[REVISION 20061121] [FIXED] MySQL doesn't support SQL92 'DROP CONSTRAINT SYNTAX'; use 'DROP FOREIGN KEY' instead. [REVISION 20061116] [FIXED] 'DROP FOREIGN KEY' should be 'DROP CONSTRAINT'. [REVISION 20061114] [CHANGED] Removed Column.required as it didn't handle updates correctly. Instead we now have Column.required_on which returns an appropriate event (nil, :save, :update). [REVISION 20061110] [FIXED] MySQL driver uses single AND double quotes around identifiers. [REVISION 20061028] [FIXED] Syntax error when generating schema under MySQL when a foreign key specifies both ON UPDATE and ON DELETE. [REVISION 20061024] [FIXED] Foreign key associations for key-word table-names are quoted in postgresql. [REVISION 20061011] [NEW] ActiveRecord::Base.base_class? returns true if the class is a base class; false otherwise. [REVISION 20061009] [NEW] ActiveRecord::Base.abstract_class? returns true if class name starts with 'Abstract'; false otherwise. [REVISION 20061001] [NEW] remove_foreign_key for completeness. [FIXED] MySQL barfs when attempting to drop a column that participates in a foreign key constraint. [REVISION 20060921] [FIXED] add_foreign_key doesn't support on_delete or on_update--It doesn't do anything with the options hash. [REVISION 20060919] [CHANGED] Column.unique is now derived based on the presence of Column.unique_scope (which is an empty array for single column unique indexes). [REVISION 20060915] [NEW] Unique columns contain scoping meta-data for multi-column unique indexes. The column to be marked as unique is either the last column not ending in '_id' or simply the last column. This follows the typical composite unique index column ordering where the scoping is specified first but will attempt to find the last non-foreign-key column just-in-case. Eg, both add_index :states, [:country_id, :name] and add_index :states, [:name, :country_id] would result in the name column marked as unique with a scope of [:country_id]. [REVISION 20060913] [NEW] Column.required: returns true if a column is marked as not allowing null and has no default. [REVISION 20060911] [NEW] Patch rails MysqlColumn so that empty string defaults are treated as nil when a column is marked as NOT NULL. This primarily affects schema dumps incorrectly assigning a default of 0 to numbers and '' to strings when none was originally specified. [REVISION 20060909] [CHANGED] Renamed from Foreign Key Support. [NEW] ActiveRecord::Base.indexes. [REVISION 20060906] [FIXED] :on_update with :on_delete producing invalid SQL. [REVISION 20060905] [NEW] Schema dumper outputs foreign keys when available. [NEW] Foreign-key meta-data for: PostgreSQL; and MySQL. (Still needs a bit of DRY-ing up but it works which is the first step.) [REVISION 20060901] [FIXED] Incorrect generation of ON UPDATE/ON DELETE clauses. [NEW] Support :restrict in ON UPDATE/ON DELETE clauses. [NEW] Preliminary support for querying foreign-keys in PostgreSQL. [REVISION 20060831] [NEW] Initial version.