require 'listen' Thread.abort_on_exception = true # This class will watch a directory and alert you of # new files, modified files, deleted files. # # Now uses the Listen gem, but spawns its own thread on top. # We should probably be accessing the Listen thread directly. # # Author: Alex Chaffee # module Rerun class Watcher InvalidDirectoryError = #def self.default_ignore # :_default_ignore_patterns #end attr_reader :directory, :pattern, :priority # Create a file system watcher. Start it by calling #start. # # @param options[:directory] the directory to watch (default ".") # @param options[:pattern] the glob pattern to search under the watched directory (default "**/*") # @param options[:priority] the priority of the watcher thread (default 0) # def initialize(options = {}, &client_callback) @client_callback = client_callback options = { :directory => ".", :pattern => "**/*", :priority => 0, }.merge(options) @pattern = options[:pattern] @directories = options[:directory] @directories = sanitize_dirs(@directories) @priority = options[:priority] @ignore = [options[:ignore]].flatten.compact @thread = nil end def sanitize_dirs(dirs) dirs = [*dirs] do |d| d.chomp!("/") unless FileTest.exists?(d) && FileTest.readable?(d) && raise InvalidDirectoryError, "Directory '#{d}' either doesnt exist or isn't readable" end File.expand_path(d) end end def start if @thread then raise RuntimeError, "already started" end @thread = do @listener =*@directories, only: watching, ignore: ignoring, wait_for_delay: 1) do |modified, added, removed| if((modified.size + added.size + removed.size) > 0) => modified, :added => added, :removed => removed) end end @listener.start end @thread.priority = @priority sleep 0.1 until @listener at_exit { stop } # try really hard to clean up after ourselves end def watching end def ignoring # todo: --no-ignore-dotfiles dotfiles = /^\.[^.]/ # at beginning of string, a real dot followed by any other character [dotfiles] + { |x| } end def adapter @listener.registry[:adapter] || (timeout(4) do sleep 1 until adapter = @listener.registry[:adapter] adapter end) end # kill the file watcher thread def stop @thread.wakeup rescue ThreadError begin @listener.stop rescue Exception => e puts "#{e.class}: #{e.message} stopping listener" end @thread.kill rescue ThreadError end # wait for the file watcher to finish def join @thread.join if @thread rescue Interrupt => e # don't care end def pause @listener.pause if @listener end def unpause @listener.unpause if @listener end def running? @listener && @listener.instance_variable_get(:@adapter) end end end