## Bookshop 0.1.8 ##
### Bug Fixes ###
* Fixed #60 which was outputting filename with single quotes around it
## Bookshop 0.1.7 ##
### Features ###
* Moved third-party binaries (kindlegen, epubcheck.jar, zip-info) into gem /bin path so they are referenced from within the bookshop gem and do not need to be duplicated within each new book project
## Bookshop 0.1.6 ##
### Features ###
* Added new build command, 'bookshop build all' which builds all formats
* Added aruba/cucumber tests for new build command
### Bug Fixes ###
* Fixed bug with Kindle needing cover.html removed from manifest
* Fixed issue #50 where bookshop -v failed
## Bookshop 0.1.5 ##
### Features ###
* Edited eBooks for greater compatibility with device standards
* Added stout to Cuke features so the output is viewable during tests
### Bug Fixes ###
* Issue #48 fixed so that previous build is cleaned up before new one is built
* Added new cucumber feature to test that previous builds are cleaned up
* Issue #47 fixed so ePub on iPad is displaying correctly
## Bookshop 0.1.4 ##
### Features ###
* Added zip functionality to windows for building epub and mobi
* Added new error handling (thanks to Stratos Voukelatos) - issue #7
* Refactoring of Build.rb (thanks to Stratos Voukelatos) - issue #38
## Bookshop 0.1.3 ##
### Features ###
* Added 'bookshop build mobi' for kindle support
* Added Kindlegen for building mobi files from epub
* Added EpubCheck libraries and functionality to validate epub builds
* Added new verbose output for PrinceXML
### Documentation ###
* Added new kindle build documentation to install wiki and README
## Bookshop 0.1.2 ##
### Bug Fixes ###
* Fixed bug causing 'build pdf' to generate html files into the builds/html dir
### Documentation ###
* Updated with new platform specific setup link
* Reworked tutorial with additional functionality
## Bookshop 0.1.1 ##
### Features ###
* Added epub build (which was left out in previous release, but meant to be a part of the 0.1.0 release)
## Bookshop 0.1.0 ##
### Features ###
* Moved from wkhtmltopdf to PrinceXML
* Restructed book example generation with front/body/backmatter folders
* Reformatted CSS back to original boom.css
* Updated cucumber testing features
* dropped PDFKit since no longer using wkhtmltopdf
* dropped config/toc.yml
### Documentation ###
* Updated README for PrinceXML
## Bookshop 0.0.22 ##
### Features ###
* Added a javascript folder to house javascript files
* Moved all css/images/js into an assets folder
* Created a Contributors file to list devs on project
## Bookshop 0.0.21 ##
(0.0.20 was skipped due to a bad gem push)
### Features ###
* Added PDFKit integration which adds ability to pass wkhtmltopdf options via tags in the html (e.g. )
### Documentation ###
* Updated README with instructions for passing wkhtmltopdf options via html meta tags
* Added new website http://blueheadpublishing.github.com/bookshop/ using the gh-pages branch - which is then hosted on the git pages site
* Created the example book which serves as the test book for the cucumber tests, and as an example for users to see how to code their books.
## Bookshop 0.0.19 ##
### Testing ###
* This release incorporates a new testing suite.
* I've added Aruba and Cucumber to create acceptance tests for the basic features of bookshop. This does not currently include any unit testing. I will be adding unit tests in a future release. Hopefully these basic acceptance tests will provide some essence of stability considering my recent cowboy coding. -)
## Bookshop 0.0.18 ##
### Features ###
* Added @output variable for use in ERB source files so conditionals can be used to define custom layouts based upon the type of output being built (e.g. html, pdf, etc)
* Abstracted the book-to-yaml class into it's own class under */commands/yaml/book.rb
### Documentation
* Edited the example book to demonstrate use of "output" conditionals in ERB source files.
* Added documentation in README's to show use of "output" conditionals in ERB source
## Bookshop 0.0.17 ##
### Features ###
* Added config/book.yml, providing a data structure for elements accessible within the book/ source files.
* Added 'current date' to the end of the generated filename of builds.
### Clean-up ###
* Removed Template Generator for now, this has become part of the 0.2.0 milestone
## Bookshop 0.0.16 ##
### Features ###
* Added importing <%= import(your_source_file.html.erb) %> functionality for ERB source files, providing subtemplating, allowing for cleaner code layouts.
### Documentation ###
* Edited the example book which is generated with 'bookshop new'. The new layout demonstrates how to utilize the <%= import(your_source_file.html.erb) %> for including sub-files.
* Removed 'Tools' subfolder including Kindlegen and Epubcheck - I will include them in a future release. But removed for now to save bandwidth and reduce gem size.
* Made 'book/' the assumed directory for source in 'bookshop build' command and removed 'book/' prefix in all of the layout imports
## Bookshop 0.0.15 ##
### Features ###
* Added ERB functionality to the book source
## Bookshop 0.0.14 ##
* Moved repository to blueheadpublishing and modified gem source to update all links
### Features ###
* Added CHANGELOG into project template to provide users with a best-practices in documenting version changes
## Bookshop 0.0.13 ##
### Bug fixes ###
* Fixed build pdf command so it doesn't try to build epub
## Bookshop 0.0.12 ##
### Doc fixes ###
* Added new post-install message to alert users to install wkhtmltopdf
* Removed old POST_INSTALL file
## Bookshop 0.0.11 ##
### Complete rewrite ###
* Switched from docbook toolchain to html/css/javascript toolchain
* Removed all XML/XSLT/FOP dependencies since no longer using docbook
* Added wkhtmltopdf as the html-to-pdf processor
* Added Boom(.css) microformat to replace structural markup previously available via docbook
* Moved copyright to BlueHead Inc
## Bookshop 0.0.4 ##
### Core Changes ###
* Added new mobi build
* Branding around World Uniting Press
* Added epubcheck for epub validations, v1.2
* Added kindlegen for generating mobi
## Bookshop 0.0.3 ##
### Core Changes ###
* Added Java toolsets, including all necessary .jars for working with Docbook and bookshop
* Updated documentation to include information on how to setup java tools and Classpaths on various systems
* Application Generator now has dynamically generated dates and content
* Added epub build command
* Added pdf build command
* Significant rework of Command Line Interface and 'help' dialogues
* Bookshop Bug Fixes
(none as this was a substantial rework)