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Create a new blog post on GitHub

1. Navigate to the blog/_posts directory

2. Add a new file for your post

by clicking on the little plus-sign:

screen shot 2013-08-01 at 12 42 22 pm


The filename should follow the naming convention of the existing blog posts: 2013-month-day-blogposttitle. The file extension will determine the format used. Use .md for Markdown. Don't worry, Markdown is really easy ( Here an example:

title: Introducing inchworms
layout: post
created_at: Mon July 15 2013
permalink: blog/introducing-inchworms
current: blog
author: Anja and Carla
twitter: _tyranja_

Hej Everbody,

**We are the inchworms** and we chose that name because the coding process for us is like crawling inch by inch.

Also we like this [video](

but you don't even have to learn that: you also can just mix in html. Here is an example:

title: The beginning
layout: post
created_at: Sat July 13 2013
permalink: blog/the-beginning
current: blog
author: Anika
twitter: langziehohr
<img src="" align="middle" height="300">

Our journey has begun and we're right on track, **code island starboard ahead!**

*Since July 1st* we wrote 222 emails,<a href=""> 133 blog posts </a> have been posted by the teams, they spent more than 99 hours of coding - and this is only the beginning!

It's been now 12 days since the summer of code officially started and here are the students of 12 teams saying hello world and obviously being super happy about their Summer of Code! Thanks to everybody who made this happen &hearts;

<img src="" width="600">

4. Add the Jekyll header for the meta data

This is the header:

title: The beginning
layout: post
created_at: Sat July 13 2013
permalink: blog/the-beginning
current: blog
author: Anika
twitter: langziehohr

Of course you have to change it so it will have your name and date in it.

5. Add your blog post text 6. Save the file 7. Send a pull request

You should see that grey "pull request" button. push it, give your request a title and confirm.

screen shot 2013-07-26 at 5 31 50 pm


8. Ready! ♥

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