// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`SyncSettingField should render boolean setting as checkbox 1`] = ` } className="" disabled={false} fieldRequired={false} fieldSelector={[Function]} inputClassName="col-md-6" item={ Object { "description": "Should importing overwrite locked templates?", "id": 46, "name": "force", "settingsType": "bool", "value": false, } } label="undefined " name="import.force" tooltipHelp={ } placement="top" rootClose={true} /> } /> `; exports[`SyncSettingField should render setting with input field 1`] = ` } className="" disabled={false} fieldRequired={false} fieldSelector={[Function]} inputClassName="col-md-6" item={ Object { "description": "Import or export names matching this regex (case-insensitive; snippets are not filtered)", "id": 47, "name": "filter", "settingsType": "string", "value": "", } } label="undefined " name="import.filter" tooltipHelp={ } placement="top" rootClose={true} /> } /> `; exports[`SyncSettingField should render setting with select choices 1`] = ` } className="" disabled={false} fieldRequired={false} fieldSelector={[Function]} inputClassName="col-md-6" item={ Object { "description": "Associate templates to OS, organization and location", "id": 45, "name": "associate", "selection": Array [ Object { "label": "New", "value": "new", }, Object { "label": "Never", "value": "never", }, Object { "label": "Always", "value": "always", }, ], "settingsType": "string", "value": "new", } } label="undefined " name="import.associate" tooltipHelp={ } placement="top" rootClose={true} /> } > new `;