require 'open3' require 'plist' module FastlaneCore class DeviceManager class << self def all(requested_os_type = "") return connected_devices(requested_os_type) + simulators(requested_os_type) end def simulators(requested_os_type = "") UI.verbose("Fetching available simulator devices") @devices = [] os_type = 'unknown' os_version = 'unknown' output = '' Open3.popen3('xcrun simctl list devices') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| output = end unless output.include?("== Devices ==") UI.error("xcrun simctl CLI broken, run `xcrun simctl list devices` and make sure it works") UI.user_error!("xcrun simctl not working.") end output.split(/\n/).each do |line| next if line =~ /^== / if line =~ /^-- / (os_type, os_version) = line.gsub(/-- (.*) --/, '\1').split else # iPad 2 (0EDE6AFC-3767-425A-9658-AAA30A60F212) (Shutdown) # iPad Air 2 (4F3B8059-03FD-4D72-99C0-6E9BBEE2A9CE) (Shutdown) (unavailable, device type profile not found) if line.include?("inch)") # For Xcode 8, where sometimes we have the # of inches in () # iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (CEF11EB3-79DF-43CB-896A-0F33916C8BDE) (Shutdown) match = line.match(/\s+([^\(]+ \(.*inch\)) \(([-0-9A-F]+)\) \(([^\(]+)\)(.*unavailable.*)?/) else match = line.match(/\s+([^\(]+) \(([-0-9A-F]+)\) \(([^\(]+)\)(.*unavailable.*)?/) end if match && !match[4] && (os_type == requested_os_type || requested_os_type == "") @devices << match[1], os_type: os_type, os_version: os_version, udid: match[2], state: match[3], is_simulator: true) end end end return @devices end def connected_devices(requested_os_type) UI.verbose("Fetching available connected devices") device_types = if requested_os_type == "tvOS" ["AppleTV"] elsif requested_os_type == "iOS" ["iPhone", "iPad", "iPod"] else [] end devices = [] # Return early if no supported devices are being searched for if device_types.count == 0 return devices end usb_devices_output = '' Open3.popen3("system_profiler SPUSBDataType -xml") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| usb_devices_output = end device_uuids = [] result = Plist.parse_xml(usb_devices_output) result[0]['_items'].each do |host_controller| # loop just incase the host system has more then 1 controller host_controller['_items'].each do |usb_device| is_supported_device = device_types.any? { |device_type| usb_device['_name'] == device_type } if is_supported_device && usb_device['serial_num'].length == 40 device_uuids.push(usb_device['serial_num']) end end end if device_uuids.count > 0 # instruments takes a little while to return so skip it if we have no devices instruments_devices_output = '' Open3.popen3("instruments -s devices") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| instruments_devices_output = end instruments_devices_output.split(/\n/).each do |instruments_device| device_uuids.each do |device_uuid| match = instruments_device.match(/(.+) \(([0-9.]+)\) \[([0-9a-f]+)\]?/) if match && match[3] == device_uuid devices << match[1], udid: match[3], os_type: requested_os_type, os_version: match[2], state: "Booted", is_simulator: false) UI.verbose("USB Device Found - \"" + match[1] + "\" (" + match[2] + ") UUID:" + match[3]) end end end end return devices end # The code below works from Xcode 7 on # def all # UI.verbose("Fetching available devices") # @devices = [] # output = '' # Open3.popen3('xcrun simctl list devices --json') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| # output = # end # begin # data = JSON.parse(output) # rescue => ex # UI.error(ex) # UI.error("xcrun simctl CLI broken, run `xcrun simctl list devices` and make sure it works") # UI.user_error!("xcrun simctl not working.") # end # data["devices"].each do |os_version, l| # l.each do |device| # next if device['availability'].include?("unavailable") # next unless os_version.include?(requested_os_type) # os = os_version.gsub(requested_os_type + " ", "").strip # @devices << device['name'], os_type: requested_os_type, os_version: os, udid: device['udid']) # end # end # return @devices # end end # Use the UDID for the given device when setting the destination # Why? Because we might get this error message # > The requested device could not be found because multiple devices matched the request. # # This happens when you have multiple simulators for a given device type / iOS combination # { platform:iOS Simulator, id:1685B071-AFB2-4DC1-BE29-8370BA4A6EBD, OS:9.0, name:iPhone 5 } # { platform:iOS Simulator, id:A141F23B-96B3-491A-8949-813B376C28A7, OS:9.0, name:iPhone 5 } # # We don't want to deal with that, so we just use the UDID class Device attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :udid attr_accessor :os_type attr_accessor :os_version attr_accessor :ios_version # Preserved for backwards compatibility attr_accessor :state attr_accessor :is_simulator def initialize(name: nil, udid: nil, os_type: nil, os_version: nil, state: nil, is_simulator: nil) = name self.udid = udid self.os_type = os_type self.os_version = os_version self.ios_version = os_version self.state = state self.is_simulator = is_simulator end def to_s end def reset UI.message("Resetting #{self}") `xcrun simctl shutdown #{self.udid}` if self.state == "Booted" `xcrun simctl erase #{self.udid}` return end end end class Simulator class << self def all return DeviceManager.simulators('iOS') end # Reset all simulators of this type def reset_all all.each(&:reset) end # Reset simulator by UDID or name and OS version # Latter is useful when combined with -destination option of xcodebuild def reset(udid: nil, name: nil, os_version: nil) match = all.detect { |device| device.udid == udid || == name && device.os_version == os_version } match.reset if match end def clear_cache @devices = nil end def launch(device) return unless device.is_simulator simulator_path = File.join(Helper.xcode_path, 'Applications', '') UI.verbose "Launching #{simulator_path} for device: #{} (#{device.udid})" Helper.backticks("open -a #{simulator_path} --args -CurrentDeviceUDID #{device.udid}", print: $verbose) end end end class SimulatorTV < Simulator class << self def all return DeviceManager.simulators('tvOS') end end end class SimulatorWatch < Simulator class << self def all return DeviceManager.simulators('watchOS') end end end end