require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Message do dataset :readers before do end it "should have a groups association" do Message.reflect_on_association(:groups).should_not be_nil end it "should normally list only the ungrouped messages" do Message.visible.count.should == 7 end describe "on validation" do before do @message = messages(:normal) @message.should be_valid end it "should require a subject" do @message.subject = nil @message.should_not be_valid @message.errors.on(:subject).should_not be_empty end it "should require a body" do @message.body = "" @message.should_not be_valid @message.errors.on(:body).should_not be_empty end end describe "with a filter" do it "should format itself" do messages(:filtered).body.should == "this is a *filtered* message" messages(:filtered).filtered_body.should == "
this is a filtered message
" end end describe "on preview" do before do @preview = messages(:taggy).preview end it "should render a fake sending" do @preview.should be_kind_of(TMail::Mail) @preview.from.should == [""] @preview.subject.should == messages(:taggy).subject end end describe "on delivery" do before do @message = messages(:normal) end describe "previously unsent" do it "should know to whom it can belong" do @message.possible_readers.count.should == Reader.count @message.active_readers.count.should == @message.inactive_readers.count.should == Reader.inactive.count end it "should report itself unsent to anyone" do @message.delivered?.should be_false end it "should report itself not sent to one of its readers" do @message.delivered_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_false end it "should report itself not sent to an unrelated reader" do @message.delivered_to?(readers(:visible)).should be_false end end describe "already sent to one reader" do before do seem_to_send(messages(:normal), readers(:normal)) end it "should report itself delivered" do @message.delivered?.should be_true end it "should know to whom it has been sent" do @message.recipients.should == [readers(:normal)] end it "should know to whom it has yet to be sent" do @message.undelivered_readers.should =~ Reader.all - @message.recipients end it "should report itself delivered to that reader" do @message.delivered_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true end it "should report itself not yet sent to other readers" do @message.delivered_to?(readers(:visible)).should be_false end end describe "with a group" do it "should report itself visible to a reader who is a group member" do messages(:grouped).visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true end it "should report itself invisible to a reader who is not a group member" do messages(:grouped).visible_to?(readers(:ungrouped)).should be_false end it "should list only group members as possible readers" do messages(:grouped).possible_readers.include?(readers(:normal)).should be_true messages(:grouped).possible_readers.include?(readers(:ungrouped)).should be_false end end describe "without a group" do it "should report itself visible to everyone" do messages(:normal).visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true messages(:normal).visible_to?(readers(:ungrouped)).should be_true end it "should list all readers as possible readers" do messages(:normal).possible_readers.include?(readers(:normal)).should be_true messages(:normal).possible_readers.include?(readers(:ungrouped)).should be_true end end end end