# JSON-LD reader/writer [JSON-LD][] reader/writer for [RDF.rb][RDF.rb] and fully conforming [JSON-LD API][] processor. Additionally this gem implements [JSON-LD Framing][]. [](https://rubygems.org/gems/json-ld) [](https://github.com/ruby-rdf/json-ld/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) [](https://coveralls.io/github/ruby-rdf/json-ld) [](https://gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter) ## Features JSON::LD parses and serializes [JSON-LD][] into [RDF][] and implements expansion, compaction and framing API interfaces. It also extracts JSON-LD from HTML. JSON::LD can now be used to create a _context_ from an RDFS/OWL definition, and optionally include a JSON-LD representation of the ontology itself. This is currently accessed through the `script/gen_context` script. * If the [jsonlint][] gem is installed, it will be used when validating an input document. * If available, uses [Nokogiri][] and/or [Nokogumbo][] for parsing HTML, falls back to REXML otherwise. * Provisional support for [JSON-LD*][JSON-LD*]. [Implementation Report](file.earl.html) Install with `gem install json-ld` ### JSON-LD Streaming Profile This gem implements an optimized streaming reader used for generating RDF from large dataset dumps formatted as JSON-LD. Such documents must correspond to the [JSON-LD Streaming Profile](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-streaming/): * Keys in JSON objects must be ordered with any of `@context`, and/or `@type` coming before any other keys, in that order. This includes aliases of those keys. It is strongly encouraged that `@id` be present, and come immediately after. * JSON-LD documents can be signaled or requested in [streaming document form](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-streaming/#dfn-streaming-document-form). The profile URI identifying the [streaming document form](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-streaming/#dfn-streaming-document-form) is `http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#streaming`. This gem also implements an optimized streaming writer used for generating JSON-LD from large repositories. Such documents result in the JSON-LD Streaming Profile: * Each statement written as a separate node in expanded/flattened form. * `RDF List`s are written as separate nodes using `rdf:first` and `rdf:rest` properties. The order of triples retrieved from the `RDF::Enumerable` dataset determines the way that JSON-LD node objects are written; for best results, statements should be ordered by _graph name_, _subect_, _predicate_ and _object_. ### MultiJson parser The [MultiJson](https://rubygems.org/gems/multi_json) gem is used for parsing JSON; this defaults to the native JSON parser, but will use a more performant parser if one is available. A specific parser can be specified by adding the `:adapter` option to any API call. See [MultiJson](https://rubygems.org/gems/multi_json) for more information. ### JSON-LD* (RDFStar) The {JSON::LD::API.toRdf} and {JSON::LD::API.fromRdf} API methods, along with the {JSON::LD::Reader} and {JSON::LD::Writer}, include provisional support for [JSON-LD*][JSON-LD*]. Internally, an `RDF::Statement` is treated as another resource, along with `RDF::URI` and `RDF::Node`, which allows an `RDF::Statement` to have a `#subject` or `#object` which is also an `RDF::Statement`. In JSON-LD, with the `rdfstar` option set, the value of `@id`, in addition to an IRI or Blank Node Identifier, can be a JSON-LD node object having exactly one property with an optional `@id`, which may also be an embedded object. (It may also have `@context` and `@index` values). { "@id": { "@context": {"foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"}, "@index": "ignored", "@id": "bob", "foaf:age" 23 }, "ex:certainty": 0.9 } **Note: This feature is subject to change or elimination as the standards process progresses.** #### Serializing a Graph containing embedded statements require 'json-ld' statement = RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('bob'), RDF::Vocab::FOAF.age, RDF::Literal(23)) graph = RDF::Graph.new << [statement, RDF::URI("ex:certainty"), RDF::Literal(0.9)] graph.dump(:jsonld, validate: false, standard_prefixes: true) # => {"@id": {"@id": "bob", "foaf:age" 23}, "ex:certainty": 0.9} Alternatively, using the {JSON::LD::API.fromRdf} method: JSON::LD::API::fromRdf(graph) # => {"@id": {"@id": "bob", "foaf:age" 23}, "ex:certainty": 0.9} #### Reading a Graph containing embedded statements By default, {JSON::LD::API.toRdf} (and {JSON::LD::Reader}) will reject a document containing a subject resource. jsonld = %({ "@id": { "@id": "bob", "foaf:age" 23 }, "ex:certainty": 0.9 }) graph = RDF::Graph.new << JSON::LD::API.toRdf(input) # => JSON::LD::JsonLdError::InvalidIdValue {JSON::LD::API.toRdf} (and {JSON::LD::Reader}) support a boolean valued `rdfstar` option; only one statement is asserted, although the reified statement is contained within the graph. graph = RDF::Graph.new do |graph| JSON::LD::Reader.new(jsonld, rdfstar: true) {|reader| graph << reader} end graph.count #=> 1 ## Examples ```ruby require 'rubygems' require 'json/ld' ``` ### Expand a Document ```ruby input = JSON.parse %({ "@context": { "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "avatar": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar" }, "name": "Manu Sporny", "homepage": "http://manu.sporny.org/", "avatar": "http://twitter.com/account/profile_image/manusporny" }) JSON::LD::API.expand(input) => [{ "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name": [{"@value"=>"Manu Sporny"}], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage": [{"@value"=>"https://manu.sporny.org/"}], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar": [{"@value": "https://twitter.com/account/profile_image/manusporny"}] }] ``` ### Compact a Document input = JSON.parse %([{ "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name": ["Manu Sporny"], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage": [{"@id": "https://manu.sporny.org/"}], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar": [{"@id": "https://twitter.com/account/profile_image/manusporny"}] }]) context = JSON.parse(%({ "@context": { "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage": {"@id": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "@type": "@id"}, "avatar": {"@id": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar", "@type": "@id"} } }))['@context'] JSON::LD::API.compact(input, context) => { "@context": { "name": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name", "homepage": {"@id": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage", "@type": "@id"}, "avatar": {"@id": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/avatar", "@type": "@id"} }, "avatar": "https://twitter.com/account/profile_image/manusporny", "homepage": "https://manu.sporny.org/", "name": "Manu Sporny" } ### Frame a Document input = JSON.parse %({ "@context": { "Book": "http://example.org/vocab#Book", "Chapter": "http://example.org/vocab#Chapter", "contains": {"@id": "http://example.org/vocab#contains", "@type": "@id"}, "creator": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator", "description": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description", "Library": "http://example.org/vocab#Library", "title": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title" }, "@graph": [{ "@id": "http://example.com/library", "@type": "Library", "contains": "http://example.org/library/the-republic" }, { "@id": "http://example.org/library/the-republic", "@type": "Book", "creator": "Plato", "title": "The Republic", "contains": "http://example.org/library/the-republic#introduction" }, { "@id": "http://example.org/library/the-republic#introduction", "@type": "Chapter", "description": "An introductory chapter on The Republic.", "title": "The Introduction" }] }) frame = JSON.parse %({ "@context": { "Book": "http://example.org/vocab#Book", "Chapter": "http://example.org/vocab#Chapter", "contains": "http://example.org/vocab#contains", "creator": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator", "description": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description", "Library": "http://example.org/vocab#Library", "title": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title" }, "@type": "Library", "contains": { "@type": "Book", "contains": { "@type": "Chapter" } } }) JSON::LD::API.frame(input, frame) => { "@context": { "Book": "http://example.org/vocab#Book", "Chapter": "http://example.org/vocab#Chapter", "contains": "http://example.org/vocab#contains", "creator": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator", "description": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description", "Library": "http://example.org/vocab#Library", "title": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title" }, "@graph": [ { "@id": "http://example.com/library", "@type": "Library", "contains": { "@id": "http://example.org/library/the-republic", "@type": "Book", "contains": { "@id": "http://example.org/library/the-republic#introduction", "@type": "Chapter", "description": "An introductory chapter on The Republic.", "title": "The Introduction" }, "creator": "Plato", "title": "The Republic" } } ] } ### Turn JSON-LD into RDF (Turtle) input = JSON.parse %({ "@context": { "": "https://manu.sporny.org/", "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" }, "@id": "http://example.org/people#joebob", "@type": "foaf:Person", "foaf:name": "Joe