rio.Clipboard = { /* Only call copy on the platform specific keydown event scenario. Mac: CMD + c Win: CTRL + c */ copy: function(val, afterCopy) { if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { this.copyToClipboardForWebKit(val); afterCopy.defer(); return; } var clipboard = this.html(); clipboard.value = val; clipboard.setSelectionRange(0, clipboard.value.length); clipboard.focus(); var keyObserver = function(e) { clipboard.stopObserving("keyup"); clipboard.stopObserving("keydown"); clipboard.stopObserving("keypress"); afterCopy.defer(); }.bindAsEventListener(this); clipboard.observe("keyup", keyObserver); clipboard.observe("keydown", keyObserver); clipboard.observe("keypress", keyObserver); }, copyToClipboardForWebKit: function(textToCopy) { var clipDoc = this.clipboardDoc(); // Get the clipboard container (input box) and set its contents var container = clipDoc.getElementById("clipContainer"); container.value = textToCopy; // Focus/Select the container containing the text to copy container.focus();; clipDoc.execCommand("copy", false, ""); }, clipboardDoc: function() { if (!this._clipFrame) { this._clipFrame = rio.Tag.iframe("", { style: "position: absolute; top: -1000px" }); Element.body().insert(this._clipFrame); // Insert an input box and switch it to design mode var clipDoc = this._clipFrame.contentDocument; clipDoc.body.innerHTML = "<textarea id='clipContainer'/>"; clipDoc.designMode = "On"; clipDoc.body.contentEditable = true; } return this._clipFrame.contentDocument; }, paste: function(callback) { var clipboard = this.html(); clipboard.value = ""; clipboard.focus(); var keyObserver = function() { clipboard.stopObserving("keyup"); clipboard.stopObserving("keydown"); clipboard.stopObserving("keypress"); (function() { callback(clipboard.value); }).defer(); }; clipboard.observe("keyup", keyObserver); clipboard.observe("keydown", keyObserver); clipboard.observe("keypress", keyObserver); }, html: function() { if (!this._html) { this._html = rio.Tag.textarea(""); Element.body().insert(rio.Tag.div(this._html, { style: "position: absolute; top: -10px; overflow: hidden; height:1px;" })); } return this._html; } };