require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'sweetloader/class_methods' module SweetLoader class InvalidAutoloadMode < StandardError; end extend ClassMethods def include_and_extend(the_module, options={}) options[:instance_methods] ||= :InstanceMethods options[:class_methods] ||= :ClassMethods # Mainly include but be flexible main_module = const_get(the_module.to_s.to_sym) include main_module # for an extend_and_include method, change this to extend main_module include main_module.const_get(options[:instance_methods]) if main_module.const_defined?(options[:instance_methods]) extend main_module.const_get(options[:class_methods]) if main_module.const_defined?(options[:class_methods]) end def autoload_modules *args alm_options = args.extract_options! alm_options.merge!(autoload_options) if respond_to? :autoload_options root = alm_options[:root] || AutoLoader.root || '' path = root.strip.empty? ? : [root,].join('/') from = alm_options[:from] || path proc = alm_options[:mutate_path] from = if proc the_module = send(:the_module) if respond_to? :the_module the_module ||= self mode = alm_options[:mode] if AutoLoader.valid_mode? alm_options[:mode] mode ||= AutoLoader.mode logic = alm_options[:proc] if alm_options[:proc].respond_to? :call logic ||= mode_logic mode # Here also could be adding of the file in top of load_paths like: $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) # It is very useful for situations of having not load_paths built Rails or Gems way. args.each do |module_name| ruby_file = module_name.to_s.underscore module_name = module_name.to_s.camelize.to_sym require_file = SweetLoader.translate("#{from}/#{ruby_file}", alm_options), module_name, require_file) end end alias_method :autoload_module, :autoload_modules alias_method :sweetload, :autoload_modules def mode_logic mode case mode when :autoload { |the_module, module_name, require_file| the_module.send :autoload, module_name, require_file } when :require {|the_module, module_name, require_file| require require_file } else raise InvalidAutoloadMode, "Not a valid Autloader mode: #{AutoLoader.mode}, must be one of: #{AutoLoader.valid_mode}" end end def autoload_scope options = {}, &block if block_given? block.arity == 1 ? yield(self) :, options).instance_eval(&block) end end alias_method :sweetload_scope, :autoload_scope alias_method :sweet_scope, :autoload_scope end class Module include SweetLoader end # backwards (deprecated) alias AutoLoader = SweetLoader require 'sweetloader/scope' require 'sweetloader/class_ext'