#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/handler/fileserver' describe Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer do require 'tmpdir' def create_file(filename) File.open(filename, "w") { |f| f.puts filename} end def create_nested_file() dirname = File.join(@basedir, "nested_dir") Dir.mkdir(dirname) file = File.join(dirname, "nested_dir_file") create_file(file) end before do @basedir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir(), "test_network_handler") Dir.mkdir(@basedir) @file = File.join(@basedir, "aFile") @link = File.join(@basedir, "aLink") create_file(@file) @mount = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer::Mount.new("some_path", @basedir) end it "should list a single directory" do @mount.list("/", false, false).should == [["/", "directory"]] end it "should list a file within a directory when given the file path" do @mount.list("/aFile", false, "false").should == [["/", "file"]] end it "should list a file within a directory when given the file path with recursion" do @mount.list("/aFile", true, "false").should == [["/", "file"]] end it "should return nil for a non-existent path" do @mount.list("/no_such_file", false, false).should be(nil) end it "should list a symbolic link as a file when given the link path" do File.symlink(@file, @link) @mount.list("/aLink", false, false).should == [["/", "file"]] end it "should return nil for a dangling symbolic link when given the link path" do File.symlink("/some/where", @link) @mount.list("/aLink", false, false).should be(nil) end it "should list directory contents of a flat directory structure when asked to recurse" do list = @mount.list("/", true, false) list.should include(["/aFile", "file"]) list.should include(["/", "directory"]) list.should have(2).items end it "should list the contents of a nested directory" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", true, false) list.sort.should == [ ["/aFile", "file"], ["/", "directory"] , ["/nested_dir", "directory"], ["/nested_dir/nested_dir_file", "file"]].sort end it "should list the contents of a directory ignoring files that match" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", true, "*File") list.sort.should == [ ["/", "directory"] , ["/nested_dir", "directory"], ["/nested_dir/nested_dir_file", "file"]].sort end it "should list the contents of a directory ignoring directories that match" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", true, "*nested_dir") list.sort.should == [ ["/aFile", "file"], ["/", "directory"] ].sort end it "should list the contents of a directory ignoring all ignore patterns that match" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", true, ["*File" , "*nested_dir"]) list.should == [ ["/", "directory"] ] end it "should list the directory when recursing to a depth of zero" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", 0, false) list.should == [["/", "directory"]] end it "should list the base directory and files and nested directory to a depth of one" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", 1, false) list.sort.should == [ ["/aFile", "file"], ["/nested_dir", "directory"], ["/", "directory"] ].sort end it "should list the base directory and files and nested directory to a depth of two" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", 2, false) list.sort.should == [ ["/aFile", "file"], ["/", "directory"] , ["/nested_dir", "directory"], ["/nested_dir/nested_dir_file", "file"]].sort end it "should list the base directory and files and nested directory to a depth greater than the directory structure" do create_nested_file() list = @mount.list("/", 42, false) list.sort.should == [ ["/aFile", "file"], ["/", "directory"] , ["/nested_dir", "directory"], ["/nested_dir/nested_dir_file", "file"]].sort end it "should list a valid symbolic link as a file when recursing base dir" do File.symlink(@file, @link) list = @mount.list("/", true, false) list.sort.should == [ ["/", "directory"], ["/aFile", "file"], ["/aLink", "file"] ].sort end it "should not error when a dangling symlink is present" do File.symlink("/some/where", @link) lambda { @mount.list("/", true, false) }.should_not raise_error end it "should return the directory contents of valid entries when a dangling symlink is present" do File.symlink("/some/where", @link) list = @mount.list("/", true, false) list.sort.should == [ ["/aFile", "file"], ["/", "directory"] ].sort end describe Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer::PluginMount do PLUGINS = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer::PLUGINS # create a module plugin hierarchy def create_plugin(mod, plugin) dirname = File.join(@basedir, mod) Dir.mkdir(dirname) plugins = File.join(dirname, PLUGINS) Dir.mkdir(plugins) facter = File.join(plugins, plugin) Dir.mkdir(facter) create_file(File.join(facter,"fact.rb")) end before :each do @modules = ["one","two"] Puppet::Module.stubs(:all).returns(@modules.collect{ |p| File.join(@basedir,p)} ) @modules.each { |m| create_plugin(m, "facter") } @modules.each do |p| File.stubs(:directory?).with(File.join(@basedir,p,PLUGINS)).returns(true) end @mount = Puppet::Network::Handler::FileServer::PluginMount.new(PLUGINS) @mount.allow("*") end it "should list a file within a directory when given the file path with recursion" do @mount.list("facter/fact.rb", true, "false").should == [["/", "file"], ["/", "file"]] end it "should return a merged view of all plugins for all modules" do list = @mount.list("facter",true,false) list.should == [["/", "directory"], ["/fact.rb", "file"], ["/", "directory"], ["/fact.rb", "file"]] end it "should not fail for inexistant plugins type" do lambda { @mount.list("puppet/parser",true,false) }.should_not raise_error end end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(@basedir) end end