module SmartMachine class Grids class Terminal < SmartMachine::Base def initialize(name:) config = SmartMachine.config.grids.terminal.dig(name.to_sym) raise "terminal config for #{name} not found." unless config @image = "smartmachine/terminal:#{SmartMachine.version}" @host = config.dig(:host) @frontend = config.dig(:frontend) @packages = config.dig(:packages) @username = config.dig(:username) @password = config.dig(:password) @name = name.to_s @home_dir = File.expand_path('~') @wetty = "#{@name}-wetty", host: @host, ssh_host: @name) end def installer unless system("docker image inspect #{@image}", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) puts "-----> Creating image #{@image} ... " command = [ "docker image build -t #{@image}", "--build-arg SMARTMACHINE_VERSION=#{SmartMachine.version}", "-f- #{SmartMachine.config.gem_dir}/lib/smart_machine/grids/terminal", "<<'EOF'\n#{dockerfile}EOF" ] if system(command.join(" "), out: File::NULL) puts "done" else raise "Error: Could not install image: #{@image}" end else raise "Error: Image already installed: #{@image}. Please uninstall using 'smartmachine grids terminal uninstall' and try installing again." end end def uninstaller unless system("docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' '#{@name}'", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) if system("docker image inspect #{@image}", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) puts "-----> Removing image #{@image} ... " if system("docker image rm #{@image}", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end else raise "Error: Terminal already uninstalled. Please install using 'smartmachine grids terminal install' and try uninstalling again." end else raise "Error: Terminal is currently running. Please stop the terminal using 'smartmachine grids terminal down' and try uninstalling again." end end def uper if system("docker image inspect #{@image}", [:out, :err] => File::NULL) FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{@home_dir}/machine/grids/terminal/#{@name}/backups") # Creating & Starting containers print "-----> Creating container #{@name} ... " command = [ "docker create", "--name='#{@name}'", "--env VIRTUAL_HOST=#{@host}", "--env VIRTUAL_PATH=#{@frontend}", "--env VIRTUAL_PORT=80", "--env LETSENCRYPT_HOST=#{@host}", "--env LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=#{SmartMachine.config.sysadmin_email}", "--env LETSENCRYPT_TEST=false", "--env CONTAINER_NAME='#{@name}'", "--env PACKAGES='#{@packages.join(' ')}'", "--env USERNAME=#{@username}", "--env PASSWORD=#{@password}", "--publish='2223:2223'", # TODO: Remove this published port and move it behind the reverse proxy when ready. "--volume='#{@name}-home:/home'", "--volume='#{@home_dir}/smartmachine/grids/terminal/#{@name}/backups:/root/backups'", # TODO: Do not volumize backups folder by default. Give option in the config file to decide what volume should be exposed from host to terminal. "--volume='#{@home_dir}/smartmachine/apps/containers:/mnt/smartmachine/apps/containers'", # TODO: Do not volumize containers folder by default. Give option in the config file to decide what volume should be exposed from host to terminal. "--init", "--restart='always'", "--network='nginx-network'", "#{@image}" ] if system(command.compact.join(" "), out: File::NULL) puts "done" puts "-----> Starting container #{@name} ... " if system("docker start #{@name}", out: File::NULL) puts "done" @wetty.uper else raise "Error: Could not start container: #{@name}" end else raise "Error: Could not create container: #{@name}" end else raise "Error: Could not find image: #{@image}" end end def downer # Stopping & Removing containers - in reverse order @wetty.downer print "-----> Stopping container #{@name} ... " if system("docker stop '#{@name}'", out: File::NULL) puts "done" print "-----> Removing container #{@name} ... " if system("docker rm '#{@name}'", out: File::NULL) puts "done" end end end private # openssh-server # sshd needs rsyslog to output /var/log/auth.log. # imklog module is commented in rsyslog.conf because rsyslog does not # have privileges to run it and hence throws error on startup. # # fail2ban # fail2ban needs sshd to output /var/log/auth.log. # Otherwise it cannot start the sshd jail. def dockerfile file = <<~'DOCKERFILE' ARG SMARTMACHINE_VERSION FROM smartmachine/smartengine:$SMARTMACHINE_VERSION LABEL maintainer="plainsource " RUN apt-get update && \ \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends sudo && \ \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends rsyslog openssh-server && \ mkdir -p /run/sshd && \ sed -i'.original' '/#Port 22/a Port 2223' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \ sed -i '/#AddressFamily any/a AddressFamily inet' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \ sed -i '/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/a PermitRootLogin no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \ sed -i '/imklog/s/^/#/' /etc/rsyslog.conf && \ \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends fail2ban sendmail-bin sendmail && \ cp /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local && \ cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local && \ sed -i'.original' 's/destemail = root@localhost/#destemail = root@localhost\ndestemail = %s/' /etc/fail2ban/jail.local && \ sed -i 's/action = %s(action_)s/#action = %s(action_)s\naction = %s(action_mwl)s/' /etc/fail2ban/jail.local && \ sed -i 's/port = ssh/#port = ssh\nport = 2223/' /etc/fail2ban/jail.local && \ \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends haproxy && \ mkdir -p /run/haproxy && \ mv /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.original && \ \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cmake libtool libtool-bin emacs-nox && \ mkdir -p /root/.emacs.d && \ \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends vim && \ \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \ gem install bundler -v 2.1.4 COPY haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy COPY init.el /root/.emacs.d/init.el COPY entrypoint.rb /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.rb RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.rb ENTRYPOINT ["entrypoint.rb"] EXPOSE 2223 80 STOPSIGNAL SIGUSR1 CMD ["haproxy", "-W", "-db", "-f", "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"] DOCKERFILE format(file, "sysadmin_email": SmartMachine.config.sysadmin_email, "percent": '%') end end end end