module Shop module Tags module Cart include Radiant::Taggable include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper # Expand the shopping cart instance # @param [Integer] id Id of the shopping cart (ShopOrder) tag 'shop:cart' do |tag| tag.locals.shop_order = Helpers.current_order(tag) tag.expand end tag 'shop:cart:forget' do |tag|[:shop_order] = nil end # Expand if a user has started a cart desc %{ Expand if a user has started a cart } tag 'shop:cart:if_cart' do |tag| tag.expand if tag.locals.shop_order.present? end # Expand unless a user has started a cart desc %{ Expand unless a user has started a cart } tag 'shop:cart:unless_cart' do |tag| tag.expand unless tag.locals.shop_order.present? end # Expand the payment context for the cart desc %{ Expand the payment context for the cart } tag 'shop:cart:payment' do |tag| tag.expand end # Expand if the user has paid for their cart desc %{ Expand if the user has paid for their cart } tag 'shop:cart:payment:if_paid' do |tag| tag.expand if tag.locals.shop_order.payment.present? and tag.locals.shop_order.paid? end # Expand unless the user has paid for their cart desc %{ Expand unless the user has paid for their cart } tag 'shop:cart:payment:unless_paid' do |tag| tag.expand unless tag.locals.shop_order.payment.present? and tag.locals.shop_order.paid? end # Returns the date of the payment desc %{ Returns the date of the payment } tag 'shop:cart:payment:date' do |tag| tag.locals.shop_order.payment.created_at.strftime(Radiant::Config['shop.date_format']) end # Display the cart id / status [:id, :status, :quantity, :weight].each do |symbol| desc %{ outputs the #{symbol} to the cart } tag "shop:cart:#{symbol}" do |tag| tag.locals.shop_order.send(symbol) end end # Display the total price of the items in the shopping basket. desc %{ Output the total price of the items in the shopping basket. } tag 'shop:cart:price' do |tag| attr = tag.attr.symbolize_keys order = tag.locals.shop_order Helpers.currency(order.price,attr) end end end end