h1(#usaidwat). usaidwat Are you a Redditor? Do you use Ruby? Do you want to view the subreddits in which a particular user commonly posts? If you answered "yes" to all three of these questions, then *usaidwat* is the gem for you! h2(#install). Installation *usaidwat* can be installed via RubyGems: bc. $ gem install usaidwat h2(#usage). Usage A @usaidwat@ binary is installed with the gem. @usaidwat@ will analyze a user's last 100 comments and provide statistics. To list a Redditor's comments, use the @log@ subcommand: bc. $ usaidwat log mipadi To list a count of subreddits in which a user has posted, use the @tally@ subcommand: bc. $ usaidwat tally mipadi You will see output like the following: bc. apple 6 AskReddit 61 battlefield3 2 books 2 django 1 Games 1 nyc 1 personalfinance 1 photography 1 programming 20 redditcasual 1 wikipedia 1 worldnews 2 Which indicates that mipadi has commented in @/r/AskReddit@ 61 times (out of his last 100 comments). To see the comments for a specific subreddit, tack on that subreddit: bc. $ usaidwat log mipadi AskReddit All the comments for the given subreddit will be printed. h2(#testing). Testing Test suites can be run with RSpec and Cucumber.