inherit_gem: gitlab-styles: - rubocop-default.yml inherit_from: <% unless ENV['REVEAL_RUBOCOP_TODO'] == '1' %> - '.rubocop_todo.yml' <% end %> AllCops: # Target the current Ruby version. For example, "2.7" or "3.0". TargetRubyVersion: <%= RUBY_VERSION[/^\d+\.\d+/, 0] %> Exclude: - 'vendor/**/*' - 'tmp/**/*' - 'bin/**/*' # Use absolute path to avoid orphan directories with changed workspace root. CacheRootDirectory: <%= Dir.getwd %>/tmp MaxFilesInCache: 1_000_000 NewCops: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord: Enabled: false Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion: Enabled: false Gemspec/RequireMFA: Enabled: false Lint/HashCompareByIdentity: Enabled: true Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation: Enabled: true Style/ClassEqualityComparison: Enabled: true Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Enabled: false Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 18 Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 20 Rails: Enabled: false Style/ModuleFunction: Enabled: false Style/SignalException: Enabled: false Layout/LineLength: Max: 180 Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg: Enabled: false RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers: Enabled: false