# = Multidimensional Minimization
# This chapter describes routines for finding minima of arbitrary
# multidimensional functions. The library provides low level components for a
# variety of iterative minimizers and convergence tests. These can be combined
# by the user to achieve the desired solution, while providing full access to
# the intermediate steps of the algorithms. Each class of methods uses the
# same framework, so that you can switch between minimizers at runtime without
# needing to recompile your program. Each instance of a minimizer keeps track
# of its own state, allowing the minimizers to be used in multi-threaded
# programs.
# Contents:
# 1. {Overview}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#1]
# 1. {Caveats}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#2]
# 1. {Initializing the Multidimensional Minimizer}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#3]
# 1. {Providing a function to minimize}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#4]
# 1. {Iteration}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#5]
# 1. {Stopping Criteria}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#6]
# 1. {Examples}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#7]
# 1. {FdfMinimizer}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#7.1]
# 1. {FMinimizer}[link:files/rdoc/multimin_rdoc.html#7.2]
# == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Overview
# The problem of multidimensional minimization requires finding a point x such
# that the scalar function, takes a value which is lower than at any neighboring
# point. For smooth functions the gradient g = \nabla f vanishes at the minimum.
# In general there are no bracketing methods available for the minimization of
# n-dimensional functions. The algorithms proceed from an initial guess using a
# search algorithm which attempts to move in a downhill direction.
# Algorithms making use of the gradient of the function perform a
# one-dimensional line minimisation along this direction until the lowest point
# is found to a suitable tolerance. The search direction is then updated with
# local information from the function and its derivatives, and the whole process
# repeated until the true n-dimensional minimum is found.
# The Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm applies a different strategy. It maintains
# n+1 trial parameter vectors as the vertices of a n-dimensional simplex.
# In each iteration step it tries to improve the worst vertex by a simple
# geometrical transformation until the size of the simplex falls below a given
# tolerance.
# Both types of algorithms use a standard framework. The user provides a
# high-level driver for the algorithms, and the library provides the individual
# functions necessary for each of the steps. There are three main phases of the
# iteration. The steps are,
# * initialize minimizer state, s, for algorithm T
# * update s using the iteration T
# * test s for convergence, and repeat iteration if necessary
# Each iteration step consists either of an improvement to the line-minimisation
# in the current direction or an update to the search direction itself. The
# state for the minimizers is held in a GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer or
# a GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer object.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Caveats
# Note that the minimization algorithms can only search for one local minimum
# at a time. When there are several local minima in the search area, the first
# minimum to be found will be returned; however it is difficult to predict which
# of the minima this will be. In most cases, no error will be reported if you
# try to find a local minimum in an area where there is more than one.
# It is also important to note that the minimization algorithms find local
# minima; there is no way to determine whether a minimum is a global minimum of
# the function in question.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Initializing the Multidimensional Minimizer
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer.alloc(type, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer.alloc(type, n)
# These method create a minimizer of type type for an n-dimension function.
# The type is given by a string, or by a Ruby constant.
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer::CONJUGATE_FR or "conjugate_fr"
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer::CONJUGATE_PR or "conjugate_pr"
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer::VECTOR_BFGS or "vector_bfgs"
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer::VECTOR_BFGS2 or "vector_bfgs2" (GSL-1.9 or later)
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer::STEEPEST_DESCENT or "steepest_descent"
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer::NMSIMPLEX or "nmsimplex"
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer::NMSIMPLEX2RAND or "nmsimplex2rand" (GSL-1.13)
# ex:
# include GSL::MultiMin
# m1 = FdfMinimizer.alloc(FdfMinimizer::CONJUGATE_FR, 2)
# m2 = FdfMinimizer.alloc("steepest_descent", 4)
# m3 = FMinimizer.alloc(FMinimizer::NMSIMPLEX, 3)
# m4 = FMinimizer.alloc("nmsimplex", 2)
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#set(func, x, step_size, tol)
# This method initializes the minimizer self to minimize the function
# fdf (the GSL::MultiMin::Function_fdf class, see below) starting from
# the initial point x (GSL::Vector). The size of the first trial step is
# given by step_size (Vector). The accuracy of the line minimization is
# specified by tol.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer#set(func, x, step_size)
# This method initializes the minimizer self to minimize the function func,
# starting from the initial point x (Vector). The size of the initial trial steps
# is given in vector step_size.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#name
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer#name
# These return the name of the minimizer self.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Providing a function to minimize
# You must provide a parametric function of n variables for the minimizers to
# operate on. You may also need to provide a routine which calculates the gradient of the
# function. In order to allow for general parameters the functions are defined by the
# classes, GSL::MultiMin::Function_fdf and GSL::MultiMin::Function.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function_fdf.alloc(proc_f, proc_df, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function_fdf.alloc(proc_f, proc_df, proc_fdf, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function_fdf#set_procs(proc_f, proc_df)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function_fdf#set_procs(proc_f, proc_df, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function_fdf#set_procs(proc_f, proc_df, proc_fdf, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function_fdf#set_params(params)
