require 'fileutils' require 'securerandom' module ConfCtl::Cli class Configuration < Command DIR_MODE = 0o755 FILE_MODE = 0o644 def init dir = File.realpath(Dir.pwd) Dir.entries(dir).each do |v| raise 'init must be called in an empty directory' unless %w[. .. shell.nix .confctl .gems .gitignore].include?(v) end mkdir('cluster') mkfile('cluster/module-list.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END (import ./cluster.nix) ++ [ # Place for custom modules ] END ) end mkfile('cluster/cluster.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END # This file is generated by confctl, changes will be lost [] END ) end mkdir('configs') mkfile('configs/confctl.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END { config, ... }: { confctl = { # listColumns = { # "name" # "spin" # "host.fqdn" # }; }; } END ) end mkfile('configs/swpins.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END { config, ... }: let nixpkgsBranch = branch: { type = "git-rev"; git-rev = { url = ""; update.ref = "refs/heads/${branch}"; }; }; vpsadminosBranch = branch: { type = "git-rev"; git-rev = { url = ""; update.ref = "refs/heads/${branch}"; }; }; in { confctl.swpins.channels = { nixos-unstable = { nixpkgs = nixpkgsBranch "nixos-unstable"; }; # nixos-stable = { nixpkgs = nixpkgsBranch "nixos-20.09"; }; # vpsadminos-staging = { vpsadminos = vpsadminosBranch "staging"; }; }; } END ) end mkdir('data') mkfile('data/default.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END { lib }: { # Place to load custom data sets sshKeys = import ./ssh-keys.nix; } END ) end mkfile('data/ssh-keys.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END rec { admins = [ # someone ]; someone = "...ssh public key..."; } END ) end mkdir('environments') mkfile('environments/base.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END { config, pkgs, confData, ... }: { time.timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"; services.openssh.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim screen ]; users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = with confData.sshKeys; admins; } END ) end mkdir('modules') mkfile('modules/module-list.nix') do |f| f.puts(<<~END rec { shared = [ # Modules not dependent on spin ]; nixos = shared ++ [ # Modules only for NixOS ]; vpsadminos = shared ++ [ # Modules only for vpsAdminOS ]; } END ) end mkdir('swpins') mkdir('swpins/channels') end def add require_args!('name') name = args[0] dir = File.join('cluster', name) depth = name.count('/') raise "#{dir} already exists" if Dir.exist?(dir) mkdir_p(dir) mkfile(File.join(dir, 'module.nix')) do |f| f.puts(<<~END { config, ... }: { cluster."#{name}" = { spin = "nixos"; swpins.channels = [ "nixos-unstable" ]; host = { name = "machine"; domain = ""; }; }; } END ) end mkfile(File.join(dir, 'config.nix')) do |f| f.puts(<<~END { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ #{'../' * (depth + 2)}environments/base.nix ]; # ... standard NixOS configuration ... networking.hostName = "#{name.gsub('/', '-')}"; } END ) end rediscover end def rename require_args!('old-name', 'new-name') src = args[0] dst = args[1] src_path = File.join('cluster', src) dst_path = File.join('cluster', dst) if !Dir.exist?(src_path) raise "'#{src}' not found" elsif Dir.exist?(dst_path) raise "'#{dst}' already exists" end dst_dir = File.dirname(dst_path) mkdir_p(dst_dir) mv(src_path, dst_path) src_swpins = File.join('swpins/cluster', "#{src.gsub('/', ':')}.json") dst_swpins = File.join('swpins/cluster', "#{dst.gsub('/', ':')}.json") mv(src_swpins, dst_swpins) if File.exist?(src_swpins) rediscover end def rediscover hosts = discover_dir('cluster').sort replace_file('cluster/cluster.nix') do |f| f.puts('# This file is generated by confctl, changes will be lost') f.puts('[') hosts.each do |host| f.puts(" ./#{host}/module.nix") end f.puts(']') end end protected def discover_dir(dir_path, rel_path = nil) ret = [] Dir.entries(dir_path).each do |v| entry_abs_path = File.join(dir_path, v) next if %w[. ..].include?(v) || ! entry_rel_path = File.join(*[rel_path, v].compact) if File.exist?(File.join(entry_abs_path, 'module.nix')) \ && File.exist?(File.join(entry_abs_path, 'config.nix')) ret << entry_rel_path end ret.concat(discover_dir(entry_abs_path, entry_rel_path)) end ret end def mkdir(name) puts "mkdir #{name}" Dir.mkdir(name, DIR_MODE) end def mkdir_p(name) puts "mkdir #{name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(name, mode: DIR_MODE) end def mkfile(name) puts "mkfile #{name}" f =, 'w', FILE_MODE) yield(f) f.close end def replace_file(name, &) puts "replace #{name}" replacement = "#{name}.new-#{SecureRandom.hex(3)}", 'w', FILE_MODE, &) File.rename(replacement, name) end def mv(old_name, new_name) puts "mv #{old_name} #{new_name}" File.rename(old_name, new_name) end end end