module ExpressAdmin # Provide menus for Express Admin addon engines. # # To use: # # 1) include ExpressAdmin::Menu::Loader in your engine.rb # 2) add a config/menu.yml defining the menu structure # # Example: # # title: 'Blog' # path: 'express_blog.admin_blog_posts_path' # items: # - # title: 'Posts' # path: 'express_blog.admin_blog_posts_path' # - # title: 'Categories' # path: 'express_blog.admin_blog_categories_path' module Menu # Return the top level MenuItem for the addon or defined in the supplied path. # # Accepts an addon_name such as :express_admin or a path to a yaml file # containing a menu definition. def self.[](addon_name) @menus ||= {} @menus[addon_name.to_sym] ||= begin menu_yml_path = if addon_name.eql?('admin') File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'menu.yml') else addon_path = Gem.loaded_specs[addon_name].full_gem_path if addon_name.to_s.match(/^\w+$/) File.join(addon_path, 'config', 'menu.yml') end from(menu_yml_path) end end def self.from(yaml_path) raise "unable to locate #{yaml_path}" unless File.exists?(yaml_path) YAML.load_file(yaml_path).with_indifferent_access end class MenuItem attr :title, :path, :position, :items def initialize(hash) @title = hash[:title] @path = hash[:path] @position = hash[:position] || 99 @items = (hash[:items]||[]).map {|item|} end end module Loader def self.included(base) class << base def addon_name self.to_s.split('::')[-2].underscore.to_sym end end end end end end