# A simple "Triangle Game" that allows you to move a Roguelike '@' around the # window (and off of it). This is a working example on MacOS 10.12 as of Dec 16, 2017. # This combines some of the Ruby2D tutorial code with keypress management # that actually works. # # Keys: hjkl: movement, q: quit # # To run: ruby triangle-game.rb after installing the Simple2D library and Ruby2D Gem. # # Author: Douglas P. Fields, Jr. # E-mail: symbolics@lisp.engineer # Site: https://symbolics.lisp.engineer/ # Copyright 2017 Douglas P. Fields, Jr. # License: The MIT License # require 'gosu' # Encoding: UTF-8 # The tutorial game over a landscape rendered with OpenGL. # Basically shows how arbitrary OpenGL calls can be put into # the block given to Window#gl, and that Gosu Images can be # used as textures using the gl_tex_info call. # require 'rubygems' require 'gosu' CURRENT_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) MEDIA_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) + "/media" # ONLY ENABLE FOR WINDOWS COMPILATION # Place opengl lib in lib library # Replace the meths list iteration with the following (added rescue blocks): # meths.each do |mn| # define_singleton_method(mn) do |*args,&block| # begin # implementation.send(mn, *args, &block) # rescue # end # end # define_method(mn) do |*args,&block| # begin # implementation.send(mn, *args, &block) # rescue # end # end # private mn # end # For WINDOWS - using local lip # require_relative 'lib/opengl.rb' # FOR Linux\OSX - using opengl gem require 'opengl' Dir["#{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/lib/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } Dir["#{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/models/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } # require_relative 'media' # Dir["/path/to/directory/*.rb"].each {|file| require file } # # exit if Object.const_defined?(:Ocra) #allow ocra to create an exe without executing the entire script DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 640, 480 RESOLUTIONS = [[640, 480], [800, 600], [960, 720], [1024, 768], [1280, 960], [1400, 1050], [1440, 1080], [1600, 1200], [1856, 1392], [1920, 1440], [2048, 1536]] # RESOLUTIONS = [[640, 480], [800, 600], [960, 720], [1024, 768]] # WIDTH, HEIGHT = 1080, 720 class GameWindow < Gosu::Window attr_accessor :width, :height, :block_all_controls def initialize width = nil, height = nil, fullscreen = false, options = {} @difficulty = options[:difficulty] @block_all_controls = !options[:block_controls_until_button_up].nil? && options[:block_controls_until_button_up] == true ? true : false @debug = options[:debug] # GameWindow.fullscreen(self) if fullscreen @start_fullscreen = fullscreen @center_ui_y = 0 @center_ui_x = 0 @width = width || DEFAULT_WIDTH @height = height || DEFAULT_HEIGHT reset_center_font_ui_y index = GameWindow.find_index_of_current_resolution(self.width, self.height) if index == 0 @scale = 1 else original_width, original_height = RESOLUTIONS[0] width_scale = @width / original_width.to_f height_scale = @height / original_height.to_f @scale = (width_scale + height_scale) / 2 end super(@width, @height) @game_pause = false @game_pause = false @menu_open = false @menu = nil @can_open_menu = true @can_pause = true @can_resize = !options[:block_resize].nil? && options[:block_resize] == true ? false : true @can_toggle_secondary = true @can_toggle_fullscreen_a = true @can_toggle_fullscreen_b = true self.caption = "OpenGL Integration" @gl_background = GLBackground.new @grappling_hook = nil @buildings = Array.new @projectiles = Array.new @enemy_projectiles = Array.new @enemy_destructable_projectiles = Array.new @pickups = Array.new @enemies = Array.new @enemies_random_spawn_timer = 100 # @enemies_random_spawn_timer = 5 @enemies_spawner_counter = 0 # @enemies_spawner_counter = 5 @max_enemy_count = 30 @enemies_killed = 0 @font = Gosu::Font.new(20) @max_enemies = 4 @pointer = Cursor.new(@scale) @ui_y = 0 @footer_bar = FooterBar.new(@scale, @width, @height) reset_font_ui_y # @boss_active_at_enemies_killed = 500 if @difficulty == 'easy' @boss_active_at_enemies_killed = 300 @boss_active_at_level = 2 @handicap = 0.3 elsif @difficulty == "medium" @boss_active_at_level = 3 @boss_active_at_enemies_killed = 450 @handicap = 0.6 else @boss_active_at_level = 4 @boss_active_at_enemies_killed = 700 @handicap = 1 end @player = Player.new(@scale, @width / 2, @height / 2, @width, @height, {handicap: @handicap, max_movable_height: @height - @footer_bar.height}) @boss_active = false @boss = nil @boss_killed = false end # Switch button downs to this method # This only triggers once during press. Use the other section for when we want it contunually triggered def button_down(id) # puts "HERE: #{id.inspect}" # super(id) if id == Gosu::MsLeft && @menu_open && @menu @menu.clicked end if @player.is_alive && !@game_pause && !