# Tres Tres is (will be) a mobile web development framework based in Backbone.js. The idea is instead of using a bunch of jQuery plugins and whatnot, you'll build your application as you'd build a regular Backbone app: you write the markup, declare the JS classes for each view, and style everything using CSS. A good good looking theme will be provided, as well as transitions. # Roadmap 1. Standalone JS file and CSS includes. 2. Console interface, with generators for models, collections, and screens. 3. Ruby library, Rails and Sinatra interfaces. # Classes * `Tres.Device` - Will track events such as orientation change, and keep info such as width/height, supported features, etc. * `Tres.Screen` - A screen, with some features such as a fixed header/footer and momentum scrolling. * `Tres.SwipeSet` - This class wraps a set of `Tres.Screen`s and allows for swipe navigation across them. * `Tres.List` - A simple list, bindable to a `Backbone.Collection`. * `Tres.ListEntry` - Contained by `Tres.List`. You can make it clickable by adding a `click` method to it. Renders differently depending on that. * `Tres.Form` - A
wrapper class to capture data from it, and handle submitting and validations. Most likely tied to a `Backbone.Model`. Note: not likely this will generate the form from a model's attributes, since that means we need to define a schema for the model, and in which case we're replicating what Backbone.Forms does. Just go and use it instead. * `Tres.Notifier` - Displays animated notifications, clickable or not. Tentative stuff, but could be handled later by plugins. * `Tres.Map` - A Google map screen, with some helpers to ease the capture/insertion of data from it. # Development Track Things will be messy until I make final decisions on things. If you'd like to contribute or hack with this project, give me a shout and I'll help you set up the environment. Until then, this repo won't have any purpose beyond educational. # Styles As much as the philosophy is "stay out the way" and will remain so, a basic theme will be provided which uses exclusively fonts for icons and CSS3. That's in conformity with the trend of high resolution displays.