Bob", "foaf:nick": { "@list": [ "joe", "bob", "jaybe" ] } }) graph = RDF::Graph.new << JSON::LD::API.toRdf(input) require 'rdf/turtle' graph.dump(:ttl, prefixes: {foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"}) @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . <http://example.org/people#joebob> a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Joe Bob"; foaf:nick ("joe" "bob" "jaybe") . ### Turn RDF into JSON-LD require 'rdf/turtle' input = RDF::Graph.new << RDF::Turtle::Reader.new(%( @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . <https://manu.sporny.org/#me> a foaf:Person; foaf:knows [ a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Gregg Kellogg"]; foaf:name "Manu Sporny" . )) context = JSON.parse %({ "@context": { "": "https://manu.sporny.org/", "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" } }) compacted = nil JSON::LD::API::fromRdf(input) do |expanded| compacted = JSON::LD::API.compact(expanded, context['@context']) end compacted => [ { "@id": "_:g70265766605380", "@type": ["http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person"], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name": [{"@value": "Gregg Kellogg"}] }, { "@id": "https://manu.sporny.org/#me", "@type": ["http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person"], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows": [{"@id": "_:g70265766605380"}], "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name": [{"@value": "Manu Sporny"}] } ] ## Use a custom Document Loader In some cases, the built-in document loader {JSON::LD::API.documentLoader} is inadequate; for example, when using `http://schema.org` as a remote context, it will be re-loaded every time (however, see [json-ld-preloaded](https://rubygems.org/gems/json-ld-preloaded)). All entries into the {JSON::LD::API} accept a `:documentLoader` option, which can be used to provide an alternative method to use when loading remote documents. For example: ```ruby load_document_local = Proc.new do |url, **options, &block| if RDF::URI(url, canonicalize: true) == RDF::URI('http://schema.org/') remote_document = JSON::LD::API::RemoteDocument.new(url, File.read("etc/schema.org.jsonld")) return block_given? ? yield(remote_document) : remote_document else JSON::LD::API.documentLoader(url, options, &block) end end ``` Then, when performing something like expansion: ```ruby JSON::LD::API.expand(input, documentLoader: load_document_local) ``` ## Preloading contexts In many cases, for small documents, processing time can be dominated by loading and parsing remote contexts. In particular, a small schema.org example may need to download a large context and turn it into an internal representation, before the actual document can be expanded for processing. Using {JSON::LD::Context.add_preloaded}, an implementation can perform this loading up-front, and make it available to the processor. ```ruby ctx = JSON::LD::Context.new().parse('http://schema.org/') JSON::LD::Context.add_preloaded('http://schema.org/', ctx) ``` On lookup, URIs with an `https` prefix are normalized to `http`. A context may be serialized to Ruby to speed this process using `Context#to_rb`. When loaded, this generated file will add entries to the {JSON::LD::Context::PRELOADED}. ## RDF Reader and Writer {JSON::LD} also acts as a normal RDF reader and writer, using the standard RDF.rb reader/writer interfaces: ```ruby graph = RDF::Graph.load("etc/doap.jsonld", format: :jsonld) graph.dump(:jsonld, standard_prefixes: true) ``` `RDF::GRAPH#dump` can also take a `:context` option to use a separately defined context As JSON-LD may come from many different sources, included as an embedded script tag within an HTML document, the RDF Reader will strip input before the leading `{` or `[` and after the trailing `}` or `]`. ## Extensions from JSON-LD 1.0 This implementation is being used as a test-bed for features planned for an upcoming JSON-LD 1.1 Community release. ### Scoped Contexts A term definition can include `@context`, which is applied to values of that object. This is also used when compacting. Taken together, this allows framing to effectively include context definitions more deeply within the framed structure. { "@context": { "ex": "http://example.com/", "foo": { "@id": "ex:foo", "@type": "@vocab" "@context": { "Bar": "ex:Bar", "Baz": "ex:Baz" } } }, "foo": "Bar" } ### @id and @type maps The value of `@container` in a term definition can include `@id` or `@type`, in addition to `@set`, `@list`, `@language`, and `@index`. This allows value indexing based on either the `@id` or `@type` of associated objects. { "@context": { "@vocab": "http://example/", "idmap": {"@container": "@id"} }, "idmap": { "http://example.org/foo": {"label": "Object