# See example below.
# include GSL::MultiMin
# my_f = Proc.new { |v, params|
# x = v[0]; y = v[1]
# p0 = params[0]; p1 = params[1]
# 10.0*(x - p0)*(x - p0) + 20.0*(y - p1)*(y - p1) + 30.0
# }
# my_df = Proc.new { |v, params, df|
# x = v[0]; y = v[1]
# p0 = params[0]; p1 = params[1]
# df[0] = 20.0*(x-p0)
# df[1] = 40.0*(y-p1)
# }
# my_func = Function_fdf.alloc(my_f, my_df, 2)
# my_func.set_params([1.0, 2.0]) # parameters
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function.alloc(proc_f, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function#set_proc(proc_f)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function#set_proc(proc_f, n)
# * GSL::MultiMin:Function#set_params(params)
# See example below.
# include GSL::MultiMin
# np = 2
# my_f = Proc.alloc { |v, params|
# x = v[0]; y = v[1]
# p0 = params[0]; p1 = params[1]
# 10.0*(x - p0)*(x - p0) + 20.0*(y - p1)*(y - p1) + 30.0
# }
# my_func = Function.alloc(my_f, np)
# my_func.set_params([1.0, 2.0]) # parameters
# == {}[link:index.html"name="5] Iteration
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#iterate
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer#iterate
# These methods perform a single iteration of the minimizer self.
# If the iteration encounters an unexpected problem then an error code will be returned.
# The minimizer maintains a current best estimate of the minimum at all times.
# This information can be accessed with the following methods,
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#x
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#minimum
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#gradient
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer#x
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer#minimum
# * GSL::MultiMin::FMinimizer#size
# These method return the current best estimate of the location of the minimum,
# the value of the function at that point, its gradient, and minimizer specific
# characteristic size for the minimizer self.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#restart
# This method resets the minimizer self to use the current point as a new
# starting point.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="6] Stopping Criteria
# A minimization procedure should stop when one of the following conditions is true:
# * A minimum has been found to within the user-specified precision.
# * A user-specified maximum number of iterations has been reached.
# * An error has occurred.
# The handling of these conditions is under user control. The methods below allow the
# user to test the precision of the current result.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#test_gradient(epsabs)
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer.test_gradient(g, epsabs)
# These method test the norm of the gradient g against the absolute tolerance
# epsabs. The gradient of a multidimensional function goes to zero at a minimum.
# The tests return GSL::SUCCESS if the following condition is achieved,
# |g| < epsabs
# and returns GSL::CONTINUE otherwise. A suitable choice of epsabs can
# be made from the desired accuracy in the function for small variations in x.
# The relationship between these quantities is given by \delta f = g \delta x.
# ---
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer#test_size(epsabs)
# * GSL::MultiMin::FdfMinimizer.test_size(size, epsabs)
# These method test the minimizer specific characteristic size
# (if applicable to the used minimizer) against absolute tolerance epsabs.
# The tests return (GSL::SUCCESS if the size is smaller than tolerance,
# otherwise GSL::CONTINUE is returned.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="7] Examples
# === {}[link:index.html"name="7.1] FdfMinimizer
# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require("gsl")
# include GSL::MultiMin
# my_f = Proc.new { |v, params|
# x = v[0]; y = v[1]
# p0 = params[0]; p1 = params[1]
# 10.0*(x - p0)*(x - p0) + 20.0*(y - p1)*(y - p1) + 30.0
# }
# my_df = Proc.new { |v, params, df|
# x = v[0]; y = v[1]
# p0 = params[0]; p1 = params[1]
# df[0] = 20.0*(x-p0)
# df[1] = 40.0*(y-p1)
# }
# my_func = Function_fdf.alloc(my_f, my_df, 2)
# my_func.set_params([1.0, 2.0]) # parameters
# x = Vector.alloc(5.0, 7.0) # starting point
# minimizer = FdfMinimizer.alloc("conjugate_fr", 2)
# minimizer.set(my_func, x, 0.01, 1e-4)
# iter = 0
# begin
# iter += 1
# status = minimizer.iterate()
# status = minimizer.test_gradient(1e-3)
# if status == GSL::SUCCESS
# puts("Minimum found at")
# end
# x = minimizer.x
# f = minimizer.f
# printf("%5d %.5f %.5f %10.5f\n", iter, x[0], x[1], f)
# end while status == GSL::CONTINUE and iter < 100
# === {}[link:index.html"name="7.2] FMinimizer
# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require("gsl")
# include GSL::MultiMin
# np = 2
# my_f = Proc.new { |v, params|
# x = v[0]; y = v[1]
# p0 = params[0]; p1 = params[1]
# 10.0*(x - p0)*(x - p0) + 20.0*(y - p1)*(y - p1) + 30.0
# }
# my_func = Function.alloc(my_f, np)
# my_func.set_params([1.0, 2.0]) # parameters
# x = Vector.alloc([5, 7])
# ss = Vector.alloc(np)
# ss.set_all(1.0)
# minimizer = FMinimizer.alloc("nmsimplex", np)
# minimizer.set(my_func, x, ss)
# iter = 0
# begin
# iter += 1
# status = minimizer.iterate()
# status = minimizer.test_size(1e-2)
# if status == GSL::SUCCESS
# puts("converged to minimum at")
# end
# x = minimizer.x
# printf("%5d ", iter);
# for i in 0...np do
# printf("%10.3e ", x[i])
# end
# printf("f() = %7.3f size = %.3f\n", minimizer.fval, minimizer.size);
# end while status == GSL::CONTINUE and iter < 100
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