@menu_open # KB_LEFT_CONTROL = 224, if id == Gosu::KB_LEFT_CONTROL && @player.ready_for_special? puts "Gosu::KB_LEFT_CONTROL CLICKED!!" @player.special_attack end end end def self.reset(window, options = {}) window = GameWindow.new(window.width, window.height, window.fullscreen?, options.merge({block_controls_until_button_up: true})).show end def self.start width = nil, height = nil, fullscreen = false, options = {} # window = GameWindow.new.show GameWindow.new(width, height, fullscreen, options).show end # When fullscreen, try to match window with screen resolution # .screen_height ⇒ Integer # The height (in pixels) of the user's primary screen. # .screen_width ⇒ Integer # The width (in pixels) of the user's primary screen. def self.fullscreen(window) window.fullscreen = !window.fullscreen? end def self.resize(window, width, height, fullscreen) window = GameWindow.new(width, height).show window.fullscreen = fullscreen end def self.find_index_of_current_resolution width, height current_index = nil counter = 0 RESOLUTIONS.each do |resolution| break if current_index && current_index > 0 current_index = counter if resolution[0] == width && resolution[1] == height counter += 1 end return current_index end def self.up_resolution(window) # # puts "UP RESLUTION" # index = find_index_of_current_resolution(window.width, window.height) # # puts "FOUND INDEX: #{index}" # if index == RESOLUTIONS.count - 1 # # Max resolution, do nothing # else # # window.width = RESOLUTIONS[index + 1][0] # # window.height = RESOLUTIONS[index + 1][1] # width = RESOLUTIONS[index + 1][0] # height = RESOLUTIONS[index + 1][1] # # puts "UPPING TO #{width} x #{height}" # window = GameWindow.new(width, height, {block_resize: true}).show # end end def self.down_resolution(window) # index = find_index_of_current_resolution(window.width, window.height) # if index == 0 # # Min resolution, do nothing # else # # window.width = RESOLUTIONS[index - 1][0] # # window.height = RESOLUTIONS[index - 1][1] # width = RESOLUTIONS[index - 1][0] # height = RESOLUTIONS[index - 1][1] # window = GameWindow.new(width, height, {block_resize: true}).show # end end def button_up id @block_all_controls = false # Grappling hook always active # if (id == Gosu::MS_RIGHT) && @player.is_alive # @grappling_hook.deactivate if @grappling_hook # end if (id == Gosu::KB_P) @can_pause = true end if (id == Gosu::KB_TAB) @can_toggle_secondary = true end if id == Gosu::KB_RETURN @can_toggle_fullscreen_a = true end if id == Gosu::KB_RIGHT_META @can_toggle_fullscreen_b = true end if id == Gosu::KB_MINUS @can_resize = true end if id == Gosu::KB_EQUALS @can_resize = true end end def get_center_font_ui_y return_value = @center_ui_y @center_ui_y += 50 return return_value end def get_center_font_ui_x return @center_ui_x end def reset_center_font_ui_y @center_ui_y = @height / 2 - 100 @center_ui_x = @width / 2 - 100 end def update @pointer.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) if @pointer if @start_fullscreen @start_fullscreen = false GameWindow.fullscreen(self) end reset_center_font_ui_y @menu.update if @menu if !@block_all_controls if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KbEscape) && @can_open_menu @menu_open = true @can_open_menu = false @menu = Menu.new(self) @menu.add_item(Gosu::Image.new(self, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/resume.png", false), get_center_font_ui_x, get_center_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, lambda { @menu_open = false; @menu = nil; @can_open_menu = true; }, Gosu::Image.new(self, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/resume.png", false)) @menu.add_item(Gosu::Image.new(self, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/back_to_menu.png", false), get_center_font_ui_x, get_center_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, lambda { self.close; Main.new.show }, Gosu::Image.new(self, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/back_to_menu.png", false)) @menu.add_item(Gosu::Image.new(self, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/exit.png", false), get_center_font_ui_x, get_center_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, lambda { self.close }, Gosu::Image.new(self, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/exit.png", false)) # close! end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_M) GameWindow.reset(self, {debug: @debug}) end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_RIGHT_META) && Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_RETURN) && @can_toggle_fullscreen_a && @can_toggle_fullscreen_b @can_toggle_fullscreen_a = false @can_toggle_fullscreen_b = false GameWindow.fullscreen(self) end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_P) && @can_pause @can_pause = false @game_pause = !@game_pause end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_O) && @can_resize @can_resize = false GameWindow.resize(self, 1920, 1080, false) end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_MINUS) && @can_resize @can_resize = false GameWindow.down_resolution(self) end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_EQUALS) && @can_resize @can_resize = false GameWindow.up_resolution(self) end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_TAB) && @can_toggle_secondary @can_toggle_secondary = false @player.toggle_secondary end if @player.is_alive && !@game_pause && !