with @id <foo>"}, "_:bar": {"label": "Object with @id _:bar"} } } ### @graph containers and maps A term can have `@container` set to include `@graph` optionally including `@id` or `@index` and `@set`. In the first form, with `@container` set to `@graph`, the value of a property is treated as a _simple graph object_, meaning that values treated as if they were contained in an object with `@graph`, creating _named graph_ with an anonymous name. { "@context": { "@vocab": "http://example.org/", "input": {"@container": "@graph"} }, "input": { "value": "x" } } which expands to the following: [{ "http://example.org/input": [{ "@graph": [{ "http://example.org/value": [{"@value": "x"}] }] }] }] Compaction reverses this process, optionally ensuring that a single value is contained within an array of `@container` also includes `@set`: { "@context": { "@vocab": "http://example.org/", "input": {"@container": ["@graph", "@set"]} } } A graph map uses the map form already existing for `@index`, `@language`, `@type`, and `@id` where the index is either an index value or an id. { "@context": { "@vocab": "http://example.org/", "input": {"@container": ["@graph", "@index"]} }, "input": { "g1": {"value": "x"} } } treats "g1" as an index, and expands to the following: [{ "http://example.org/input": [{ "@index": "g1", "@graph": [{ "http://example.org/value": [{"@value": "x"}] }] }] }]) This can also include `@set` to ensure that, when compacting, a single value of an index will be in array form. The _id_ version is similar: { "@context": { "@vocab": "http://example.org/", "input": {"@container": ["@graph", "@id"]} }, "input": { "http://example.com/g1": {"value": "x"} } } which expands to: [{ "http://example.org/input": [{ "@id": "http://example.com/g1", "@graph": [{ "http://example.org/value": [{"@value": "x"}] }] }] }]) ### Transparent Nesting Many JSON APIs separate properties from their entities using an intermediate object. For example, a set of possible labels may be grouped under a common property: { "@context": { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "labels": "@nest", "main_label": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel"}, "other_label": {"@id": "skos:altLabel"}, "homepage": {"@id":"http://schema.org/description", "@type":"@id"} }, "@id":"http://example.org/myresource", "homepage": "http://example.org", "labels": { "main_label": "This is the main label for my resource", "other_label": "This is the other label" } } In this case, the `labels` property is semantically meaningless. Defining it as equivalent to `@nest` causes it to be ignored when expanding, making it equivalent to the following: { "@context": { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "labels": "@nest", "main_label": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel"}, "other_label": {"@id": "skos:altLabel"}, "homepage": {"@id":"http://schema.org/description", "@type":"@id"} }, "@id":"http://example.org/myresource", "homepage": "http://example.org", "main_label": "This is the main label for my resource", "other_label": "This is the other label" } Similarly, properties may be marked with "@nest": "nest-term", to cause them to be nested. Note that the `@nest` keyword can also be aliased in the context. { "@context": { "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#", "labels": "@nest", "main_label": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel", "@nest": "labels"}, "other_label": {"@id": "skos:altLabel", "@nest": "labels"}, "homepage": {"@id":"http://schema.org/description", "@type":"@id"} }, "@id":"http://example.org/myresource", "homepage": "http://example.org", "labels": { "main_label": "This is the main label for my resource", "other_label": "This is the other label" } } In this way, nesting survives round-tripping through expansion, and framed output can include nested properties. ## Sinatra/Rack support JSON-LD 1.1 describes support for the _profile_ parameter to a media type in an HTTP ACCEPT header. This allows an HTTP request to specify the format (expanded/compacted/flattened/framed) along with a reference to a context or frame to use to format the returned document. An HTTP header may be constructed as follows: GET /ordinary-json-document.json HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Accept: application/ld+json;profile="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#compacted http://conneg.example.com/context", application/ld+json This tells a server that the top priority is to return JSON-LD compacted using a context at `http://conneg.example.com/context`, and if not available, to just return any form of JSON-LD. The {JSON::LD::ContentNegotiation} class provides a [Rack][Rack] `call` method, and [Sinatra][Sinatra] `registered` class method to allow content-negotiation using such profile parameters. For example: #!