require 'savon-multipart' describe Savon::Multipart::Response do let(:header) {{ "Content-Type" => 'multipart/related; boundary="--==_mimepart_4d416ae62fd32_201a8043814c4724"; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"' }} let(:body) { } let(:response) { soap_response(:headers => header, :body => body) } def soap_response(options = {}) defaults = { :code => 200, :headers => {}, :body => "" } response = defaults.merge options globals = { :multipart => true, :raise_errors => true, :convert_response_tags_to => lambda { |tag| tag.snakecase.to_sym} } http =[:code], response[:headers], response[:body]), globals, {}) end context "multipart" do let(:path) { File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/response/multipart.txt", __FILE__) } it "parses without Exception" do expect(response.xml.strip).to eq('20110127135358111111111115.3.0messagingADM1111111111111111Personal2011-01-28T13:53:58ZfalsefalseNormalTest MMS via SavonSender') expect( eq(2) expect([1].parts.length).to eq(3) expect([1].parts[2].body.decoded.strip).to eq("This is a test message from Github") end it "returns the attachments" do expect(response.attachments.size).to eq(1) end it "only parses the SOAP body once" do Mail::Part.stub(:new).and_return(double(Mail::Part).as_null_object) expect(Mail::Part).to receive(:new).exactly(1).times 5.times { response.attachments } end end context "simple multipart" do let(:path) { File.expand_path('../../../fixtures/response/simple_multipart.txt', __FILE__) } it "returns a String from the #xml method" do expect(response.xml.class).to eq(String) end it "returns a Hash from the #body method" do expect(response.body.class).to eq(Hash) expect(response.body).to eq({:submit_req => true}) end end context "not multipart" do let(:path) { File.expand_path('../../../fixtures/response/not_multipart.txt', __FILE__) } let(:header) { { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8'} } it "parses soap messages without attachments too" do expect(response.xml.chomp).to eq('20110127135358111111111115.3.0messagingADM1111111111111111Personal2011-01-28T13:53:58ZfalsefalseNormalTest MMS via SavonSender') expect( eq(0) expect(response.attachments.size).to eq(0) end end context "soap errors" do let(:path) { File.expand_path('../../../fixtures/response/soap_fault.txt', __FILE__) } it "handles them correctly" do expect { response }.to raise_error(Savon::SOAPFault, /The service cannot be found/) end end end