Module: Doing::Color

Extended by:
Included in:
Color, Item, Prompt, TemplateExport, TemplateString, WWID, String
Defined in:


Terminal output color functions.

Constant Summary collapse


All available color names. Available as methods and string extensions.


Use a color as a method. Color reset will be added to end of string.

Color.yellow('This text is yellow') => "\e[33mThis text is yellow\e[0m"

Use a color as a string extension. Color reset added automatically.

'This text is green'.green => "\e[1;32mThis text is green\e[0m"

Send a text string as a color

Color.send('red') => "\e[31m"
  [:clear,               0], # String#clear is already used to empty string in Ruby 1.9
  [:reset,               0], # synonym for :clear
  [:bold,                1],
  [:dark,                2],
  [:italic,              3], # not widely implemented
  [:underline,           4],
  [:underscore,          4], # synonym for :underline
  [:blink,               5],
  [:rapid_blink,         6], # not widely implemented
  [:negative,            7], # no reverse because of String#reverse
  [:concealed,           8],
  [:strikethrough,       9], # not widely implemented
  [:strike,              9], # not widely implemented
  [:black,              30],
  [:red,                31],
  [:green,              32],
  [:yellow,             33],
  [:blue,               34],
  [:magenta,            35],
  [:purple,             35],
  [:cyan,               36],
  [:white,              37],
  [:bgblack,            40],
  [:bgred,              41],
  [:bggreen,            42],
  [:bgyellow,           43],
  [:bgblue,             44],
  [:bgmagenta,          45],
  [:bgpurple,           45],
  [:bgcyan,             46],
  [:bgwhite,            47],
  [:boldblack,          90],
  [:boldred,            91],
  [:boldgreen,          92],
  [:boldyellow,         93],
  [:boldblue,           94],
  [:boldmagenta,        95],
  [:boldpurple,         95],
  [:boldcyan,           96],
  [:boldwhite,          97],
  [:boldbgblack,       100],
  [:boldbgred,         101],
  [:boldbggreen,       102],
  [:boldbgyellow,      103],
  [:boldbgblue,        104],
  [:boldbgmagenta,     105],
  [:boldbgpurple,      105],
  [:boldbgcyan,        106],
  [:boldbgwhite,       107],
  [:softpurple,  '0;35;40'],
  [:hotpants,    '7;34;40'],
  [:knightrider, '7;30;40'],
  [:flamingo,    '7;31;47'],
  [:yeller,      '1;37;43'],
  [:whiteboard,  '1;30;47'],
  [:chalkboard,  '1;37;40'],
  [:led,         '0;32;40'],
  [:redacted,    '0;30;40'],
  [:alert,       '1;31;43'],
  [:error,       '1;37;41'],
  [:default, '0;39']

Regular expression that is used to scan for ANSI-sequences while uncoloring strings.


Class Attribute Summary collapse

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Class Attribute Details


Enables colored output


Turn color on or off based on TTY

Doing::Color.coloring = STDOUT.isatty

Class Method Details


Returns true if the coloring function of this module is switched on, false otherwise.


  • (Boolean)

.template(input) ⇒ String

Convert a template string to a colored string. Colors are specified with single letters inside curly braces. Uppercase changes background color.

w: white, k: black, g: green, l: blue, y: yellow, c: cyan, m: magenta, r: red, b: bold, u: underline, i: italic, x: reset (remove background, color, emphasis)


Convert a templated string

Color.template('{Rwb}Warning:{x} {w}you look a little {g}ill{x}')


  • input (String, Array)

    The template string. If this is an array, the elements will be joined with a space.


  • (String)

    Colorized string

Instance Method Details


Returns an array of all Doing::Color attributes as symbols.

#support?(feature) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if Doing::Color supports the +feature+.

The feature :clear, that is mixing the clear color attribute into String, is only supported on ruby implementations, that do not already implement the String#clear method. It's better to use the reset color attribute instead.


  • (Boolean)

#uncolor(string = nil) ⇒ Object

Returns an uncolored version of the string, that is all ANSI-sequences are stripped from the string.