# edl_version_version 1.1, sensible cinema v0.34.4 # comments can go be created by placing text after a # on any line, for example this one. "name" => "Hugo", "mutes" => [ "0:11:24.12" , "0:11:26.69", "profanity", "deity", "Oh, my [vain use]! I'm so sorry.", "0:52:22.65" , "0:52:25.49", "profanity", "idiot", "What an [idiot], to think I could fix it.", ], "blank_outs" => [ # an example line, uncomment the leading "#" to make it active # "00:03:00.0" , "00:04:00.0", "violence", "of some sort", ], "source" => "dvd", "volume_name" => "HUGO", "timestamps_relative_to" => ["dvd_start_offset","29.97"], "disk_unique_id" => "c377ac1f|bc053c01", "dvd_title_track" => "48", "dvd_title_track_length" => 7574.166, "dvd_start_offset" => 0.28, "dvd_nav_packet_offset" => [0.5, 0.735254], # "not edited out stuff" => "some...", # "closing thoughts" => "only ...", # "subtitles_to_display_relative_path" => "some_file.srt" # if you want to display some custom subtitles alongside your movie #Also add these lines at the bottom of the EDL (for later coordination): "beginning_subtitle" => ["Good morning. Hello.", "2:22.38"], "ending_subtitle_entry" => ["Maybe it's time to try and remember.", "1:33:49.6"],