/usr/bin/env rackup require 'sinatra/base' require 'json/ld' module My class Application < Sinatra::Base register JSON::LD::ContentNegotiation get '/hello' do [{ "http://example.org/input": [{ "@id": "http://example.com/g1", "@graph": [{ "http://example.org/value": [{"@value": "x"}] }] }] }]) end end end run My::Application The {JSON::LD::ContentNegotiation#call} method looks for a result which includes an object, with an acceptable `Accept` header and formats the result as JSON-LD, considering the profile parameters. This can be tested using something like the following: $ rackup config.ru $ curl -iH 'Accept: application/ld+json;profile="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#compacted http://conneg.example.com/context"' http://localhost:9292/hello See [Rack::LinkedData][] to do the same thing with an RDF Graph or Dataset as the source, rather than Ruby objects. ## Documentation Full documentation available on [RubyDoc](https://rubydoc.info/gems/json-ld/file/README.md) ## Differences from [JSON-LD API][] The specified JSON-LD API is based on a WebIDL definition implementing [Promises][] intended for use within a browser. This version implements a more Ruby-like variation of this API without the use of promises or callback arguments, preferring Ruby blocks. All API methods execute synchronously, so that the return from a method can typically be used as well as a block. Note, the API method signatures differed in versions before 1.0, in that they also had a callback parameter. And 1.0.6 has some other minor method signature differences than previous versions. This should be the only exception to the use of semantic versioning. ### Principal Classes * {JSON::LD} * {JSON::LD::API} * {JSON::LD::Compact} * {JSON::LD::Context} * {JSON::LD::Format} * {JSON::LD::Frame} * {JSON::LD::FromRDF} * {JSON::LD::Reader} * {JSON::LD::ToRDF} * {JSON::LD::Writer} ## Dependencies * [Ruby](https://ruby-lang.org/) (>= 2.4) * [RDF.rb](https://rubygems.org/gems/rdf) (~> 3.1) * [JSON](https://rubygems.org/gems/json) (>= 2.2) ## Installation The recommended installation method is via [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/). To install the latest official release of the `JSON-LD` gem, do: % [sudo] gem install json-ld ## Download To get a local working copy of the development repository, do: % git clone git://github.com/ruby-rdf/json-ld.git ## Mailing List * <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-ruby/> ## Author * [Gregg Kellogg](https://github.com/gkellogg) - <https://greggkellogg.net/> ## Contributing * Do your best to adhere to the existing coding conventions and idioms. * Don't use hard tabs, and don't leave trailing whitespace on any line. * Do document every method you add using [YARD][] annotations. Read the [tutorial][YARD-GS] or just look at the existing code for examples. * Don't touch the `json-ld.gemspec`, `VERSION` or `AUTHORS` files. If you need to change them, do so on your private branch only. * Do feel free to add yourself to the `CREDITS` file and the corresponding list in the the `README`. Alphabetical order applies. * Do note that in order for us to merge any non-trivial changes (as a rule of thumb, additions larger than about 15 lines of code), we need an explicit [public domain dedication][PDD] on record from you, which you will be asked to agree to on the first commit to a repo within the organization. Note that the agreement applies to all repos in the [Ruby RDF](https://github.com/ruby-rdf/) organization. License ------- This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see <https://unlicense.org/> or the accompanying {file:UNLICENSE} file. [Ruby]: https://ruby-lang.org/ [RDF]: https://www.w3.org/RDF/ [YARD]: https://yardoc.org/ [YARD-GS]: https://rubydoc.info/docs/yard/file/docs/GettingStarted.md [PDD]: https://unlicense.org/#unlicensing-contributions [RDF.rb]: https://rubygems.org/gems/rdf [JSON-LD*]: https://json-ld.github.io/json-ld-star/ [Rack::LinkedData]: https://rubygems.org/gems/rack-linkeddata [Backports]: https://rubygems.org/gems/backports [JSON-LD]: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/ "JSON-LD 1.1" [JSON-LD API]: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-api/ "JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API" [JSON-LD Framing]: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-framing/ "JSON-LD Framing 1.1" [Promises]: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#promises [jsonlint]: https://rubygems.org/gems/jsonlint [Sinatra]: https://www.sinatrarb.com/ [Rack]: https://rack.github.com/