# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. module Buildr #:nodoc: # Mixin for test frameworks using src/spec/{lang} class TestFramework::JavaBDD < TestFramework::Java #:nodoc: class << self attr_reader :lang, :bdd_dir end attr_accessor :lang, :bdd_dir def initialize(task, options) self.bdd_dir = self.class.bdd_dir project = task.project project.task('test:compile').tap do |comp| comp.send :associate_with, project, bdd_dir self.lang = comp.language || self.class.lang end project.task('test:resources').tap do |res| res.send :associate_with, project, bdd_dir res.filter.clear project.path_to(:source, bdd_dir, :resources).tap { |dir| res.from dir if File.exist?(dir) } end super end end module TestFramework::JRubyBased extend self VERSION = '1.6.2' class << self def version Buildr.settings.build['jruby'] || VERSION end def jruby_artifact "org.jruby:jruby-complete:jar:#{version}" end def dependencies unless @dependencies @dependencies = [jruby_artifact] end @dependencies end def included(mod) mod.extend ClassMethods super end end module ClassMethods def dependencies unless @dependencies super if !RUBY_PLATFORM[/java/] && !TestFramework::JRubyBased.jruby_installed? @dependencies |= TestFramework::JRubyBased.dependencies end end @dependencies end end def run(tests, dependencies) maybe_install_jruby dependencies |= [task.compile.target.to_s] spec_dir = task.project.path_to(:source, :spec, :ruby) report_dir = task.report_to.to_s rm_rf report_dir mkdir_p report_dir ENV['CI_REPORTS'] = report_dir runner = runner_config runner.content = runner_content(binding) Buildr.write(runner.file, runner.content) rm_f runner.result if RUBY_PLATFORM[/java/] && !options.fork runtime = new_runtime runtime.getObject.java.lang.System.getProperties().putAll(options[:properties] || {}) runtime.getLoadService.require runner.file else cmd_options = task.options.only(:properties, :java_args) cmd_options.update(:classpath => dependencies, :project => task.project) jruby runner.file, tests, cmd_options rescue nil end fail "Missing result YAML file: #{runner.result}" unless File.exist? runner.result result = YAML.load(File.read(runner.result)) if Exception === result raise [result.message, result.backtrace].flatten.join("\n") end tests - result.failed end def jruby_home @jruby_home ||= RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ ? RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'] : ( ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] || File.expand_path('~/.jruby') ) end def jruby_installed? !Dir.glob(File.join(jruby_home, 'lib', 'jruby*.jar')).empty? end protected def maybe_install_jruby unless jruby_installed? jruby_artifact = Buildr.artifact(TestFramework::JRubyBased.jruby_artifact) msg = "JRUBY_HOME is not correctly set or points to an invalid JRuby installation: #{jruby_home}" puts msg puts '' puts "You need to install JRuby version #{jruby_artifact.version} using your system package manager." fail msg unless jruby_installed? end end def jruby(*args) java_args = ['org.jruby.Main', *args] java_args << {} unless Hash === args.last cmd_options = java_args.last project = cmd_options.delete(:project) cmd_options[:classpath] ||= [] if jruby_home && jruby_home != '' Dir.glob(File.join(jruby_home, 'lib', '*.jar')) { |jar| cmd_options[:classpath] << jar } cmd_options[:properties]['jruby.home'] = jruby_home end cmd_options[:java_args] ||= [] cmd_options[:java_args] << '-Xmx512m' unless cmd_options[:java_args].detect {|a| a =~ /^-Xmx/} cmd_options[:properties] ||= {} Java::Commands.java(*java_args) end def new_runtime(cfg = {}) config = Java.org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.new cfg.each_pair do |name, value| config.send("#{name}=", value) end yield config if block_given? Java.org.jruby.Ruby.newInstance config end def jruby_gem %{ require 'jruby' def JRuby.gem(name, version = '>0', *args) require 'rbconfig' jruby_home = RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'] expected_version = '#{TestFramework::JRubyBased.version}' unless JRUBY_VERSION >= expected_version fail "Expected JRuby version \#{expected_version} installed at \#{jruby_home} but got \#{JRUBY_VERSION}" end require 'rubygems' begin Kernel.send :gem, name, version rescue LoadError, Gem::LoadError => e require 'rubygems/gem_runner' args = ['install', name, '--version', version] + args Gem::GemRunner.new.run(args) Kernel.send :gem, name, version end end } end def runner_config(runner = OpenStruct.new) [:requires, :gems, :output, :format].each do |key| runner.send("#{key}=", options[key]) end runner.html_report ||= File.join(task.report_to.to_s, 'report.html') runner.result ||= task.project.path_to(:target, :spec, 'result.yaml') runner.file ||= task.project.path_to(:target, :spec, 'runner.rb') runner.requires ||= [] runner.requires.