# Hide/show elements dynamically according to their data-visible-if attribute. # # All elements with a data-visible-if attribute are checked on each change/focusout/click event: # For each element, the content of its data-visible-if attribute is eval'd. If the eval'd code returns true, the element is shown – otherwise it is hidden. # (The data-visible-if attributes must contain valid JavaScript code.) # # Calling conditionalVisibility() also sets up the correct initial state (shown/hidden) of each element (again according to the result of the eval'd code in its dava-visible-if attribute). # # Use $("body").conditionalVisibility() to enable the functionality for the whole document, or use a more specific selector to enable it only for some elements. # # If you want to force an update of the visibilites, use $(…).trigger("updateVisibilites"). # # Example: # #
# $.fn.conditionalVisibility = -> updateVisibilities = (event, options) -> $(this).find("[data-visible-if]").each -> if eval($(this).data("visible-if")) if options?.skipAnimations $(this).show() else $(this).slideDown(100) else if options?.skipAnimations $(this).hide() else $(this).slideUp(100) this.on("change focusout click updateVisibilities", updateVisibilities).trigger("updateVisibilities", {skipAnimations: true})