== undefined * enhancements * Add a way to have a backtrace callback on notifiers (by @pcboy) * bug fixes * Fix incompatible character encodings error (by @san650) == 4.1.2 * enhancements * Change format of Slack notifications (by @eldano) == 4.1.1 * bug fixes * Alternate way to monkeypatch (by @joshco) * Fix BacktraceCleaner namespacing (by @esdlocomb) == 4.1.0 * enhancements * Add support for Sidekiq 3.0 (by @mbrictson) * Add IRC notifier (by @nathanjsharpe) * Add ActionController::UnknownFormat to default ignored exceptions (by @rezwyi) * Add message_template option to HipChat notifier (by @makimoto) * Add support for HipChat APIv2 (by @michaelherold) * Add Slack notifier (by @martin1keogh) * Add option for notifying on `X-Cascade` header (by @etipton) * Improve backtrace data (by @munkius) * bug fixes * Fix `Rails.root` exception (by @hovatterz) * Fix email notifier in Sinatra (by @betesh) == 4.0.1 * enhancements * Add HipChat notifier (by @j15e) * Log backtrace when notification fails * Send more info in Webhook notifier * Add HTTP method to request section == 4.0.0 * enhancements * Be able to override delivery_method (by @jweslley) * Add logger to log when notifications cannot be shiped (by @jweslley) * Add Rails generator to create an initializer file (by @jweslley) * Add rails engine (by @jweslley) * Add sidekiq support (by @jweslley) * Add resque support (by @jweslley) * Better style for html views (by @jweslley) * Support customizable Mailer class (by @Bishop) * Turn ExceptionNotification Rails agnostic (by @jweslley) * Support custom ignore exceptions for background notifications (by @jweslley) * Be able to implement custom notifiers (by @jweslley) * Add Webhook notifier (by @jweslley) * Rails 4 compatible * bug fixes * Don't error if Rails isn't defined. (by @dpogue) * Fix call to #normalize_digits (by @ghiculescu) == 3.0.1 * enhancements * Custom Headers (by @DouweM) * Make Tinder a soft-dependency (by @fgrehm) * bug fixes * Fix `code converter not found` (by @alanjds) == 3.0.0 * enhancements * Campfire integration * Support for HTML notifications (by @Xenofex) * Be able to override SMTP settings (by @piglop and @Macint) * bug fixes * Fix encoding issues * Allow default sections to be overridden (by @jfarmer) * Don't automatically deliver background notifications == 2.6.1 * bug fixes * Fix finding custom sections on Background notifications. Fixes [#68] == 2.6.0 * enhancements * Avoid raising exception on dev mode * Add ignore_if option to avoid sending certain notifications. * Add normalize_subject option to remove numbers from email so that they thread (by @jjb) * Allow the user to provide a custom message and hash of data (by @jjb) * Add support for configurable background sections and a data partial (by @jeffrafter) * Include timestamp of exception in notification body * Add support for rack based session management (by @phoet) * Add ignore_crawlers option to ignore exceptions generated by crawlers * Add verbode_subject option to exclude exception message from subject (by @amishyn) * bug fixes * Correctly set view path at the right time so that new sections are properly available (by @scrozier) * Fix handling exceptions with no backtrace * Fix issue on Solaris with hostname (by @bluescripts) * Ensure exceptions in view templates doesn't cause problems, allowing the notification to be sent anyway (by @sce) == 2.5.1 * bug fixes * Fix lib references on gemspec == 2.5.0 * enhancements * Add Background Notifications * bug fixes * Filter session_id on secure requests == 2.4.1 * enhancements * Use values set for the middleware as defaults * bug fixes * Avoid sending emails with large subjects * Avoid having to add 'require' option on gem configuration