@menu_open @player.update() @player.move_left() if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_LEFT) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::GP_LEFT) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_A) @player.move_right() if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_RIGHT) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::GP_RIGHT) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_D) @player.accelerate() if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_UP) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::GP_UP) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_W) @player.brake() if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_DOWN) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::GP_DOWN) || Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_S) if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::MS_RIGHT) if @grappling_hook == nil && @player.grapple_hook_cooldown_wait <= 0 @grappling_hook = GrapplingHook.new(@scale, @width, @height, @player, self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) @player.grapple_hook_cooldown_wait = @grappling_hook.cooldown_delay end end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::MS_LEFT) @projectiles = @projectiles + @player.trigger_secondary_attack(@pointer) end if Gosu.button_down?(Gosu::KB_SPACE) if @player.cooldown_wait <= 0 results = @player.attack(@pointer) projectiles = results[:projectiles] cooldown = results[:cooldown] @player.cooldown_wait = cooldown.to_f.fdiv(@player.attack_speed) projectiles.each do |projectile| @projectiles.push(projectile) end end end @player.collect_pickups(@pickups) @enemy_projectiles.each do |projectile| results = projectile.hit_object(@player) @pickups = @pickups + results[:drops] end @enemy_destructable_projectiles.each do |projectile| results = projectile.hit_object(@player) @pickups = @pickups + results[:drops] end @grappling_hook.collect_pickups(@player, @pickups) if @grappling_hook && @grappling_hook.active end if !@game_pause && !@menu_open @projectiles.each do |projectile| results = projectile.hit_objects([@enemies, @buildings, @enemy_destructable_projectiles, [@boss]]) @pickups = @pickups + results[:drops] @player.score += results[:point_value] @enemies_killed += results[:killed] @player.add_kill_count(results[:killed]) end @buildings.reject! { |building| !building.update() } if @player.is_alive && @grappling_hook grap_result = @grappling_hook.update(@player) @grappling_hook = nil if !grap_result end @pickups.reject! { |pickup| !pickup.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) } @projectiles.reject! { |projectile| !projectile.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) } @enemy_projectiles.reject! { |projectile| !projectile.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) } @enemy_destructable_projectiles.reject! { |projectile| !projectile.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) } @enemies.reject! { |enemy| !enemy.update(nil, nil, @player) } if @boss result = @boss.update(nil, nil, @player) if !result @boss_killed = true @boss = nil @enemy_projectiles = [] @enemy_destructable_projectiles = [] end end @gl_background.scroll if !@boss_killed && !@boss_active @buildings.push(Building.new(@scale, @width, @height)) if rand(100) == 0 end # Temp # @enemies.push(MissileBoat.new(@scale, @width, @height)) if rand(10) == 0 if !@boss_active && !@boss && !@boss_killed if @player.is_alive && (@player.time_alive % 1000 == 0) # && @enemies.count <= @max_enemies # @enemies.push(EnemyPlayer.new(@scale, @width, @height)) if @enemies.count <= @max_enemy_count @pickups << RocketLauncherPickup.new(@scale, @width, @height) end if @player.is_alive && (@player.time_alive % 1300 == 0) # && @enemies.count <= @max_enemies # @enemies.push(EnemyPlayer.new(@scale, @width, @height)) if @enemies.count <= @max_enemy_count swarm = HorizontalSwarm.trigger_swarm(@scale, @width, @height) @enemies = @enemies + swarm end if @player.is_alive && rand(@enemies_random_spawn_timer) == 0 && @enemies.count <= @max_enemies (0..(@enemies_spawner_counter / 2).round).each do |count| @enemies.push(EnemyPlayer.new(@scale, @width, @height)) if @enemies.count <= @max_enemy_count end end if @player.time_alive % 500 == 0 @max_enemies += 1 end if @player.time_alive % 1000 == 0 && @enemies_random_spawn_timer > 5 @enemies_random_spawn_timer -= 5 end # temp if @player.time_alive % 200 == 0 (0..(@enemies_spawner_counter / 4).round).each do |count| @enemies.push(MissileBoat.new(@scale, @width, @height)) if @enemies.count <= @max_enemy_count end end if @player.time_alive % 5000 == 0 @enemies_spawner_counter += 1 end if @player.time_alive % 1000 == 0 && @player.time_alive > 0 @player.score += 100 end end if @boss_active_at_enemies_killed <= @enemies_killed || @boss_active_at_level <= @enemies_spawner_counter @boss_active = true end if @boss_active && @boss.nil? && @enemies.count == 0 && @boss_killed == false @boss_active = false # Activate Boss @boss = Mothership.new(@scale, @width, @height) # @enemies.push(@boss) end # Move to enemy mehtods @enemies.each do |enemy| if enemy.cooldown_wait <= 0 results = enemy.attack(@player) projectiles = results[:projectiles] cooldown = results[:cooldown] enemy.cooldown_wait = cooldown.to_f.fdiv(enemy.attack_speed) projectiles.each do |projectile| if projectile.destructable? @enemy_destructable_projectiles.push(projectile) else @enemy_projectiles.push(projectile) end end end end if @boss if @boss.cooldown_wait <= 0 results = @boss.attack(@player) projectiles = results[:projectiles] cooldown = results[:cooldown] @boss.cooldown_wait = cooldown.to_f.fdiv(@boss.attack_speed) projectiles.each do |projectile| if projectile.destructable? @enemy_destructable_projectiles.push(projectile) else @enemy_projectiles.push(projectile) end end end if @boss.secondary_cooldown_wait <= 0 results = @boss.secondary_attack(@player) projectiles = results[:projectiles] cooldown = results[:cooldown] @boss.secondary_cooldown_wait = cooldown.to_f.fdiv(@boss.attack_speed) projectiles.each do |projectile| if projectile.destructable? @enemy_destructable_projectiles.push(projectile) else @enemy_projectiles.push(projectile) end end end if @boss.tertiary_cooldown_wait <= 0 results = @boss.tertiary_attack(@player) projectiles = results[:projectiles] cooldown = results[:cooldown] @boss.tertiary_cooldown_wait = cooldown.to_f.fdiv(@boss.attack_speed) projectiles.each do |projectile| if projectile.destructable? @enemy_destructable_projectiles.push(projectile) else @enemy_projectiles.push(projectile) end end end end end end # END if !@block_all_controls end # END UPDATE FUNCTION def draw @menu.draw if @menu @footer_bar.draw(@player) @boss.draw if @boss # @pointer.draw(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) if @grappling_hook.nil? || !@grappling_hook.active @pointer.draw# if @grappling_hook.nil? || !@grappling_hook.active @player.draw() if @player.is_alive @grappling_hook.draw(@player) if @player.is_alive && @grappling_hook if !@menu && !@player.is_alive @font.draw("You are dead!", @width / 2 - 50, @height / 2 - 55, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Press ESC to quit", @width / 2 - 50, @height / 2 - 40, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Press M to Restart", @width / 2 - 50, @height / 2 - 25, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) end if @boss_killed @font.draw("You won! Your score: #{@player.score}", @width / 2 - 50, @height / 2 - 55, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) end @font.draw("Paused", @width / 2 - 50, @height / 2 - 25, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) if @game_pause @enemies.each { |enemy| enemy.draw() } @projectiles.each { |projectile| projectile.draw() } @enemy_projectiles.each { |projectile| projectile.draw() } @enemy_destructable_projectiles.each { |projectile| projectile.draw() } # @stars.each { |star| star.draw } @pickups.each { |pickup| pickup.draw() } @buildings.each { |building| building.draw() } @font.draw("Score: #{@player.score}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Level: #{@enemies_spawner_counter + 1}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Enemies Killed: #{@enemies_killed}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Boss Health: #{@boss.health.round(2)}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) if @boss if @debug # @font.draw("Attack Speed: #{@player.attack_speed.round(2)}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Health: #{@player.health}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Armor: #{@player.armor}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) # @font.draw("Rockets: #{@player.rockets}", 10, 70, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) if @player.secondary_weapon == 'missile' # @font.draw("Bombs: #{@player.bombs}", 10, 70, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) if @player.secondary_weapon == 'bomb' @font.draw("Weapon: #{@player.get_secondary_name}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Rockets: #{@player.rockets}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Bombs: #{@player.bombs}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) if @player.bombs > 0 @font.draw("Time Alive: #{@player.time_alive}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Enemy count: #{@enemies.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("enemy_projectiles: #{@enemy_projectiles.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("projectiles count: #{@projectiles.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("destructable_proj: #{@enemy_destructable_projectiles.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("pickups count: #{@pickups.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("buildings count: #{@buildings.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Object count: #{@enemies.count + @enemy_projectiles.count + @projectiles.count + @enemy_destructable_projectiles.count + @pickups.count + @buildings.count}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Damage Reduction: #{@player.damage_reduction.round(2)}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Boost Incease: #{@player.boost_increase.round(2)}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("Attack Speed: #{@player.attack_speed.round(2)}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) @font.draw("FPS: #{Gosu.fps}", 10, get_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, 1.0, 1.0, 0xff_ffff00) end @gl_background.draw(ZOrder::Background) reset_font_ui_y end def get_font_ui_y return_value = @ui_y @ui_y += 15 return return_value end def reset_font_ui_y @ui_y = 10 end end GameWindow.new.show if __FILE__ == $0