## The Namba Ruby gem [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/namba.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/namba) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ZeroOneStudio/namba.png)](http://travis-ci.org/ZeroOneStudio/namba) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ZeroOneStudio/namba.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ZeroOneStudio/namba) A Ruby wrapper for the Namba API. The full API description is available [here][]. [here]: http://dev.namba.kg/api_description.php ## Installation gem install namba Or put to your `Gemfile` gem "namba" ## Usage require 'namba' Namba.configure do |config| config.username = "your_username" config.password = "secret" config.locale = :kg end n = Namba.new() Use `:net` locale if you want to access [namba.net][] API. Default value is `:kg` [namba.net]: http://www.namba.net ## Methods spread on all Namba API n.get_user_info(name) # returns specific user information n.get_user_video(name) # returns specific user's video list n.get_user_photo(name) # returns specific user's photo list n.get_friends_list(name) # returns specific user's friends list Eg.: n.get_user_info("puzanov") Leave `name` parameter blank to get information about configured user. Eg.: n.get_user_info() ## Methods dealing with personal stuff only n.set_status(text) # sets user status with `text` n.get_events # returns user's friends' events n.get_new_mail_count # returns count of unread messages n.get_last_mail # returns list of inbox messages ordered by creation date. 20 messages is maximum ## Namba gem's Rails helpers If you are using `namba` gem in your Rails app you can use some helpers in your *.erb template: ### namba_comments <%= namba_comments(component_name, component_id) %> Eg.: <%= namba_comments("tamasha", 4850) %> ### namba_share <%= namba_share(component_name, component_id) %> Eg.: <%= namba_share("kyrnet", 1) %> About `component_name` and `component_id` read more at [Namba Comments docs][] [Namba Comments docs]: http://dev.namba.kg/api_comments.php ## Licence MIT License Copyright (c) 2013 [ZERO.ONE][] [ZERO.ONE]: http://www.zeroone.st