title: jekyll-webmaps-simple-theme author: Your name # change this to your name email: your_email@mail.com description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Web Mapping in static website baseurl: "" url: "" port: 4001 google_analytics: UA-000000000-0 # fill in your google analytic code # change this if you already installed the theme locally --> theme: jekyll-webmaps-simple-theme # remote_theme: "wslerry/jekyll-webmaps-simple-theme" theme: jekyll-webmaps-simple-theme plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-include-cache - github-pages exclude : [ "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock", "jekyll-webmaps-simple-theme.gemspec", "README.md", "LICENSE.txt", "example", ]