilingScheme.getNumberOfYTilesAtLevel(level);
        var url = this._url + '/' + level + '/' + x + '/' + (yTiles - y - 1) + '.terrain';

        var proxy = this._proxy;
        if (typeof proxy !== 'undefined') {
            url = proxy.getURL(url);

        var promise;

        throttleRequests = defaultValue(throttleRequests, true);
        if (throttleRequests) {
            promise = throttleRequestByServer(url, loadArrayBuffer);
            if (typeof promise === 'undefined') {
                return undefined;
        } else {
            promise = loadArrayBuffer(url);

        var that = this;
        return when(promise, function(buffer) {
            var heightBuffer = new Uint16Array(buffer, 0, that._heightmapWidth * that._heightmapWidth);
            return new HeightmapTerrainData({
                buffer : heightBuffer,
                childTileMask : new Uint8Array(buffer, heightBuffer.byteLength, 1)[0],
                waterMask : new Uint8Array(buffer, heightBuffer.byteLength + 1, buffer.byteLength - heightBuffer.byteLength - 1),
                width : that._heightmapWidth,
                height : that._heightmapWidth,
                structure : that._terrainDataStructure

     * Gets an event that is raised when the terrain provider encounters an asynchronous error.  By subscribing
     * to the event, you will be notified of the error and can potentially recover from it.  Event listeners
     * are passed an instance of {@link TileProviderError}.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @returns {Event} The event.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.getErrorEvent = function() {
        return this._errorEvent;

     * Gets the maximum geometric error allowed in a tile at a given level.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @param {Number} level The tile level for which to get the maximum geometric error.
     * @returns {Number} The maximum geometric error.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.getLevelMaximumGeometricError = function(level) {
        return this._levelZeroMaximumGeometricError / (1 << level);

     * Gets the logo to display when this terrain provider is active.  Typically this is used to credit
     * the source of the terrain.  This function should not be called before {@link CesiumTerrainProvider#isReady} returns true.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @returns {Image|Canvas} A canvas or image containing the log to display, or undefined if there is no logo.
     * @exception {DeveloperError} <code>getLogo</code> must not be called before the terrain provider is ready.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.getLogo = function() {
        return this._logo;

     * Gets the tiling scheme used by this provider.  This function should
     * not be called before {@link CesiumTerrainProvider#isReady} returns true.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @returns {GeographicTilingScheme} The tiling scheme.
     * @see WebMercatorTilingScheme
     * @see GeographicTilingScheme
     * @exception {DeveloperError} <code>getTilingScheme</code> must not be called before the terrain provider is ready.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.getTilingScheme = function() {
        return this._tilingScheme;

     * Gets a value indicating whether or not the provider includes a water mask.  The water mask
     * indicates which areas of the globe are water rather than land, so they can be rendered
     * as a reflective surface with animated waves.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @returns {Boolean} True if the provider has a water mask; otherwise, false.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.hasWaterMask = function() {
        return true;

     * Gets a value indicating whether or not the provider is ready for use.
     * @memberof CesiumTerrainProvider
     * @returns {Boolean} True if the provider is ready to use; otherwise, false.
    CesiumTerrainProvider.prototype.isReady = function() {
        return true;

    return CesiumTerrainProvider;