--- title: BuForecastModification --- :::error **The Ruby SDK is deprecated as of 9/16/2020** The Genesys Cloud Ruby SDK (v96.0.0) will be frozen at its current version level. Any new enhancements to our API or bug fixes will not be backported. If you do need to take advantage of new features or bug fixes outside the Genesys Cloud Ruby SDK, you will need to use the Genesys Cloud REST endpoints directly. More information can be found in the [Official Announcement](https://developer.mypurecloud.com/forum/t/announcement-genesys-cloud-ruby-sdk-end-of-life/8850). ::: ## PureCloud::BuForecastModification ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **type** | **String** | The type of the modification | | | **start_interval_index** | **Integer** | The number of 15 minute intervals past referenceStartDate representing the first interval to which to apply this modification. Must be null if values is populated | [optional] | | **end_interval_index** | **Integer** | The number of 15 minute intervals past referenceStartDate representing the last interval to which to apply this modification. Must be null if values is populated | [optional] | | **metric** | **String** | The metric to which this modification applies | | | **legacy_metric** | **String** | The legacy metric to which this modification applies if applicable | [optional] | | **value** | **Float** | The value of the modification. Must be null if \"values\" is populated | [optional] | | **values** | [**Array<WfmForecastModificationIntervalOffsetValue>**](WfmForecastModificationIntervalOffsetValue.html) | The list of values to update. Only applicable for grid-type modifications. Must be null if \"value\" is populated | [optional] | | **display_granularity** | **String** | The client side display granularity of the modification, expressed in the ISO-8601 duration format. Periods are represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: P1D or P1DT12H | | | **granularity** | **String** | The actual granularity of the modification as stored behind the scenes, expressed in the ISO-8601 duration format. Periods are represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: P1D or P1DT12H | [optional] | | **enabled** | **BOOLEAN** | Whether the modification is enabled for the forecast | | | **planning_group_ids** | **Array<String>** | The IDs of the planning groups to which this forecast modification applies. Leave empty to apply to all | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}