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_result') runner.gems ||= {} runner.rspec ||= %w(--format progress --format documentation) runner.format.each { |format| runner.rspec << '--format' << format } if runner.format runner.rspec.push '--format', "Buildr::TestFramework::TestResult::YamlFormatter" runner.rspec.push '-o', runner.result runner end end # RSpec is the defacto BDD framework for ruby. # To test your project with RSpec use: # test.using :rspec # # # Support the following options: # * :gems -- A hash of gems to install before running the tests. # The keys of this hash are the gem name, the value must be the required version. # * :requires -- A list of ruby files to require before running the specs # Mainly used if an rspec format needs to require some file. # * :format -- A list of valid Rspec --format option values. (defaults to 'progress') # * :output -- File path to output dump. @false@ to suppress output # * :fork -- Create a new JavaVM to run the tests on # * :properties -- Hash of properties passed to the test suite. # * :java_args -- Arguments passed to the JVM. class RSpec < TestFramework::JavaBDD @lang = :ruby @bdd_dir = :spec include TestFramework::JRubyBased TESTS_PATTERN = [ /_spec.rb$/ ] OPTIONS = [:properties, :java_args] def self.applies_to?(project) #:nodoc: !Dir[project.path_to(:source, bdd_dir, lang, '**/*_spec.rb')].empty? end def tests(dependencies) #:nodoc: Dir[task.project.path_to(:source, bdd_dir, lang, '**/*_spec.rb')].select do |name| selector = ENV['SPEC'] selector.nil? || Regexp.new(selector) === name end end def runner_config runner = super runner.gems.update 'rspec' => '~> 2.9.0' runner.requires.unshift 'rspec' runner end def runner_content(binding) runner_erb = %q{ <%= jruby_gem %> <%= dependencies.inspect %>.each { |dep| $CLASSPATH << dep } <%= runner.gems.inspect %>.each { |ary| JRuby.gem(*ary.flatten) } <%= runner.requires.inspect %>.each { |rb| Kernel.require rb } <% if runner.output == false %> output = StringIO.new <% elsif runner.output.kind_of?(String) %> output = File.open(<%= result.output.inspect %>, 'w') <% else %> output = STDOUT <% end %> parser = ::RSpec::Core::Parser.new argv = <%= runner.rspec.inspect %> || [] argv.push *<%= tests.inspect %> Buildr::TestFramework::TestResult::Error.guard('<%= runner.result %>') do ::RSpec::Core::CommandLine.new(argv).run(output, output) end exit 0 # let buildr figure the result from the yaml file } Filter::Mapper.new(:erb, binding).transform(runner_erb) end end # JBehave is a Java BDD framework. To use in your project: # test.using :jbehave # # This framework will search in your project for: # src/spec/java/**/*Behaviour.java # # JMock libraries are included on runtime. # # Support the following options: # * :properties -- Hash of properties to the test suite # * :java_args -- Arguments passed to the JVM class JBehave < TestFramework::JavaBDD @lang = :java @bdd_dir = :spec VERSION = '1.0.1' TESTS_PATTERN = [ /Behaviou?r$/ ] #:nodoc: class << self def version Buildr.settings.build['jbehave'] || VERSION end def dependencies unless @dependencies super @dependencies |= ["org.jbehave:jbehave:jar:#{version}", 'cglib:cglib-full:jar:2.0.2'] + JMock.dependencies + JUnit.dependencies end @dependencies end def applies_to?(project) #:nodoc: %w{ **/*Behaviour.java **/*Behavior.java }.any? { |glob| !Dir[project.path_to(:source, bdd_dir, lang, glob)].empty? } end end def tests(dependencies) #:nodoc: filter_classes(dependencies, :class_names => TESTS_PATTERN, :interfaces => %w{ org.jbehave.core.behaviour.Behaviours }) end def run(tests, dependencies) #:nodoc: cmd_args = ['org.jbehave.core.BehaviourRunner'] cmd_options = { :properties=>options[:properties], :java_args=>options[:java_args], :classpath=>dependencies } tests.inject([]) do |passed, test| begin Java::Commands.java cmd_args, test, cmd_options passed << test rescue passed end end end end end Buildr::TestFramework << Buildr::RSpec Buildr::TestFramework << Buildr::JBehave